Sunday, November 16, 2008

Best Diets for Six Pack Abs

My diet was huge part of helping me "dial in my abs" for this photo. So today, I'm going to go over two of the best diets for six pack abs.

Personally, I eat 3 meals and 3 snacks per day, focusing on fruits and vegetables, nuts, and protein (although a lot less protein than I used to eat 7 or 8 years ago. I also eat fewer modified carbs than I did even 2 years ago. More on that in a minute.

Listen, diet will play a huge part in helping you burn belly fat, flatten your stomach, and get six pack abs. So it doesn't matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced, here are FIVE fantastic nutrition rules for your abs diet today.

1) Reduce your modified carbohyrate intake.

You've heard of processed carbs before, but I want to introduce you to modified carbs.

This is my definition for anything that is not eaten in its original form. So reduce breads, pasta, breakfast cereal, muffins, granola bars, and of course, any other food in a bag or a box.

When I cut out modified carbs, I lost another 1% body fat, had more mental energy, and did not feel sleepy after meals.

I say, "Stick to fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts for carbs."

2) Eliminate bad fats, increase good fats.

Eating even 1 gram of trans fats per day could harm your heart. One of the few supplements I use is fish oil (that I like to call, "fish juice" - ewww!). Some folks say fish oil helps burn fat, but I don't believe it...however, it is great for heart health.

3) Eat more protein, but not an excessive amount.

Bodybuilders recommend 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, BUT that is TOO MUCH if you are overweight.

Women need about 100 grams of protein, men need about 150 grams, unless a guy literally has over 200 pounds of lean mass. Not too many guys do, however.

4) Add more fiber to your diet by eating more fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts.

You will be less tired after meals if you start basing your meals on whole, natural foods.

5) Stick to your nutrition plan 90% of the time using Dr. Berardi's 90% Compliance guidelines.

How does this work?

Well, let's say you are on a 2000 calorie per day diet. To hit 90% compliance, that means 1800 calories must come from fruits, veggies, nuts, and protein, leaving you 200 calories "to play with".

You can either have a 200 calorie treat each day, or save up 200 calories for 3-4 days straight and have a 600-800 calorie reward meal every 3-4 days.

Make sense? Sounds simple. Just be consistent with those 5 rules.

Plan ahead to avoid all of the obstacles life likes to throw in your way. And if you need help, just ask on the TT Member's forum here =>

If you want more help with this type of nutrition, including meal plans for men and women, go to:

=> The Proven Six Pack Abs Diet

Eat this way if you are ready for maximum energy, vitality, and fat burning,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training For Abs

PS - Or you could just say screw it...

...and eat normally 5-6 days per week and use Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat plan 1-2 days per week or on the weekend.

Find out all about Brad's anti-diet here:

=> The 6-Pack Abs Anti-Diet


Anonymous said...

great post craig, this really hit it home for me.

Anonymous said...

Its a really awesome tips to got six pack abs, mostly boys are want to know on this how to build six pack abs. so I think Many of the people want to know on this.So ,I think this will help them a lot.

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