Friday, April 15, 2011

Trainer Chooses Between Bodyweight and Kettlebells and TRX

On Wednesday afternoon I called up my ol' buddy, Alwyn Cosgrove, fitness expert and regular Men's Health contributor, and I asked him...

"What would be the first piece of equipment you'd buy? Would it be a TRX or a Kettlebell?"

Then he got upset at me.

"Aw, you're not going to give me one of THOSE questions, are ya?" he said in his still-thick Scottish accents (kind of sounds like Scrooge McDuck).

I said, yes, yes I am. After all, a lot of TT readers workout at home, and want to have a low-cost, but fully equipped gym.

So he gave me a cop-out answer.

He said we all need to use more bodyweight exercises first, before we think about buying new equipment.

There are dozens of bodyweight exercises we can use before we even get into expensive equipment like a TRX or Kettlebell.

In fact, I have 101 bodyweight exercises for you here.
(Some of these need a stability ball or pull-up bar.)
You'll get a 6-month bodyweight workout routine, PLUS the Bodyweight Cardio 3 program, AND the TT Bodyweight Cardio 1000 circuit program I created last fall.

But today is the last day to get all of that for $19.95 here.

Oh, and there is one more bonus workout on the download page, featuring the most advanced bodyweight strength exercises that you can do.

Burn muscle muscle and burn fat WITHOUT expensive equipment,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

BTW - I made him answer the original question.

And he chose...

The TRX over Kettlebells...because you can do more upper back work with the TRX than Kettlebells.

And you can take your bodyweight exercises to the next level with the TRX.

But there are two downsides.

First, a TRX is tough to setup in your basement.

Second, both the TRX and Kettlebells cost money. A TRX is over $100 alone.

So why not see how far your bodyweight can take you?

After all, it's also the cheapest equipment you can get.

Add these workouts for less than $20, and you're set for a long, long time.

=> 101 Bodyweight Exercises & 6 Months of Workouts <= Last day
You'll be amazed at what you can do with bodyweight alone.


kaderin said...

I am a kettlebell fan, because they are just fun and versatile. But I'd choose the TRX too. I see TRX workouts as advanced/modified bodyweight.

As for the price, it's much too expensive, but you can build your own for a few dollars. Not as pretty but... just as effective !

Jim said...

Why not suggest the DIY kettlebell from "The 4 Hour Body" book. It costs about $5 in materials and you can add weights to it.

Iris said...

I missed the offer for the bodyweight workout. Will you offer it again? I really need it...

Craig Ballantyne, CTT, Certified Turbulence Trainer said...

Iris, yes, we are now offering it again.