Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Daisy Parade and Dad Cant Deadlift

I suffered an embarrassing injury this weekend.

On Sunday afternoon I banged my arm on the fridge door, and managed to do so right in a spot that caused a lot of pain and tightness in my forearm. That meant modifying my Monday deadlift session.

And the funny part is that I had forced myself to rest all day Sunday so that I would be fresh for the training session.

Oh well.

Monday's workout looked like this...

1a) Deadlift - abandoned this after two warmup sets
1b) Mobility

2a) Safety Bar Squat
2b) Squat Jump

3a) Front Squat - Worked up to 185x3
3b) Glute-Ham Raise

It was a good workout, just not what I expected. 

Meanwhile... on Sunday, Daisy dressed up for the parade... but she didn't go... opting for a few visits to the dog park instead.

PS - Great quote for you today

Extreme productivity depends on:

  • Control of self (i.e. teaching your subconscious to do the work while you sleep).
  • Control of environment-working conditions (eliminating temptations).
  • Control of others (don't let people distract you).
  • Control of time/priorities (script your day and don't let it get away).
  • Control what you can and concentrate on what counts.