Monday, April 30, 2012

TT Summit Update

Last day to grab your spot at the TT Summit on the Early Bird Discount.

Big Bedros has something special to share with us all…it's so secret, in fact, that even I don't know exactly what he is going to say. This extra super special secret session will take place either before or after the VIP Trainer reception on Friday evening. We want to make sure that every single minute of your weekend is exceptional.

So I hope you're pumped to hear from Alwyn Cosgrove, Big B, ol' CB, and Mikey W., plus others. It's going to be even better than last year's legendary 1st ever Summit. And what better place to have this great get-together than beautiful San Diego. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Join us here:

See you in San Diego in June.

Today's workout for me: Power clean, deadlift, front squat, and good mornings.

Here's a finisher from Mike Whitfield:
Simple. Effective. Though not necessarily friendly.

Density Finisher – Do as many supersets as possible in 5 minutes:
1A) KB/DB Swings (15)
1B) Narrow Stance Goblet Squat (15)

One more week until the 14th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest starts (Sunday, May 6th)

For all new readers, my MOST popular article ever (the 12 rules I live by) inspired by TT contestants

And today's article is how to deal with criticism:


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Failure isn't bad. Failure isn't final. If there is one thing I know after having observed this crazy world for 36 years, it's that you can SURVIVE almost anything and come back better and stronger than ever before. Don't let the fear of failure stop you from achieving the success you deserve.

"Success comes in a lot of ways, but it doesn't come with money and it doesn't come with fame. It comes from having a meaning in your life, doing what you love and being passionate about what you do. That's having a life of success. When you have the ability to do what you love, love what you do and have the ability to impact people. … That's having a life of success. That's what having a life of meaning is." – Tim Tebow

Remember: People want to follow passionate people. Passion requires personality. Don't hold back.

Today's Tip:
You only get paid for done. All the planning in the world is no good if you don't follow through. Take action today and follow-through.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Presenter at the 2nd TT Summit -

Sunday, April 29, 2012

TT Summit - last chance

"I was frustrated and stagnant. There was no way I wanted to
keep training long hours with an income that wouldn't even
allow my wife to watch our son as a stay-at-home Mom. 
"Something had to change.
"I was hoping the Summit would help me discover a way out, although
I didn't know what that was. I left discovering who I was, and
started an amazing online business. Going to the TT Summit helped
me add an extra $32,000 to my business last year." - Mike Whitfield 
The price DOUBLES at midnight on Monday night.
So it's your last chance to attend at the Early Bird Discount of only $97.
Discover your way out of the struggles that frustrate you
from having the career and life of your dreams.
For that small investment you get access to a full day with 
Bedros Keuilian, Alwyn Cosgrove, and myself to help you build
your fitness business, and then a second day with the Certified
Turbulence Trainers to give you the latest and greatest fat 
burning workout methods to take home to your clients.
You will leave with a blueprint for success and the motivation
to take action on your dreams.
Make sure to join us at the 2nd TT Summit in June.
Looking forward to hanging out with you there,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Price increases at midnight Monday night.
Make sure to reserve your spot ASAP.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to live life well

Recent research published in Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism found that we can increase anaerobic energy expenditure and post-exercise oxygen consumption by using longer lifting tempos for a given number of repetitions. We've increased the time under tension for certain exercises and you're going to feel it in your metabolic response and fat loss to this new TT MRT 2.0 (now available to members at

(Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2012 Mar 8. The effect of time-under-tension and weight lifting cadence on aerobic, anaerobic, and recovery energy expenditures: 3 submaximal sets.Scott CB.)

That's the power of metabolic workouts.

Yet still people want to believe in metabolism boosting pills. I can assure you, none of these work for fat loss.

Fat burners do not help fat loss. Show me a study on any commercial fat burner that proves me wrong. Have you ever taken a pill that comes anywhere close to the effects of exercise? Give me a break. The reason ECA worked in the past was because it was an appetite suppressant, not a metabolic stimulator.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
If you feel like you're spinning your wheels and not making any progress, one solution is to put more urgency into your life. Here's what you need to do. First, identify what it is that you truly want to accomplish. Second, outline what you need to do to get there. And third, give yourself a deadline. (Bonus fourth step: Cut that deadline by 20%. Don't worry, you'll reach it.) These steps are simple, but effective, because they combine the power of a vision with the urgency of a deadline.

If you want to get lean, hang around lean people. If you want to get strong, hang around strong people. Who are you hanging around with?

Admit to – and learn from – your mistakes. Mistakes must be viewed positively…because with the knowledge you gain from them, you are able to achieve the best things in your life. Without the lows in life, the highs would never really seem that high.

"With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

And today's Live Well Lived Wisdom from the QnA sessions over at MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be www.Facebook.comTheNewEarlytoRise :

Q: What is it that truly makes people successful? What one thing would you recommend to people that if they did nothing else but "this" they be on their way to becoming successful? Of course, success is defined differently by each one of use, but you know what I mean. - Terry

My Answer:
The ability to continue working when it feels like everything is going wrong. That and a big idea. Great question.

Q: Is there a notebook or app that would help to structure my daily routine to focus on most important tasks? - John

My Answer:
I fear you are complicating things. All you need is a list of top 1-3 priorities for each day. Attack those. Identify your magic time and guard it. Use your magic time for greatest attack on priorities.

Q: I have a problem that I'm already in a stage where i am very comfortable. I've 3 kids, I'm semi retired in a teaching job that pays me a $100000 per year salary, I have a million worth of assets plus savings. I want to achieve more but some how I can't seem to reach for more because I'm already so comfortable. I'm only 37. I like to ask for your perspective on how I can increase my level of "must haves" so my standards can increase even more. Thank you so much.

My Answer:
That's a great question and I have moments like this myself.

The answer can only come from within. There must be an internal motivation - that is the answer for all progress and self improvement.

I suggest thinking about the longview, the legacy you may want to leave behind, the life lessons you want to teach your children, and what really matters to you.

Go through the vision exercise we have at

And if all that positivity doesn't help you, just realize that the current economic environment has the potential to get much worse, and it may be one day a million dollars doesn't go too far.

BUT, most importantly, spend a great deal of time thinking about what you can do that is BIGGER than you. What mission can you accomplish that would be important to you, and the world. Good luck, and let us know what you choose.

PS - I've devoted myself to transforming the lives of 1 Million people. And I've told the world about it. That lights a fire under my butt everyday. Made a video about it here -

Q: Good morning! Do you have any suggestions for books/practices to help with staying positive? I am working on getting better at keeping others'' emotions from bringing me down. There are times though, especially when I'm fatigued where I allow a sad or negative emotional interaction with a client or friend to get me down. I am using psycho cybernetics but any recommendations would help. I need to be able to listen without feeling so much. - Megan

My Answer:
First, congrats to you for working so hard on this. Second, kudos for getting Psycho-Cybernetics.

Third, it's a tough question...everyone has different forms of motivation/inspiration for staying positive. You might like some of the courses at

ETR readers have given me great feedback on their courses, and Matt Smith and I just visited their company. It's really positive. On that note, spend as much time as possible with positive people.

Great question, and I'll do more digging around for ideas to share in an ETR article.

Personally, I always think of how lucky I am to have been born into the easy life that I have...and frankly, compared to history, almost everyone in the Western world is living in a time when our lives are exponentially easier and better than the lives of kings and queens just 200 years ago. I think about that some times.

Q: Hello, what tips to you have to handle email? I normally start my workdays by opening up my email inbox and that tends to dictate my day. Your thoughts? Ideas? Thanks! - Ed

My Answer:
Fight that email. Don't open that inbox. I wrote an article here:


Bottom line: Fight for every minute before you open your inbox each day. I don't open mine until after least 6 hours after I've been awake.

Great QnA session over on FB today. Thanks for your questions.

Life life well,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - You should do something cool for a friend today. I will take my own advice and go do that right now. Keep the weekend going right.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Workouts for Me and You and Mens Health magazine

Meathead Friday workout. My training today: Ring pullups, db chest press, t-bar row, bench press, shrugs.

The perfect workout and a 4-exercise MRT workout written for Men's Health UK and for you, too


More good times for trainers from last year's TT Summit

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
When you're feeling down about your progress, nothing cheers you up like action. It allows you to focus on the positive potential of what is possible. The salve for your wounds is to focus on what you can do. Take action on what matters. It's the cure for what ails you.

"Stand out. You must stand for something and attract the right people while not being afraid to repel the wrong people. You need to over deliver, give faster results than promised, and become the go-to leader for your market." – Bedros Keuilian

"The only way to be truly financially independent is to have multiple streams of income, each one of them sufficient to pay for the lifestyle you want to live." – Michael Masterson

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - A different way of looking at goal setting:


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No magic nutrition tips

My training today: Squats, Jumps, Glute Ham Raise, Torso training. Bike ride to and from gym. Pre-training dog walk.

Legs are tired.

Here's a simple circuit I gave to a client yesterday: Box Jumps, Sprinter Step-ups, Stability Ball Leg Curls, Spiderman Pushups, Kettlebell Swings.

Oh, and for TT Platinum Members, I've updated the site with the new TT Xtreme Deeper Depletion program. It's the bonus I've giving away for the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Release on May 1st. But Platinum members get it free and early.

Over on, during today's QnA, lots of folks were looking for magic answers to their nutrition questions.

But I have none because there are none.

Nutrition in 7 words: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." - Michael Pollan

CLA is a waste of money. Whey protein is whey protein is whey protein. Creatine is creatine is creatine. There's no magic pre-workout foods unless you need 100mg of caffeine.



Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Instead of putting others down, try improving yourself instead. The only person you have a right to compete with is YOU. In the meantime, treat others how you'd like to be treated. One trait that some of the best (communicators) share is EMPATHY. A couple of kind words can not only make a person's day, but earn you a friend and supporter for life. For the rest of the week, whenever you see someone you want to judge negatively, pay them a compliment instead. See what happens." – Neil Strauss

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - By 5:51am I had finished two 1000 word essays in 75 minutes of "Magic Time". Your magic time is when you get THREE times as much work done as you would in any other time of day. Identify and protect this time.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

If Dr. Evil was a trainer

So my favorite line from the Austin Powers movies is where Dr. Evil says:

"It's DR. Evil...I didn't go to six years of evil medical school to be called Mr., thank you very much."

Likewise...I didn't go six years of college (for my Master's Degree) and spend over a decade in the gym training folks to keep my workouts to myself.

That's why I put together this video session from last year's 1st ever Turbulence Training Summit that shows you how I design MRT workouts.

Watch the full session here for free

We talk about bodybuilder training, athlete workouts, bodyweight exercises, and EVERYTHING that has gone into the legendary Metabolic Resistance Training system.

You'll see the methods behind my metabolic madness.

And make sure to join us at the 2nd TT Summit in June,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - I'm taking this video down on Thursday.

Make sure to watch it ASAP.

How I design workout programs

No lifting for me today. Squat workout tomorrow. And big dog walk in an hour.

Simple circuit gave to a client today: Box Jumps, Sprinter Step-ups, Stability Ball Leg Curls, Spiderman Pushups, Kettlebell Swings.

Why is it done like that?

Well, make sure to watch my program design presentation here

FB Question: For optimal size and growth of a muscle how many times should a particular muscle group be trained in one week? I.E shoulder 1,2,3 times per week for hypertrophy?

4 days is enough training. Two upper and two lower sessions per week. In reality, it's more like 3.5 workouts per week, because its hard to jusify a full 2nd lower body workout.

FB Q: Why are bench press machines lighter than free weight benches? and are there any advantages of using onerather than the other for building mass?

Don't use bench press machines. I can't think of one good reason to use them over dumbbells and bodyweight exercises. They are shoulder injuries waiting to happen.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Never let life get in the way of your progress. Accept the sacrifices and just do it.

What would you say in your Message of a Lifetime? Here's the formula for creating one

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Monday, April 23, 2012

Best chest workout and bench press video

Since it is #Meathead Monday all around the world, and guys are doing chest workouts after work, here are some great tips for you.

First, my best chest workout:

Second, a bench press workout video for you:

Next, for trainers...this guys made a HUGE Life Switch at the TT Summit last year (get ready to be inspired)

Today's KickButt Mindset Tips:
You don't 'find time' for the important things in life, you MAKE time. If there is something you want to do, something you want to accomplish, start making time in your life for it right now.

How to get MORE done in less time

Finally, today's Internet Independence Tip:
"Don't assume others (your prospects) believe what you believe. Most people reject 'open architecture'." – Dan Kennedy

Most people don't believe they have the ability to change their life…OR they believe YOU can change, but they can't. Never forget the scepticism you must
overcome when persuading someone to take action.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Winner's Mindset

Taking the path less traveled, against my inner resistance and excuses, has made all the difference.

It all starts with the Mindset.

Here's an awesome video on the winner's mindset from Bedros at the TT Summit last year


It's the people around us who shape us (literally) and our behavior. Ask the BIG question - "What do you want to achieve in life?" And then think, are the people I'm hanging around helping me achieve this?

Always remember the golden rule (make's life so simple): Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

It's all kickbutt mindset tips today.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Deadlift and Dog Walk Saturday

Lots of deadlifts and dog walks today. Great Saturday, even though the weather is grey and a little rainy. First dog walk at 6. Then deadlifts at 8. Then dog walk at 11. Probably do a quick one around 3 and then a bigger one at 6.

I also did a QnA session while riding the streetcar. Make sure to be on that page around 9am M-S to ask your questions.

For trainers: Here's a video segment of Bedros Keuilian speaking at last year's TT Summit:


We already have 55 attendees for the 2012 version and it was just announced last week. Here's what we've got:

Bedros Keuilian - Check.
Alwyn Cosgrove - Check.
You - ?

Grab your Early Bird spot here:


See you in June in San Diego.

One more bonus resource for you:

Kickstart your fat loss with these free meal plans from Isabel

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the "I'll give this a try" mindset, and switch to an, "I'm going to succeed" belief.

"One of the biggest differences between those that live extraordinary lives and everyone else often comes down to one simple thing: Those that live extraordinary lives are willing to act without guaranteed outcomes. Taking action without 100% certainty that "X" will happen suggests you are both flexible and capable of taking risks." – Simon Black

"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone." – Henry David Thoreau

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – Who believes in you? Frank does. I like this article

Friday, April 20, 2012

For Trainers

Good week? Great week? Frustrating week?
I hope it was awesome, full of amazing workouts, new clients, referrals,
and gratitude for the change you are making in people's lives.
If it wasn't such a great week, here's how I can help.
On June 22nd, the two top fitness industry business experts are 
going to be in San Diego, California, sharing exclusive, NEW 
secrets on how to get more clients and live the life you deserve.
I've invested a lot of money to get these guys down there for 
your benefit, and it's literally going to be a life-changing event.
You see, both Bedros and Alwyn have overcome MASSIVE 
obstacles standing in their way of success.
At one point, Bedros lived out of a pick-up truck after his first
fitness business went broke. But he changed his mindset, got
a mentor, and has gone on to build - and then sell - a series of
personal training studios in California.
He now runs the most popular bootcamp franchise in the world
and teaches over 40,000 trainers how to grow their business.
Alwyn has had some bad days too. In fact, he's had to beat 
cancer TWICE, and yet he had set up his business to take care
of himself financially despite being in the hospital for months
at a time.
If you want to discover the secrets to overcoming obstacles, to 
building the business and life of your dreams, then join us 
in San Diego in June.
I guarantee it will be the best single day devoted to your
fitness business ever. 
Plus, I'll be showing you my time management secrets that will
TRIPLE your productivity, and then on Saturday, June 23rd, I 
will show you the exercise I've used to get EXACTLY what I've
always wanted in life.
So, let's summarize:
Bedros Keuilian - Check.
Alwyn Cosgrove - Check.
Craig Ballantyne - Check.
You getting EXACTLY what you want out of life - ?
It's up to you.
Join us at the 2nd Turbulence Training Summit if you want 
to check that off your list.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Even coaches get coaches

At some point it will be up to you – and only you – to make the decisions on how to live. Whether it is who to vote for, what diet to follow, career to choose, what expert to listen to, or what to believe about the economy.

There will never be an area of life where every 'expert' is in consensus, not in health, not in real estate, and not in fixing the economy. And that's good news. Because it gives you the opportunity to choose what is right for you.

If you want to change, consider entering the 14th TT Transformation Contest (starts on Sunday, May 6th).

In the meantime, please join me in congratulating the winners of the 13th TT Transformation Contest:


Winners get social support and coaching to put together their best plans and programs for success.

Even coaches get coaches.

The importance of coaching - from the master coach, Dr. John Berardi

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the "I'll give this a try" mindset, and switch to an, "I'm going to succeed" belief.

Make your plan. Stick to it. Don't let others guilt you into a decision that you will not be happy with.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Make sure to check out a photo of Matt Smith speaking in the "Hall of Awesomeness" here:


She Lost 22 pounds, He Lost 55 pounds (TT contest winners)

Nikolay lost 55 pounds...
Lisa lost 22 pounds...
Both gained $1000 in the winning their
categories in the 13th TT Transformation Contest.
(Next contest starts on Sunday, May 6th.)
You'll notice that both Nikolay and Lisa used the 24-7
Fat Loss program created by Joel Marion and myself.
What Joel and I deliver WORKS. Period.
That's why you need to grab his report today. It's free
for TT readers.

Here's the
direct access page (please do not
share this's only for subscribers).
Combine that with any of my workouts (TT MRT, 24-7,
or the TT Bodyweight) and you'll lose fat fast. 
Due to popular demand, I've held over the TT
bodyweight manual sale for one more day. Your
chance to get this deluxe bodyweight blueprint
for over half off ends tonight.
So here are your steps to losing fat and gaining 
money at the same time:
Step #1 - Get Joel's report.
Step #2 - Get a TT workout.
Step #3 - Get inspired by our contest winners.
Step #4 - Get ready to join the next contest on May 6th.
Step #5 - Get ready for even more advanced nutrition
and workout plans from Joel and I in just 2 weeks.
Bonus Step - Stay awesome and keep rocking, because that's what you do.
Get ready,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Author - Upcoming New Program - TT DEEPER Depletion - May 1st

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

European Bodyweight Workout

Last summer I was off on a European Vacation (look kids, Big Ben, 
parliament) for 10 days, so that meant lots of bodyweight workouts.
Every summer I meet some friends in Lithuania and we teach entrepreneurship to dozens of kids from all over the world. It's 
really cool, and then we do some bodyweight workouts at the end of the day before we go swimming.
(And sometimes we have epic tug-of-war matches.)

Here's one of the bodyweight workouts we did:
1) Warm-up:
- Prisoner Squats
- Mountain Climbers
- Prisoner Lunges
- Grasshopper Pushups
- 1-Leg RDL's
- Stick-ups
2) Supersets:
1A) Chin-ups or Pull-ups on whatever bar we can find (1 rep short of failure)
1B) Pike Pushups or Decline Close-Grip Pushups (1 rep short of failure) 
- No rest between exercises...repeat until the students have a good arm pump
3) And my bodyweight cardio circuits for a metabolic finisher. I cycle through about 10 exercises for 20-40 reps each, and then I'll look at the kids, see if they're wiped out, and maybe challenge them again.
Since you couldn't join us in these metabolic bodyweight workouts, I've put together a great deal on my TT bodyweight programs for you.
You'll get the 6-Month Bodyweight manual PLUS two more classic TT bodyweight workouts. 
Get a smoking hot body by exercising at home with the most powerful piece of fat loss equipment freely available to you - your own bodyweight. 
But hurry, this special offer ends tonight here: 
Burn fat without equipment all over the world,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fitness Summit Videos

Legs. Are. Sore. Yesterday's squat workout did a number of my quads, so no training for me today. Did an extra dog walk and stretching instead.

For trainers...the fitness business summit videos are now available. It was an amazing weekend and you can relive it here:


You'll see Bedros, RONNIE COLEMAN, Joel Marion, Mike Whitfield, the women's fitness trainer panel, and a lot more - including my late night presentation with the beers delivery

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"Real regrets only come from not doing your best. All else is out of your control. You're measured by results only. Do more than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the hard way…and hard if you try to live it the easy way.' - Kekich Credo #4

"Enjoy life. Treat it as an adventure. Care passionately about the outcome, but keep it in perspective. Things are seldom as bleak as they seem when they are going wrong – or as good as they seem when they are going well. Lighten up. You'll live longer." Kekich Credo #55

Make your plan. Stick to it. Don't let others guilt you into a decision that you will not be happy with.

The Deadline for Your Life - (inspired by my buddy, Alwyn Cosgrove)

The year is passing,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Monday, April 16, 2012

14th TT Contest Details

Voting for the 13th TT Transformation Contest is almost done, and we'll be announcing the winners latest this week. Lots of folks are asking about the next contest, so here are the details.

Advanced notice: 14th TT Contest starts on Sunday, May 6th.

Rules here -

My training today: Squats, jumps, good mornings, ball leg curls, ball planks. Throw in a couple of dog walks too.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
People want to be involved with other confident people who are doing big things and being positive and powerful. Be out there doing something great today.

If you're a trainer, then you'll want to meet the good people who spoke at FBS 2012. And you can, here:


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined." – Henry David Thoreau

And overcome your fear of failure:

"When something in life occurs that is troubling, we are supposed to not dwell on the thing itself. Instead, the focus should be on our obligation to turn this bad thing into something beautiful. It's not easy. But, if you focus your creative energy away from self torture and onto 'how you can turn this into something beautiful' pretty remarkable things start to happen." - Matt Smith

"Be willing to take action. Do not expect to sit on your hands and let the world come to you just because you think you have a great idea. Nobody owes you anything. If you want results, you have to take action and invest in relationships." – Simon Black

Finally, an article on "Unfinished Business and strange advice"

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Sunday, April 15, 2012

You can move mountains

My friend Jimmy Sweeney wrote, "When a person becomes crystal CLEAR as to exactly what they want to accomplish, and FOCUSES their time and energy on this ONE goal, any person can move mountains."

I like that quote.

And here's proof of what people can do in the fat loss world.

Finalists for the latest TT Transformation Contest - Please vote before Monday at 9pm EST:


As always, I'm amazed by what TT and 24-7 Fat Loss clients have been able to accomplish when they've set their sites on a big goal. Congratulations to everyone.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
I needed this one today..."Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are." - Bernice J. Reagon

"What if you kept going? What if you dismissed your genetics and all the other excuses and just kept at it and kept working hard?" – Alwyn Cosgrove...

...What could you accomplish if you decided not to quit and to keep fighting instead?

Keep going,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Workouts and Caine's Arcade

Didn't sleep well last night. Probably need a couple more days until my body and mind are truly back on East Coast Time.

I got up around 4:30, worked a bit on a new TT workout that will go with Joel Marion's Xtreme Fat Loss Diet, and then old Bally the Dog and I went for a walk. After that, I hit a a nice meathead workout.

My training today: WYLIT, Elevated Pushups, Pulldowns, Pushups, Seated Row, 1-Arm DB shoulder press, bb shrugs, cable rear delts.

Earlier this week I discovered another tough treadmill 'incline sprint workout' for my fitness level...6 rounds of 60 seconds at 8mph + 8% incline.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Made three HUGE mistakes this week at TT (and lost some sleep over them, too), but none of them are fatal to me. Just remember, no matter how bad things might seem, you will get through it. Stay strong.

"Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day." ~Unknown

And if you're struggling with something...

The main reason we are "not good at something" is because we tell ourselves we are not good at that thing. We say, "Oh, I'm not smart enough to do that. I'm not brave enough to do that on my own. I'm not this...I'm not that..." But it's that mindset that is the BIG BLOCK holding us back. It may be the only thing holding you back from being as great as you can be.

Change really is up to you.

"When a person becomes crystal CLEAR as to exactly what they want to accomplish, and FOCUSES their time and energy on this ONE goal, any person can move mountains." – Jimmy Sweeney


Watch this movie about Caine's Arcade while you have your morning gets really good after 2 minutes:


The big message here is that when you do good stuff, people will see you and want to support you. They will rally behind you.

Never give up.

Stay strong.

Get stronger.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tough Questions Today

We all know that we have a limited amount of time in this life, so why do we delay taking action on what is important to us?

Ask yourself this from time to time: "Is the life you're living worth what you're giving up to have it?"

How to turn defeat into victory (plus, what I think everyone should do)

At the end of the day, your success will be determined by the value you bring to the table. – Simon Black

No training for me today, so I posted these questions instead. Also, here's a TT QnA for you.

Best cardio and diet program QnA

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jet Lag Training

My training today wasn't so great. I hope it was just the jet lag from yesterday's flight from Hong Kong.

Here's what I did: Hang clean, jumps, deadlift, front squat, good mornings.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"If you want MORE of anything in your life, it all starts with LESS of the other stuff. Stop dreaming and start doing." - John Reese

"Long term success is built on credibility and on establishing enduring loving relationships with quality people based on mutually earned trust. Cut all ties with dishonest, negative or lazy people, and associate with people who share your values. You become who you associate with." - Kekich Credo #51

"If you bring value to the table, other people who add value will be attracted to you. If you remove value from the table, people who add value will shy away from you." – Simon Black

A good success quote and article

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - The theme of the 2nd Turbulence Training Summit is, "How to Get Exactly What You Want in Life". This is based on a specific technique I used to accomplish my dreams, as did my guest presenters, Bedros Keuilian, Alwyn Cosgrove, and Mike Whitfield.

Please join us here:

You'll enjoy these two days.

Friday, June 22nd, The Personal Trainer Day

9am - How to TRIPLE Your Productivity and Have More Time for What REALLY Matters in Life - By Craig Ballantyne

10am - Brand NEW, Exclusive Secret Strategies to Getting More Clients - By Bedros Keuilian

12pm - Networking Lunch Break

1pm - Bootcamp Blastoff: How to Go From Zero Clients to Being On Pace for Over $100K Per Year in Just 90 Days

3pm: The Missing LINK in Creating a 7-Figure Fitness Facility From Scratch - By Alwyn Cosgrove

5pm: Dinner Break

7pm: VIP Trainer Reception for First 50 Registered Trainers...

Hang out with Alwyn, Bedros, Craig, and all of the Certified Turbulence Trainers

Saturday, June 23rd, The Fitness Training Day

7-9am: Early Morning Bootcamp Workouts (7am and 8am workouts)

9am: Breakfast Break

9:30am: Kettlebell, TRX, and Secret Ballantyne Workout Demos

10:30am - TT Pushup Contest with BIG Prizes

11am: Workout Finishers With Mikey Whitfield

12pm: Lunch/Networking/Photo Op

1pm: How to Change Your Life in 3 Easy Steps

2:30: Surprise Exercise Contest with BIG Prizes

3pm: How to Get EXACTLY What You Want in Life - By CB

5pm: Closing Ceremonies & TT Trainer of the Year Awards

I'm excited just reading about it.

See you in June.

How to Get Exactly What You Want

"And that's how I got exactly what I wanted in life."
That's how I summed up my presentation at MindValley Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this week.
I was there speaking to over 40 employees of this interesting company, and I put them through the exact exercise that you'll discover at the 2nd TT Training Summit in June.
It will be my best presentation ever...and one that you can truly call, "Life Changing".
If you don't agree, I'll be happy to give you DOUBLE your money back.
That's right, DOUBLE.
The session I have prepared for you on Saturday afternoon will truly change how you look at your goals and success. I can't wait to share it with you.
In addition, you'll also hear from Bedros Keuilian, Alwyn Cosgrove, Mike Whitfield, and a few other surprise guests at this event, showing you how to get EXACTLY what you want out of life through fitness.

Just check out our schedule of events for the 150 lucky attendees. The Saturday is dedicated to workouts in the 
morning and inspiration in the afternoon.
I guarantee you that my speech on getting EXACTLY what you want out of life will - no hype - change your life for the better.
It's a method that has worked for me in a way that gives me goosebumps every time I explain it. So don't miss that session.

Friday, June 22nd, The Personal Trainer Day

9am - How to TRIPLE Your Productivity and Have More Time for What REALLY Matters in Life - By Craig Ballantyne

10am - Brand NEW, Exclusive Secret Strategies to Getting More Clients - By Bedros Keuilian

12pm - Networking Lunch Break

1pm - Bootcamp Blastoff: How to Go From Zero Clients to Being On Pace for Over $100K Per Year in Just 90 Days

3pm: The Missing LINK in Creating a 7-Figure Fitness Facility From Scratch - By Alwyn Cosgrove

5pm: Dinner Break

7pm: VIP Trainer Reception for First 50 Registered Trainers...

Hang out with Alwyn, Bedros, Craig, and all of the Certified Turbulence Trainers

Saturday, June 23rd, The Fitness Training Day

7-9am: Early Morning Bootcamp Workouts (7am and 8am workouts)

9am: Breakfast Break

9:30am: Kettlebell, TRX, and Secret Ballantyne Workout Demos

10:30am - TT Pushup Contest with BIG Prizes

11am: Workout Finishers With Mikey Whitfield

12pm: Lunch/Networking/Photo Op

1pm: How to Change Your Life in 3 Easy Steps

2:30: Surprise Exercise Contest with BIG Prizes

3pm: How to Get EXACTLY What You Want in Life - By CB

5pm: Closing Ceremonies & TT Trainer of the Year Awards

I'm excited just reading about it.

Heck, I'd pay $1000 just to attend that seminar to learn from Bedros, Alwyn, and Mikey W.

But you don't have to pay that much. Not EVEN 10% of that.

It's just $97 for the first 50 fast-action takers.

Reserve your spot at the 2nd TT Summit with me

See you there,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Back in Toronto

Just arrived back in Toronto. I slept 10 of the 15 hours on the flight home. Time for a nap and then a deadlift workout on thursday AM.

Fortunately while I was engaged in the closest thing to time travel as possible, Certified Turbulence Trainer Mike Whitfield was putting together this week's challenge workout:

The TT Metabolic Chaos 300

Do the following circuit ONE time, resting when needed. Form takes precedence, and you can't move onto the next exercise until all reps are completed. Time yourself.  The next time you perform this workout, try to beat your previous time.  

Bulgarian Jump Squats (10/side)
Pullups (10)
Triple Pushups (30) – 10 Decline, 10 Close-Grip, 10 Normal
Narrow Stance Bodyweight Squat (30)
Spiderman Climb (15/side)
Chinups (10)
Ab Wheel or Stability Ball Rollout (20)
Prisoner Swing Lunge (10/side)
Decline Pushups (30)
Total Body Extensions (30)
X-Body Mountain Climbers (15/side)

Alternating Single Leg Burpees (10/side)
Stability Ball Jackknife/Pushup Combo (20)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are." - Bernice J. Reagon

If you compromise with your own conscience, you will weaken your conscience. Soon your conscience will fail to guide you and you never will have real wealth based on peace of mind. – Napolean Hill

"If people can find hypocrisy in you, it will be your quickest route to self-destruction." - Matt Smith

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Leaving Asia Today

Sitting in the airport in Hong Kong waiting for the last flight home to Toronto.

Yesterday we had an excellent 15 hour day with the team at in Kuala Lumpur. I did a presentation on "creating your own code" today. Here's mine

Tomorrow I have a two hour drive to ol' bally the dog. we shall see if he remembers me.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." – Michaelangelo

Turn your unique ability into success:

Best insight of my trip to Asia, from Matt Smith, ETR publisher: "Work your butt off to let your customers know you love them." - Smith

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Monday, April 09, 2012

The Turbulence Training Seminar in San Diego

The 2nd Turbulence Training Seminar has been announced. It is June 22-23 in San Diego, California.

Join me at the TT Summit in June (22-23rd)

And join me in laughing at some funny photos from the mall in Kuala Lumpur (might be the coolest mall, and coolest store, I've ever been in)


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"Action is the difference-maker. Remember that. If you're ready to take a big step forward, seek an open door as if your life depended on it. When you find it, go in bold and make it count." – Simon Black,

At some point it will be up to you – and ONLY you – to make a decision. Whether it is who to vote for, what diet to follow, or career to choose, what expert to listen to, or what to believe. There will never be an area of life where every 'expert' is in consensus…not in health, not in real estate, and not in fixing the economy. And that's GOOD news. Because it gives you the opportunity to choose what is right for you.

When no one else believes in you

And today's tip:
"It is infinitely easier to become a millionaire by becoming the kind of person deserved of being a millionaire and likely to sustain being a millionaire, than it is to pursue just the million dollars." – Dan Kennedy

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Meathead Monday Master's Workout

Meathead monday morning workout while watching the Masters on the gym TV. That was a little weird.

Workout included DB press, face pulls, bench, pulldowns, rows.

Now off to Malaysia for 40 hours. Big meeting there tomorrow.

But what's this about a cardio workout?

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Surround yourself with people who are better than you…they will bring out the best in you.

Your goal setting guide...perfect for planning the week ahead

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

My Toughest Interval Workout

No MRT today, but some intervals. I've found the right challenge for me. It's 9mph at 6% incline for 1 minute with 90 seconds off. Getting 6 of those is tough on the heart and lungs (not so much on the legs). Good Tough Mudder training.

That's my toughest interval training workout going these days.

Second toughest is the 10mph at 10% for 15 seconds.

I'll get back to working on those when I return to Canada later this week.

In the meantime, check out my Thailand photos at:

Today's Kick
Be proud of the healthy changes you are making in your life. There are many more folks secretly wishing someone will take charge and be a healthy role model for them. It might not happen overnight, but if you continue to lead by healthy example - without preaching or being condescending - you can build an entourage of social support and people who want to be healthy like you.

"Whatever your dreams are, start taking them very, very seriously." – Barbara Sher

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Deadlines for your diet

When it comes to remembering food intake, we are all liars. If you are struggling with fat loss, it's probably your diet, so write down what you eat. Do that for every thing that goes in your mouth for 7 days. Log it on or one of the many apps for that. Get the truth about your food intake, calorie intake, protein intake, etc. Don't tell me it's too hard. It's one the simplest and most effective actions you can take to lose fat. Get to know the truth about your body and how it reacts to diet, exercise, and stress.

If you feel like you're spinning your wheels and not making any progress, one solution is to put more urgency into your life. Here's what you need to do. First, identify what it is that you truly want to accomplish. Second, outline what you need to do to get there. And third, give yourself a deadline. (Bonus fourth step: Cut that deadline by 20%. Don't worry, you'll reach it.) These steps are simple, but effective, because they combine the power of a vision with the urgency of a deadline

"Nobody gets old by surprise." – Kekich Credo #83. Think about what you accomplish if you really focus for the next 12 weeks. After all, that's only 0.3% of your life. Surely you can commit to that, can't you?

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Friday, April 06, 2012

Training in Thailand Part 2 in Pattaya

Did a 6am workout at the Royal Gardens fitness center here in Pattaya, Thailand, today, followed by an hours walk around the beach area. Interesting place. I can see why the kids want to come here and party.

My training was:
Big shoulder warmup, followed by: Pushups, Pulldowns, 1-Arm DB Shoulder Press, DB Chest-supported rows, DB Triceps Extensions, Cable Curls. Then the walk.

Really humid here, and I was dripping in sweat when I returned, even though it was cloudy and only 8am.

I put a photo up at

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Goals are meant to push the boundaries of your belief in yourself. Stretch your thinking, challenge your potential. Don't be afraid to set big goals. You never know who you are going to meet or what is going to happen when you are committed to taking action.

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." – Maria Robinson

And today's Internet Independence Opportunity:

For students aged 18-25...I filmed a video for you here explaining why you need to make a video and attend our camp this summer.


Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Bangkok Wrapup

Did a decent hotel room workout at the St. Regis in Bangkok. Great hotel. Relatively well priced, too.

The gym was okay, and I did my best with a smith machine for legs. It's okay to do RDL's and split squats with the smith machine. I don't use it for squatting though. Add in some lunge jumps (to start) and some 1-leg RDL's and that was a decent leg workout.

I also posted a view from the hotel pool in Bangkok...probably the only time you'll see a golf course inside of a race track.

Check it out on my Facebook page at

How to triple your productivity (good tip for workouts too)

Truth about my business failures

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Metabolic Finisher of the Week

Here's a new metabolic workout finisher for you from Mike Whitfield.

Record the total number of reps you do per exercise, circuit, and total for the workout.

Circuit 1
Prisoner Jump Squats (30 secs)
Pull-ups (30 secs)
Decline Spiderman Pushups (30 secs)
Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 2

Circuit 2
Underhand Grip Inverted Row (45 secs)
Narrow Stance Bodyweight Squat (45 secs)
Spiderman Climb (45 secs)
Rest 1 minute, then move onto circuit 3

Circuit 3
Pushups (60 secs)
Total Body Extensions (60 secs)
X-Body Mountain Climbers (60 secs)
Rest 1 minute and then move onto the finisher

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
You control everything. Your success is your responsibility.

The beauty is that the world offers us 2nd chances. 3rd chances. 10th chances. As many as you want, the world will give you, as long as you yourself don't give up. Only if you give into your fear of failure, you'll never achieve 'what could have been'. But the world won't give up on you as long as you continue to keep adding value and making a positive contribution.

Today's Tip:
Ferruggia sent me this great quote for anyone running a personality-based Internet business - "Your job is to make your audience care about your obsessions." - Martin Scorcese.

BTW, Scorcese is the only guy with bushier eyebrows than clearly he's a wise man.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Workouts in Hong Kong

After arriving in Hong Kong, we walked around and went to Soho Spice, a Vietnamese restaurant. Got back around 10pm and slept till 3am. But I couldn't sleep any longer so I got did intervals in the hotel gym at 4:30am while watching the Barca-AC game live. Time zones are weird.

Had some breakfast, then went back and did an upper body meathead workout with pulldowns, pushups and light dumbbells.

Then some more walking and brainstorming with my business partner.

If you're ever in Hong Kong, go the "Coast" restaurant and get the warm lamb salad for lunch. That was really good.

Time to head to the airport and off to Bangkok.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"The world doesn't owe me anything. I must earn everything." The sooner I understood this, the happier I became knowing my life is in my hands.

There is no "pill" for life. Nothing will solve your problems like work, planning, commitment, consistency, and perseverance. You can't put those in a pill or get those from the government.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Wisdom from Matt Smith's 4-year old daughter today: "Everyone's stronger than they think they are." --- Don't forget that this week, no matter what happens. You're stronger than you think.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

TT DVDs Deal

So far this week we've proven that your fat loss workouts do NOT need to include long, slow cardio.
What they need are metabolic resistance training, bodyweight exercises, and interval training. 
You'll get those in the TT DVD System here at a 70% discount this week only.
Save 70% on the complete TT DVD workout package here

NOTE: These are NOT follow-along DVDs, but you'll get to watch me do perfect form and you'll get the printed manuals to go with the workouts.

But you will get a 1-year Platinum TT membership so that you can get ALL of my new workouts too, including the new TT for Tough Mudder Adventure Racing - just released last week.

Get started on it now with just 8 weeks left to the unofficial kick-off to your favorite time of the year.

=> Get your Proven Workout for your best body ever

Say goodbye to all that frustration, all that belly fat, and everything else that is keeping you down.

Here's what I'm going to send to you:

1) The TT Fat Loss Workout DVD's & Manual
- Retail Value = $197

You'll get the Turbulence Training Workout DVD's and a copy of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Workout Manual that has been updated with even more exercises and articles on fat burning interval training, metabolic resistance training workouts, and fat loss nutrition.

2) The Turbulence Training Complete Bodyweight Fat Burning Package
- Retail Value = $247

In this ultimate bodyweight workout package, you'll get dozens of bodyweight exercises that you can do at home without the need for fancy equipment. It's the perfect fat loss plan for you in case you can't get to the gym, or if you travel a lot, just like me.

3) The Turbulence Training Hotel Room Workouts
- Retail Value = $197

You won't need to stuff a single piece of workout equipment into your already over-stuffed luggage in order to do these workouts. No bands, no medicine balls, no kettlebells, no nothing.

All you need is your own bodyweight and a small amount of space inside any hotel room and you'll be able to burn fat and lose inches with these short 20-minute workouts.

It doesn't matter how busy your schedule, you'll always be able to slip in a hotel room bodyweight workout to keep off the pounds while you pile on the miles.

Plus, you'll receive a FREE hardcopy manual and hotel room workout DVD where you can watch me demonstrate the exercises.

It's like having your own personal Craig Ballantyne training session in the privacy of your hotel room.

4) A FREE 1-Year Platinum Turbulence Training Membership
- Retail Value = $197

In the Turbulence Training Platinum Membership area, I'll answer all of your most pressing fat loss workout and diet questions. You'll get full access to me, just like having email access to any other personal trainer in the world.

You'll also have access to my interrogations of other fat loss experts, you'll be able to download more exclusive fat burning audio interviews to listen to anytime and anywhere, and you'll benefit from the #1 factor overlooked in fat loss programs today, "The power of social support" (it really is the secret to your fat burning success).

Plus, each month for the next year you'll get a NEW fat burning Turbulence Training workout (and you have access to EVERY single Turbulence Training workout I've ever created).

There are over $3500 worth of workout programs in the TT Platinum Membership, but all of these are FREE to you as part of the Ultimate Turbulence Training Package.

5) And for a limited time, you get FREE SHIPPING ANYWHERE in the world.

Your FREE DVD and Hardcopy manual gifts will be shipped to you at no additional cost. Retail Value = $35


Total value of the Complete TT package is over $921. But for you, this week only, it's just $147...and you get FREE shipping.

Get the Complete Turbulence Training Package Here

Stay classy TT,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Creator, The Turbulence Training Complete Package

PS - Hurry...

You only have until Thursday at midnight to take advantage of this incredible TT offer.
...including the FREE shipping direct to your doorstep.

Hong Kong

The journey from Denver to Seattle to Hong Kong went really smoothly. Too smoothly, perhaps, as I slept 7 hours on the plane and now it's 11:30 at night and I can't fall asleep.

Walked around the Soho area a bit, good times, and then drove up to Victoria's Peak, but it was too busy to wait for a cab at the top so we drove back down.

Heading to Bangkok tomorrow.

Until then, enjoy the truth about yogging.


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:

Take full responsibility for your environment and behaviors. Everything you do sets you up for success or puts another obstacle in your way.

The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense. – Thomas Edison

The Truth About Stress

Overcome your fear of failure

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Monday, April 02, 2012

Triple flight day

Flying from Denver to Seattle (right now), followed by Seattle to Vancouver, and then Vancouver to Hong Kong. I'll arrive at 7pm on Tuesday evening after leaving my friend's house in Denver at 6am on Monday. Wednesday we fly to Bangkok. By the way, when it's 7pm in Hong Kong, it will be 7am back in Toronto.

No training today, or tomorrow, either.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." - The Cheshire Cat...

...So plan your day, plan your life, plan your nutrition, plan your workouts, plan your WORLD. Know where you are. Know where you want to go. And plan ahead to take the right road.

And don't get derailed by the critics. Be an action taker, not a quitter.

"Criticism is necessary and useful; it is often indispensable; but it can never take the place of action, or be even a poor substitute for it. The function of the mere critic is of very subordinate usefulness. It is the doer of deeds who actually counts in the battle for life, and not the man who looks on and says how the fight ought to be fought, without himself sharing the stress and the danger."- Theodore Roosevelt

Then again, know when to quit...because you should be doing something more important. Learn more in the true story of me failing out of a college program but overcoming something very important

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Turbulence Training Summit 2012 for TT Trainers

Good news.

The dates have been set for the 2nd ever TT Training Summitt, and as a Certified TT Trainer, you'd get to come to this event for free.

It will be June 22-23rd, in San Diego, California. I'll be joined by my friends, Alwyn Cosgrove and Bedros Keuilian.
It is a free trainer appreciation event for all of the TT Trainers. You must be TT Certified to attend for free.

If you're not TT Certified, you'll still be allowed to join us at the event, but it will cost you $199.

Today's your last chance to join the TT Certification before we take a big break from accepting new TT Trainers.
Get TT Certified here <= Gets you free access to TT Trainer Summit
Now I know some potential TT Trainers had questions about the TT Certification, so here they are with my answers:

Q - "Hi Craig, I run a boot camp and am considering your TT certification. We do mostly body weight and some equipment other than that necessary? Space is an issue. Thanks." - Kristina


Hi Kristina, thanks for your question and interest. There will be no problem. The certification shows you how to get better results for your clients no matter what - and shows you how to get more clients too.

Q - "Hi Craig, any plans to extend this certification within Asia?" - Francisco


Francisco, there is no geographical limitation. Everything is done by online video, so you can get started immediately, no matter where you are in the world.

Q - "How does the cert work are there exams/tests etc after watching the DVDs?" - Lisa


Yes Lisa, there is a 3-part exam. The first part is multiple choice, the second is 5 essay questions, and the 3rd part is an 8-week fat loss program design choosing from one of three case studies. I will mark all of these personally. Looking forward to yours.

Q - "So, what is the time line on this? How long will it take to learn the program, prepare for, and take the exam? Can I do this on a part-time basis? Is there still room?" - Shelley


Hi Shelley, there is still room, but the Certification is closing down tonight so I can work with the new trainers and mark their exams - it takes a while.

As for the exam, there is about 15 hours worth of video to watch. You can do this on your own schedule and then submit the exam and program design that must be completed.

Q - "Is there a payment plan?" - Christian


Yes, great question Christian. We've added a payment plan to the site here.

Alright, that's it for now, I think. Really excited to work with you on this.

If you still have any remaining questions, just hit reply or email us at

Looking forward to seeing you in the Club,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training Certification

PS - See you in San Diego this summer.

Colorado meathead workout

Just about ready to head to the gym here in Golden, Colorado, for a Meathead Upper Body workout. It will include dumbbell presses, pulldowns, bench press, rows, and some arms. Good times.

I've been up since 3:30am local time (5:30am back home in Toronto time) working on writing projects that must be finished before I head off on an extremely long journey tomorrow.

We head from Denver to Seattle, then Seattle to Vancouver, and finally from Vancouver to Hong Kong on Monday afternoon. We'll arrive in HK on Tuesday at 7pm HK time (7am back in Toronto).

Needless to say, my brain and circadian rhythm will be quite messed up. Should be interesting to see how I deal with it. Any tips?

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Short-term pain from discipline equals long-term gain from progress. Long-term pain comes from a lack of short-term discipline. It's a very simple, yet powerful relationship.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. So don't dwell on past mistakes. Instead, focus on what you can and will do today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life, and all of the great things that will happen because of your actions. Get strong, be strong, stay strong.

If you don't have social support, take charge as the leader. Be confident in your choices. People will respect your decisions, even if it seems at first that they don't. Eventually, a lot of people will come to you for advice and support. You are the one making the right decision. Never forget that.

Have a big week,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer