hitting a personal best. One more week left on this program.
But there is a "wrong" way to bench press. And I cover that in this article -
liked by over 237 people - called, "10 exercises to STOP doing"
=> http://www.ttfatloss.com/abdominal-exercises/10-exercises-to-stop/
Then follow that up with this strange interview...the best exercises for
body parts. Me and Jason Ferruggia
=> http://www.ttfatloss.com/workouts/best-body-part-exercises/
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Help others. Add value to someone's life. Do you really think you couldn't
build successful relationships with others by being the most helpful,
giving, and caring person you can be? It's so easy. Just help as many people
as you can. Start today.
And today's Independene Tip:
Apply true focus to what you do best. – Frank McKinney
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Tell the kids to grab this for Father's Day
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