Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Deadlift Workout & Another Politically Incorrect Intervie

Lil' Bally the Dog is off to Dog Camp for a few days and I'm heading to Miami for a little vacation but I'll be filming some workout videos for you.

By the way, Bally the Dog set a new record last week with two trips to the vet in one day. On Friday morning he went in to get some more meds for an ear infection, and then I had to take him back on Friday night because he cut his paw at Dog Camp...he ended up with 5 staples to close the cut and a shaved foot. He's an expensive lil' goofball.

Anyways, he'll be partying with his friend, Bob the Dog this weekend.

My last workout before my trip went like this...

Extensive hip mobility warm-up

1) Deadlift

2A) Military Press - 3x10
2B) Pullups - 3x10

3A) BB Overhead Lunge - 2x10
3B) DB Reverse Lunge - 2x8
3C) DB Chest Press - 2x12

That's it.

Also, a friend of mine, Taylor Ryan, interviewed me the other week and she posted the link to it here:

=> Fat Loss Interview

NOTE: It's another one of my politically incorrect fat loss interviews...I'm sure I offended someone so I apologize in advance...but you'll also get the straight goods on how to transform your body,


PS - Another great beginner success story...

...and 6 rules for beginner fat loss here:

=> Fat Loss Success Story

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

TT Success Story of the Month - September 2009

I love it when a plan comes together. And when a Turbulence Training skeptic changes their's the September 2009 Turbulence Training Success Story of the Month - Janine has won a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership. And you can win one too, just submit your success story to:


Now let's hear from Janine and her experience getting hooked on TT with "TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks"

"I would like to thank you for creating this workout! It was the first workout I got from your website and WOW, I was so impressed that since then I got several more.

The TT Buff-Dudes and Hot Chicks Fat Loss Workout's title is synonymous with the results.

I recently got married and trained really hard for 4 months prior to the wedding as I wanted to look fit and fab but two months after the wedding I had lost all motivation and regressed into my old ways of swapping exercise for the TV remote, THEN I found you on facebook and started reading up about your workouts, watched your clips on youtube and finally got the TT Buff-Dudes and Hot Chicks workout.

I must admit that I was a little bit sceptical at first as I am with all fitness websites and workouts but that scepticism quickly disappeared by week two. I got my motivation back and my passion for fitness has grown with each day - I no longer push my gym bag further under the bed but instead I pack it and get it ready for the next day the minute I get home and seeing my toned and fit body as a result is a big confidence booster.

The best thing about this workout is that you don't need a fancy or expensive gym and your facebook page and website is a reality check for the days when I think I am too busy to workout.

I completed 4 weeks on this workout and am now on week 2 of my second workout from your website. I am so excited about your programs and introduced two friends to them who are both hooked.

You are an inspiration to us all! Thank you again."

Great stuff, congrats Janine.

Click here to get your copy of TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks - for less than 10 bucks

Monday, September 28, 2009

Jump Workout

Today's workout went pretty well in the jump department, as I'm able to touch the rim again...took me a few weeks but I'm back up there. Did a lot of mobility exercises and then...

1) Jumps - 4 sets of 4

2) Snatch + Overhead Squat - 3x5

3A) Squat - 2x5, 1x8
3B) Chinup plus Kneeup - 4x8

That was it. Had to rush out today.

After workout: Chocolate Milk

After chocolate milk: Blender drink - 1 banana, raspberries, blueberries, spinach, almond milk, almond butter, walnuts.

And don't miss my article:

5 Fat Burning Nutrition Rules

Time to write a follow up on Nutrition Rules while traveling,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Workout & Meal Plan & Bally the Dog Update

Here's a lil' update on my new workout program and current meal plan over the weekend.

Today's workout:

1A) Shrug - 3x6
1B) Bench - 2x6

2A) Incline DB Press - 2x10
2B) Seated Row - 3x12

3A) DB Reverse Lunge - 2x8
3B) Plank - 2xMax time
3C) Side Plank - 2x30s

Todays blender drink was: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, 1 banana, spinach, almond milk, almond butter, sunflower seeds, cacao nibs.

After workout I had: 1 peanut butter sandwich, 2 glasses of chocolate almond milk

Big boy salad for Lunch: 1 can black beans, spinach, broccoli, peppers, onion, mushrooms, 1/2 avocado, salsa

And now it's time for a big 2-hour walk with Bally the Dog through...

- Little Portugal
- Little Italy
- Kensington Market
- King Street West
- Queen Street West
- Parkdale (aka Crack Town)

Good times will be had by all,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Dont miss this Upper Body Workout Routine

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Workout

Pretty good workout today...this ends the first week of my latest program.

Started the day out with a Legendary breakfast today: 4 organic eggs, 4 slices whole wheat flax bread (ShaSha Co.), and Blender Drink: frozen strawberries, spinach, blueberries, 1 banana, walnuts, almond milk, almond butter, cacao powder.

Then the workout.

1) Deadlift

2A) Military press

3a) Barbell overhead lunge
3B) Close-Grip Pushups

Later a big boy salad with kidney beans and lots of vegetables plus an avocado and salsa.

I also made a couple of updates to the TT Fan Page, adding "3 surprising ab exercises" and "Cardio Q'n'A for Oxygen Magazine".

Click here for this info - found only on the TT Fan Page

Alright, have an amazing weekend!

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Understand that you have to "Give to Get".

Giving others social support will create a better environment for you to lose weight. The more you can help others, the more help you will get in return. Go out and help someone today.

TT2K3 vs. The 1990's Era Bodybuilders

It's the return of the program that bodybuilders hate!
Time to do Turbulence Training 2K3...
You'll discover...
- Details on the upcoming TT 2K9 Fusion Fat Loss Program
- Kekich Credo #76 & what it means for your transformation
- The TT program that bodybuilders hate
- A classic upper body workout
- 5 unique arm exercises PLUS my 3 favorite arm exercises
- The one thing you need to do to get more social support

"I have lost close to 25 pounds since july 1st. thanks a lot - never could have done it without your help. peace and god bless."
Ro Gonzalez
Join Ro as a success story by starting TT for less than 5 bucks:

=> Click here for the TT Trial Offer
Looking forward to helping you too,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Please let me know what you think about this workout...
...the TT2K3 is one of my all-time favorites - especially the Upper Body Workout day.
Put a comment on the blog or
Can't wait to hear your success story!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kettlebell Workout Updates

Today I did a lot of hip mobility exercises and stretching. Today is a "no hard workout" day, since yesterday I trained and I filmed the TT 2K9 Fusion Workout last night - including some kettlebell swings.

Speaking of kettlebells...

Want to know how to use Kettlebells to get six pack abs?

Check out Chris Lopez' latest blog post here:

=> Kettlebell Ab Exercises

It includes a video of one of the toughest KB ab exercises you can do at home.


PS - Let me know what is working for helping you get six pack abs!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back to Toronto Workout

Spent the last couple of days near Washington, DC, and just did some moving around and some today was first day back in the gym.

Earlier today I wrote an article on 5 fat loss tips that don't require any pills or powders...

=> Fat Loss Tips

Then hit todays workout:


1A) Run in Place – 20 steps
1B) Duck Unders – 6 reps per side
1C) Step Overs – 6 reps per side
1D) Leg Swings – 20 reps per side
1E) Pulling Pushup – 8 reps
1F) Prisoner Lunge – 8 reps per side

2) Jumps

3) Snatches plus overhead squat

4A) Squat
4B) Chinups with knee ups


PS - Check this out...

7 days till this happens...give it a try for just one day - or a month - its not that hard

=> Vegetarian Day

Off to film TT Fusion 2K9 tonight...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Curls for the girls

One of the biggest "concerns" folks have about TT is that there are not enough arm exercises in the program.

So here's what you can the end of each workout, add one arms superset to your program.

If you need some exercises you've NEVER seen before, check out this free report I have for you here:


Nothing wrong with some curls for the girls,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

5 best TT workouts?

According to your votes, here are the 5 best monthly TT workouts ever!

#5 - The TT Bodyweight 500!

This workout has been used by more men and women than any other TT program ever! Join in the fun here:

=> Bodyweight 500

#4 - The Big 5 Fat Burning Circuit

Discover those 5 secret exercises here:

=> Fat Burning Circuit

#3 - The Original Turbulence Training for Abs

Warning! Do not watch funny movies for 5 days after doing Workout B, because your abs will be too sore! View that infamous workout here:

=> TT for Abs

#2 - TT for Buff Dudes & Hot Girls

This program contains the hardest TT workout ever!

=> Hardest TT workout?

And the #1 program based on your votes...

#1 - The TT Hard-Core Fat Loss Workout

Going all the way back to June, 2006, here's one of the most legendary programs EVER!

Will I ever top this one? You be the judge. View this incredible fat blasting program here:

=> Hardcore TT

Let me know if we missed your favorite workout.


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - You can grab all of these workouts for less than the cost of a footlong combo meal from Subway...

...and you'll be fitter, leaner, and sexier than Subway Jared with these workouts.

Check out the entire $10 Turbulence Training Library here:

=> Turbulence Training Workouts

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Workout, Monday Bodyweight Exercises

I did my Monday workout on Sunday morning, because I had to fly to Washington on Sunday night and I wont be able to stick to my regular program...also, today was the start of a new 4-week program.

1) Hang Clean + Front Squat (3x5)

2A) Bench Press (2x6)
2B) Pistol Squat (2x5)

3A) BB Row (2x12)
3B) DB Incline Press (2x8)

And now for something completely different...

Last week I trained with a bodyweight exercise coach Adam Steer and he showed me some pretty cool exercises and gave me
a tip on how to make push-ups easier.
But then he showed me this crazy exercise video of him doing what he calls "a bodyweight FLOW series".
You have to check it out here:

=> Click here for an amazing bodyweight exercise video
You have never seen bodyweight exercises done like this before,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Adam is also giving away a free 12-minute bodyweight program.

Transformations & Happiness

I got great news from my doctor this week...more info on my blog here:
You'll discover...
- My HDL cholesterol score
- The truth about how tall I am
- 4 secrets to happiness
- 5 truths about transforming your body
- 3 mini-bodyweight exercise circuit workouts
- What you should do if you fall off "the nutrition wagon"
- 3 afternoon snack ideas
Please stop by the blog to tell me about your favorite afternoon snack ideas AND let me know what makes you happy.
Have your say on the blog here:
Helping you get leaner, happier, and healthier,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
PS - Amazing new bodyweight exercise video coming tomorrow.
You have to see this to believe stuff coming your way!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Deadlift Workout

Went to the Doctor for a check up today...he said all the blood work looked good, my Vitamin B12 was normal, and my HDL cholesterol was 42% better than normal - it was 1.42 - does anyone know what that is in "American numbers"?

Anyways, after that I went to the gym and did...

1) Lunge Jumps - 4x12

2) Deadlifts - 2x8

3A) Military Press - 3x5
3B) BB Lunge - 2x10

4A) Seated Row - 2x10-15
4B) DB Triceps Ext - 2x12

I also grew an inch.

For about 16 years I've always thought I was 5'8". Turns out I'm 5'9".

So there you go,


PS - Last day to enter the TT Transformation Contest!

Join here:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Vegan Blueberry Treat

For my breakfast blender drink today...

 - blueberries, raspberries, walnuts, almond milk, spinach, cacao nibs, maca powder, sunflower seeds

I need some bananas. A good blender drink always has a banana. 

I poured that mix over oatmeal, almonds, and some dates.

If you are looking for a healthy, sweet food to replace donuts or candy, try dates. They are probably the best food not in your diet right now.

By the way, my friend Kardena Pauza has added a new vegan breakfast recipe - full of blueberries - on her blog.

Not only will you see the video of her preparing it, but she's also posted the complete recipe for folks who might have any troubles watching the video.

Check it out here and let me know what you think!



PS - If you want 101 vegan recipes...

...Kardena has them prepared for you here:

=> Vegan Recipes

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

21 Fat Loss Tips

To help you transform your body, I added 21 more tips to my blog.

In fact, this is a 21-day "Quickstart" guide to burning fat.

Discover the life-changing tips here:

=> 21 Fat loss tips

Also, let me know if you have any other tips...

AND please post what other types of articles you would like to see on my blog.

I promise that I will write an article about the first 50 topics posted - all before the new year!

Post away,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I'll also be posting new client workouts on the Turbulence Training Facebook Fanpage here:

=> Turbulence Training Facebook Fan Page

In fact, you can get the TT Hot Zone workout on the fan page right now! Enjoy.

Today's Workout

Got a new bike today - actually a used bike from a friend. Rode it home from downtown Toronto and then went in for today's workout..


1) Vertical jumps - getting better

2) Overhead squats

3) Barbell squats 3x5, 1x10, 1x15

4A) Chinup with kneeup - 3x10
4B) Good mornings

5) Back extension

Got that all done in 45 minutes.

Then today's blender drink of: raspberries, blueberries, spinach, almond milk, walnuts, peanut butter, sunflower seeds.

Maybe a few too many raspberries.

Anyone else have a good day today?

Have a good one,


Monday, September 14, 2009

Total Body Transformation

I've been doing a lot of off-day athletic movement training and stretching and its really been helping to overcome old injuries and so I had a good workout today...

1) Power Clean - 3x5

2A) Bench - 215x7
2B) Front Squat - 2x6

3A) BW Rows - 3x30
3B) Leg Curls - 2x12
3C) DB Close Grip Press - 80x3x8

That's it, gotta run,


Friday, September 11, 2009

Last week to join the Transformation

In this week's call I have a program for you that you've probably never even heard of...
You'll discover...
- The best time to get stuff done
- Why you should soak nuts and seeds before eating them
- The truth about post-workout nutrition shakes (and all that sugar)
- One of my favorite workouts you've never used before
- An important Transformation Contest update
This week's 3-day program is perfect for advanced body transformations,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Don't forget about the free 6-month TT membership...
...that you'll get just by finishing the contest
Last day to start your 12 week transformation is Friday, September 18th.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Squats and Jumps

Just a quick workout update.

Messed my shoulder up a little bit (strained teres minor and infraspinatus) doing some weird bodyweight stuff on Sunday, so no upper body today.

Today I did...

1) Jumps - 3x6

2) Squats - 3x5, 1x8, 1x12

3) Good Morning - 1x12

4) Back Extensions - 3x15

And I filmed this for you yesterday...

Why Would Anyone Do This to Their Nuts?

Why would anyone do this to their nuts and seeds?

Find out what "this" is and why vegetarian and raw diet expert Kardena Pauza does this to make her meal plans as healthy as possible so that she has all-day, "5am to 10pm energy", thanks to vegetarian eating.

=> Click here to learn her diet secret for nuts and seeds

Another amazing vegetarian lifestyle change you can make to improve your health and energy all-day, everyday!

Check out all of Kardena's nutrition video tips (for veggies and non-veggies) here:


Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The Rest of Your Life Starts Today

It starts today.

The rest of your life.

"Cheesy", I know, but if I can inspire anyone to make changes, I'm willing to put up with a few groans from everyone else.

If you want to transform your body or your life, focus on making incremental improvements every day for the rest of the year.

It will help you stay strong during the holiday season and you'll be off to the races in January.

As Kekich Credo #56 says...

"Identify EXACTLY what is you want. Then don't let anything stand in your way of getting it."

Labor Day - here in North America - marks the start of another chance to refocus your energy and efforts on achieving the goals you've set.

Take a few minutes today to plan for your success in the next 4 months. But most importantly, commit to taking action EVERYDAY.

And if you need to a little "extra kick" for your workouts or for the sessions of your personal training clients, consider putting
some competition and challenge into your workouts. This will drive you to stay motivated and succeed.

You can choose from the 300 workout to the Bodyweight 500 to the new TT Kettlebell and Bodyweight Circuits - all great challenges.

All of these programs will help you get more results in less time - no matter how busy the next 4 months get.

So if you're looking for "Challenge Workouts", you'll find them in the *NEW* TT Kettlebell Revolution Workout System.

The TT Kettlebell Revolution System is now available, and you'll save 50% off  the regular price when you grab your copy today.
=> Click here to get your Kettlebell Workouts

NOTE: The price goes up from $47 to $97 on Friday night.

Let the Kettlebell Revolution begin,

Craig Ballantyne, MS, CSCS
Author, Turbulence Training

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Two Ab Exercises to avoid

Do the WRONG ab exercises and you'll end up in the Doctor's office.
So that's why I cover what abdominal exercises to avoid in this week's call.

Plus, I explain why...
You'll discover...
- A double dose of Transformation Tips
- A new Kettlebell Workout Circuit (and some new exercises)
- The latest health and fitness tips from Men's Health magazine
- Two ab exercises you should NOT do
- Another interval training video from Europe (Paris, this time)
- How to pack your food for long flights
All that and more to help you transform your body,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - This is the big week...
...where we release the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Workouts with our 50% off sale...starting Tuesday.
I guarantee you'll love those workouts...and you can use them in the TT Transformation Contest.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Common Sense Fat Loss & Deadlifts

During my morning readings, I came across a note I made about ignoring fad diets and sticking to the basics. For some strange reason it inspired me to write this on Facebook:

"Common sense is the key to a sustainable, enjoyable fat loss lifestyle program. Do you really think "gummy berry juice" from the rainforests of Gummi Glen is going to help you lose fat? C'mon, you know better. It's going to take hard work and whole, natural foods, while eating fewer calories than you need. All you need to do is match your personality and lifestyle with the right diet and exercise program. That's it.

Pretty simple. So stay strong, and stick to it. Persevere. You will succeed.

Then it was off to my workout...

1) Deadlift - 335x4x6, 225x10

2A) Military Press - 135x3x5
2B) BB Lunge - 2x10

3) DB Triceps 2x10

That was it. Deadlifts lasted a long time. Lots of warmups in there too.

Have a great weekend everyone,


PS - Check out the 3 winners...

...of the TT Kettlebell Revolution Workouts blog contest here...


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Bally the Dog vs. the Morning Workout

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I usually do some type of bodyweight or sprinting workout, but this morning, for only the second time in his 33 dog years  (and 3.5 human years), Bally the Dog didn't want to eat breakfast. He stuck his down near the bowl, but then came up with out eating and did a little whimpering.

Must have been something he ate in yesterday's garbage run that he went on at the park with the dogwalker.

So I called up the Queen West Vet, and they had an opening right away, so we went...

...and he puked in the waiting room.

Honestly, I think that cured him. That and all the cats in the waiting room. They got him all back to normal.

But I also got him some medication - oh,and he also had an ear infection, so he needed that trip to the vet anyways.

When we got home, he was back to normal and has been eating like a champ all day.

I also stumbled across an article on calculating a dog's age...thought it was worth sharing this:

According to this, Bally the Dog and I are almost the same age!

"The official formula, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, equates the first year of a medium-sized dog's life to 15 years of a human's. The dog'...s second year equals nine years for a human. And after that, every year feels like five for a dog.

=> Click here to calculate your dog's age

But he's still a lot shorter than me,


PS - The vet was raving about how good Bally was looking, and he weighed in at a lean, mean 65 pounds.

PPS - I finally did some stretches and Convict Conditioning stuff...

...around 6pm. Mostly stretches. My legs are sore from squats. But I also managed 6 handstand pushups.

Muscle Building, Fat Burning TT Workout

This is a classic TT Workout that doesn't get as much notice as it should.

It's the November 2007 Gain Muscle Lose Fat workout.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Squat Workout

Nothing too exciting about today's workout...just the basics.

1) Jumps 3x6

2A) Squats - 3x5, 1x8, 1x20
2B) BW Row - 3x15

3A) Overhead Squat
3B) Good Mornings


PS - Although it was a regular day for me... wasn't a normal day for Bally the Dog.

At about 3:30pm, a terrified child just phoned me to tell me that my "chocolate dog" was in the kids wading pool at Trinity Bellwoods park here in toronto (she got my number from Bally's dog collar). Turns out he ran away from the dog walker again...that lil' stinker.

Neutral Grip Chinups in front of Notre Dame in Paris

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Bodyweight Transformation Tip

For your body transformation...

Do NOT obsess about your scale weight.

Focus instead on behaviors that help you lose fat. After all, millions of people have been deterred from their fat loss program
because of mistaken emphasis on bodyweight, rather than inches lost.

When it comes to your body transformation, it's how you fit in your clothes and look in the mirror that counts.

Forget the scale if you want to be happier!

So let's get you started transforming your body...

Check out this video I filmed of what you need to do on the first day of your transformation.


As usual, my lil' dog "Bally" makes a silly guest appearance.

Let me know how I can help you with your transformation,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

Don't forget this when you go for lunch today!