So I was in South Beach on the weekend with some friends and there was this guy there that looked like a cross between my buddy Jay Ferruggia and Dave Tate.
And people were asking him for autographs. We couldn't figure out who it was. Then we saw him with a guy from Metallica at our hotel pool (metallica was in town that weekend). Do you know who he is?
(In this photo, the skinny guy from Metalicca is Kirk Hammett and the mystery dude is in the back with the sunglasses and tats.)
If you can clear up this mystery, it would be appreciated.
Anyways, back to my workout for today...(I'm heading to San Antonio, TX this weekend so I had to move up my workout schedule).
1) Vertical Jumps - 4x4
2) Overhead Squats - 2x5
3A) Squats - 3x5-8
3B) Chinup + Kneeup - 3x10
That was it. Biked home and did some stretching.
I was going to say Kirk Hammett. hahaha. He is probably a security guy. And from the looks of him, has been with the band since Day 1.
But people were asking him for autographs all weekend...even when he was alone. Didn't make sense...
Jesse Ventura, perhaps?
Hard to say...could just be his personal security guy...but for the records for those wondering: Kirk Hammet's half Filipino! His mom's Filipino. :P
Must have been pretty cool to see him Craig. Nice.
Love Metallica.
Kirk Hammett kicks arse (as does Metallica). Their new bass player is pretty big - maybe he shaved his head.
That is not Rob Trujillo. So it must be a security guy or someone from another band who is touring with them.
looks like Stone Cold Steve Austin, but I don't think it is... he never had tattoo sleeves like that, as far as i know...
It was definitely not stone cold. nor a security guard, because people were asking this guy for his autograph earlier in the weekend when he was by himself.
That is Tom, and he is the Head of Security for Metallica. When Metallica is off tour, he also goes around with other bands like System of a Down, etc
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