Friday, September 16, 2011

Metabolic Training

My workout today: KB press, TRX row, lateral raise, TRX bodyweight triceps extension, 1 arm shrugs, and some sprints with the dog. I added sprints to my presses and rows today to increase the metabolic effect of my training.

Did some QnA on Facebook today:

Q: Do you ever recommend just buying smaller shirts to look bigger?

Dan - I prefer shrinking them. That comes more naturally to me...and then you can't be accused of buying too small of a shirt.

Q: What is the best time to do cardio? mornings or afternoon ? sometimes I have to split my work and I dont know which one is better in the mornings. thanks!

It doesn't matter. I'm not a big fan of cardio. I use weights and interval training. (Unless you call intervals "cardio", and then we're on the same page.)

Q cont'd: Yes the thing is that sometimes i have to split the weights and the last 20 min of turbulence workout! one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.But if you say it doesn't matter i'm going to stop worrying :)

Yep, that's fine. If you want, you can do weights one day and intervals the next.

Q: How many full body bodyweight exercise sessions would you recommend per week before the return diminishes or begins reversing? Great stuff online and on facebook Craig! Love the audio podcasts!!!

It really mean for fat loss? It's tough to go more than 4 per week without running into overuse injury. Overuse is the #1 factor in determining training frequency when it comes to fat loss.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips - My 12 Rules

These are the rules I live by.

..what are yours?

Today's Tips:

"Basically, we've been learning by doing, which is always better than paralysis by analysis. Do something small. Fail small. Learn the lessons, and then you can succeed at scale." - Dorje Mundle, Novaris. Quoted in Rotman magazine.

And a cool rundown of our Mastermind last week:

=> Masterminding Secrets from San Diego

Have a great weekend,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS, CTT

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