Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Yesterday I read "Get the Life You Want" by Dr. Richard Bandler (NLP guy). If you liked "Psycho-Cybernetics", you'll like this. It could really help you with sticking to a diet, stopping smoking, getting over fears, etc.

Today's kickbutt mindset tip comes from it:
Failure means you've stopped. So don't stop. Keep at it. The more you move in the right direction towards success, the better you'll feel. Every day work on making new positive habits second nature – make them automatic.

"If you're struggling with any issue, whether it's diet or exercise, the trick is to switch it in your mind first so that it becomes easier to do it." - Dr. Richard Bandler

Again, a good book, and you can get through it in about 2 hours.

What is the #1 book that has influenced your life? I'll write up a top 10 fitness books later today, but here are the Top 10 non-fitness books that have influenced me and TT:

=> Top 10 Business Books

I also have some politically incorrect time management tips for you, and tip #5 might be most important:

=> Politically Incorrect Time Management Tips

Time is your most valuable resource,

Craig Ballantyne

1 comment:

Raj @ WordPress Blogging said...

this is one of the most awesome books..