Saturday, November 15, 2008

7 Day Weight Loss Routine

Well winter made it's first "real" appearance today. But in true Canadian form, Bally the Dog and I went to the dog park for a hike as soon as the snow started flying.

What can I say, we're two crazy "Canadian boys" and we both love the cold weather and this time of can start to feel Christmas in the air. I love it!

Along with the brisk hike at the dog park, I did a TT Medicine Ball workout for my off-day activity Saturday afternoon. And I'll be releasing a Medicine Ball program as the December TT workout of the ask Santa for a med ball for Christmas.

In the meantime, here's your 7 day weight loss routine.

Food planning, shopping, and prep day.

Go green. If you don't already, add at least one of the following to your shopping cart.

- Avocado
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Spinach

I'm not a big fan of spinach, but I cook up Amy's Organic Chili and and pour it over the spinach to make a great lunch.


If work is hectic and you have less time than normal for your workouts, there are two things you can do to cut workout time but without cutting results.

Option A
- Do only 1 set of each exercise in your TT workout, rather than 3.

Option B
- Do only the first superset of each workout. That's where the most important exercises are.

Either way, you can cut your already short TT workout in half, and still get 75% of the results.


I like TT users to schedule a stress-relieving off-day activity on Tuesday, since for most of us, Monday and Tuesday can be real "pressure-cooker" kind of days.

Yoga, pilates, a brisk walk in fresh air, or a game of squash with a friend, whatever you choose, make sure you enjoy it, breathe deeply, relax, and get your mind off work and away from your troubles.


Perform your regularly schedule TT workout and watch your email for a new medicine ball circuit video because I'll be filming new Youtube videos on Tuesday night.


Thursdays are great for light bodyweight circuits. Try something from the TT Bodyweight Cardio V. 2.0 manual that is currently the TT November workout of the month.

And when you have a break today, check out the latest audio interview I did with Brad Pilon. That's in the TT Member's site.

Or check out this interview he did with Abs Expert, Vince DelMonte, about "fasting for fat loss":

=> Fasting for Fat Loss


Finish up Friday with your last TT workout of the week, and of course, mix in something fun in this workout. Add your favorite two exercises in a superset as your reward for working hard.

For me, I'd probably do barbell rows and stability ball rollouts to hit the upper back and abs. Then head home to the family or grab a movie with a friend. Kick back, and relax for the night!


Start your day with 30 minutes of activity. I recommend stopping by the Turbulence Training member's forum to discover the new TT Challenge for the week.

Each week a TT Member posts a workout challenge for the rest of the club to try, and then we compare scores. Just another reason to check in on the forum.

Plus, Swedish research also shows that the more often people visit a weight loss club website (like the TT forums), the more weight they will lose. So I'll see you on the TT forum!

Now that's a proven 7 day plan for weight loss,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - If they can do it, so can you...

"Turbulence Training shattered the longstanding plateau I was up against. I lost 4lbs and 4.5 inches in the first two weeks!"
Christy Harris

"Hi there Craig I just wanted to tell you the good news so far! Since using your Turbulence Training programs and combined with a Precision Nutrition eating plan in just 45 days Ive lost 5 percent
bodyfat and am well onto my way in achieving that elusive 8%. I have to say I was very sceptical of you in the beginning but since downloading your book I am very pleased with your programs and the monthly programs kick ass!"
Craig Kilham

Are YOU still skeptical?

Grab your 21-day trial offer AND 3-Month free TT Membership for only $4.95 here:



Andy said...

Med ball workouts...nice.

No more pumpkins, please!!

Anonymous said...

Good Routine

Helpful too
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Perfect daily routine for the weight loss. In case of weight loss you need to put lot of efforts. And also you have to maintain the proper diet plan.

Anonymous said...

I think its a really great routine tips I used many another different tips but all are be wastage for me, I its really great, I will definitely follow thanks for sharing.

hyperhidrosis said...

The routine you have mentioned out here towards losing weight it's too impressive and good to follow out and you definitely see out some brilliant result..