Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Systema - Russian Martial Art

Have you ever heard of Systema?

Both my Qi-Gong instructor and my good friend & breathing specialist Dan Brown are both students of Systema.

Last night, I started watching Systema: Hand to Hand, a DVD on hand-to-hand combat. Very interesting, and entertaining. It was amazing to watch the graceful ease with which the instructor repelled attacks.

Visit their website, its packed full of interesting products and reviews.

One of the most notable comments from the instructor in the video was that up until age 40,
a man can continue increasing his strength, but after that, he must rely more on technique, because the body breaks down easier with age.

Now obviously this age will vary between individuals, but I was happy to hear that he said 40. Not 30. Not 25.

I'm very disappointed in the number of emails I get from men and women younger than me, complaining that they are old, their bodies are breaking down, and they are not sure if they can do tough exercise.

Give me a break. I'm 31 and I could kick the crap out of my 21-year old self in most aspects of strength and fitness.

You should be getting stronger and fitter till at least the age of 40. And even beyond.

Instead, people get soft and put limits on themselves here in North America and all over the world

Take a lesson from the Russians at Systema, and keep on training and improving to age 40 and beyond.


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