Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Off Day Soreness

The lunge jumps from yesterday's bodyweight metabolic resistance workout have left me in a world of soreness today, and all those pushups too. Any exercise lay a beating on you recently?

I'm taking a day off from training today, although I did a long doggy walk with ol' Bally the Dog this morning followed by some stretching.

I certainly wouldn't want to repeat this today...

My "Billy Madison (or Bally Madison) goes 'back to school' for kettlebell training" video - Free Kettlebell Workout Video

According to ACEFitness, Kb workouts can burn 20 calories per minute...pretty crazy if you ask me. So you should ask this guy instead

- Fat Loss Kettlebell Workouts

Today's kickbutt mindset tips:

"To get something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done." - I don't know the original author of this quote, but it's a good one.

Make today the day you finally leave a bad habit behind. Sit it down and tell it that it's time to move on. Thank it for the memories. Wish it well in its future endeavors, but it make it clear theres no room for that bad habit in your future. Tell that bad habit, "It's me, not you" and kick it to the curb for good.


We've been adding some great content to ETR lately...let me know what you think...agree or disagree about today's article?

- Organization is the Key to Success

To your success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


the link for fat loss workouts leads to a page referring to TT KB Revolution 2.0 with bonuses but no other info or lionk to buy :(
