Lots of time on my hands today, so I'm reading mike boyle's "designing strength training programs and facilities"
Lots of good progressions for 1-leg exercises as well as abdominal work.
Here are some other good points:
1) "If you can't teach a lift, don't use it in your programs"
I recently watched a trainer, who I know can't do a proper barbell squat, try and teach a client to do a barbell squat. How does that make sense?
It doesn't, of course.
2) Tight abs can contribute to kyphosis (the rounded shoulders). A lot of direct ab work can tighten the abs, so do only as much as needed, and do some stretching for the abs.
3) Mike provides an excellent calculation for determining the optimal weight for an athlete's jump squat. I had not seen this before - it's good stuff.
4) Mike has an excellent debate on the use of front squats vs back squats, the importance of the bencj press, the need for deadlifts and rdl's, and the substitution of single leg exercises to help reduce spine loading.
5) Mike includes a very unique table that takes your 1RM bench press and predicts your 5RM bench, 10 RM db press, and a few other exercises. Very useful - not entirely accurate for some of my numbers but useful.
A must read for all strength coaches - get it HERE
Get reading,
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