The TT Depletion Workouts are for everyone who still doesn't have enough time to do the regular TT workouts. Each TT Depletion program is only 20 minutes and you only train twice per week, so you have to give everything you can in just those 20 minutes.
And these workouts demand it! You'll love these simple circuits.
Here's how it's going to go down. You are going to do a 5-exercise circuit, 30 seconds per exercise, with absolutely, positively no rest in between exercises.
Are you ready for shocking news about your fat loss workout? Well, here’s the truth. You do NOT need to do slow, boring cardio to burn fat. In fact, cardio is probably a big waste of your time!
Instead, your fat loss workout should be short, fun, and effective. In fact, you can stop going to the gym 6 days per week for 90 minutes at a time and instead start working out only 3 times per week for 45 minutes (or less) per session.
Here are 5 simple steps to changing your fat loss workout so that it burns belly fat and helps you get more results in less time.
Cut out the cardio. Cardio machines lie and you aren’t really burning as many calories as the calorie counter says. Plus, research shows that even hundreds of hours of cardio per year barely make a dent in your belly fat. It’s just so darn ineffective that I can’t let you do it anymore!
If Not Long, Slow Cardio, Then What?
Replace the cardio with 20 minutes of interval training done at the end of your fat loss workout. Interval training has beat slow cardio workouts in a head to head study for burning belly fat.
Plus, that study tested only 20 minutes of interval training compared to 40 minutes of slow cardio, so you can cut your workout time in half!
Start your workout with 3-5 minutes of general bodyweight exercises to prepare your body for your workout. Forget about the 10 minutes of walking on a treadmill to warm-up since that does nothing to prepare you for fat burning.
There are hundreds of bodyweight exercises you can do, but for your warm-up you should do prisoner squats, easy pushups, and stability ball leg curls.
The Best Way to Transform Your Body is Resistance Training
You can build muscle and burn fat at the same time with resistance training, and you can even do the best workouts at home. Here are the key factors for getting the best fat loss workout done in little time.
After the bodyweight warm-up but before the interval training, you’ll do 10-20 minutes of superset strength training or bodyweight circuits to sculpt your muscles and add more calorie burning to your fat loss workout.
You won’t get big and bulky doing this, but if you want to gain muscle, we’ll add more supersets to the program and cut back on the interval training.
You’ll do all of this in only 45 minutes, three times per week. On your off days, do something fun rather than more cardio that you hate. Pick some workouts or activities that keep you active and off the couch for at least 30 minutes.
What Should You Do on “Off-Days”?
Yoga, sports, walking the dog, playing with your kids, it’s all good! You don’t need to go into a gym, but you can if you want. Just don’t get hung up on the “more cardio is needed” mentality! That will only stress you out and slow down your fat loss.
So a sample workout would go like this.
Start your warm-up with prisoner squats, easy pushups, and stickups. Then do a superset of split squats and advanced pushups (for your fitness level). Follow that with a superset of dumbbell rows and stability ball leg curls. Finish with 20 minutes of interval training. That’s it for a fast fat loss workout!
For interval training, you can use cardio machines, exercise outside, walk hills, use medicine ball exercises, run in place, or try some of my bodyweight cardio workouts.
You don’t need to do long cardio in a fat loss workout to get results!
If you follow the guidelines I have outlined and combine it with a quick warm-up and the proper weights, then you can get a great total body resistance and interval training workout in only 45 minutes that will burn fat and build muscle at the same time. That’s how you transform your body!
Got up early…real early, thanks to Bally The Dog. So we got home from our 90 minute dog walk at 7am, and that's when I did the Stability Ball Workout from the new TT Depletion Workout program (available tomorrow from
That's the perfect program for folks who are real busy this summer (or any time of year) and simply want to commit to just TWO hardcore sessions of only 20 minutes per week.
If that sounds like you, then you'll love this workout. You'll get a free copy of it when you grab your copy of Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
After the mini-exercise, I washed Bally the Dog out on the balcony and gave him a treat while I had my regular morning breakfast bowl of...
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
couple ounces of pecans
1/2 cup of blueberries
1 banana (shared with Bally the Dog)
sprinkle of coconut flakes
topped with a few more pecans
I also had a pear and some green tea.
In a bit I'll have my regular omelet...
4 organic eggs
1/4 ounce cheese (sometimes i skip this)
red onion
green and red peppers
1 tortilla
(sometimes I have avocado as well, but I have none
I'll have a Greens-plus drink and an apple with this.
Later this afternoon I'll have lots of raw vegetables and hummus, some raw nuts, and maybe even a salad of spinach, feta cheese, walnuts, and strawberries.
After that I'm heading to an early dinner at a neighbors and it will be a big Italian spread.
Have a great day and make sure you prepare your meals for the week ahead,
Whew, been gone for a week but it felt like a month. Went to Vegas and watched UFC fights, checked out Dane Cook comedy show, brainstormed with Vince Delmonte, Mike Geary, and Joel Marion (among others), rode some fancy cars around the desert (the Lambourghini was insane!), chilled at the pool, ate some steaks (CraftSteak, Nine Steakhouse, and Switch), and then had a nice dinner to end the trip at Lavo in the Palazzo hotel.
By that time I had enough of Vegas, and I had to head over to a seminar in New Jersey...met up with my buddy Jay Ferruggia to train at on Thursday (more details to come later), and then finally got to the seminar late Thursday night.
On Friday, I had lunch (grilled salmon and a salad plus one bread roll) with a great baseball coach from Jersey named Paul Reddick ( Then I spoke to over 227 fitness pros at Great crowd. Some real sharp folks with lots of great ideas on how to help people with their fitness over the Internet.
But then finally, after all that traveling, I got my flight home to Toronto on Friday night. I also started a fast after lunch, and went through to late Saturday morning. It's good to be home to my endless supply of vegetables, raw nuts, fruit, banana tacos, and hummus.
I definitely enjoyed all of the steak I had while traveling, but Jay Ferruggia and his girlfriend also made me an amazing vegan meal on Thursday that rivaled all of the dinners I had in Vegas.
Saturday morning, I slept in a bit, went to the chiropractic (I messed up my ankles horsing around...but they are good now), and then I went to the gym for a deadlift workout...
1) Sumo Deadlift - 365x5
2A) Good Morning 2B) BB Shrugs
3A) Cable Abs 3B) Hanging Knee Raises
After the workout I picked up Bally the Dog from the doggysitters and we toured around Toronto for an hour or so.
He stinks. And is pooping weird. Looks like he found another dead animal recently while at doggy camp. Good for him.
Every morning I review one of the Kekich Credo's...and today, #87 said...
"The surest way to accomplish your goals is making service to others your primary goal. The key to success is adding value to other's lives."
That means... - If you want to lose weight, help someone else lose weight.
- If you are always giving them social support, finding them healthy eating options, and staying active with your friends, then you will lose weight as a result.
- Plus, as research shows, if you exercise with someone who loses weight, you have a greater chance of losing weight as well.
You realize planning is the key to success, right?
Here's the bottom line...
If you plan, and I mean really plan things out (not just making your lunch the day before, but plan out meal by meal, grocery trip by grocery trip, workout by workout for the next 4-12 weeks), you will lose fat and achieve more than you everthought possible. This is the stuff of legends.
It is that level of planning that brings exceptional results. And can help you avoid months of wasted work due to a last-second poor decision that conflicted with your original goals. - Take 3 hours and plan out your next 3 months. You might find this incredibly hard, or perhaps incredibly liberating, but each time incredibly hard, or perhaps incredibly liberating, but each time you do it you will get better at it.
- Take this game plan and be flexible, but use it to avoid obstacles.
- Review the folks who have won past competitions. Their stories hold the secrets to success!
Your last chance to get a full 12 weeks of the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest ends today.
Having the accountability and social support in the Turbulence Training Transformation forum is what separates folks who struggle from the men AND women who lose up to 34 pounds in just 12 weeks.
Don't believe me? Just check out the Transformation Contest winners here:
In fact, I've got some presents for you that will end your fat loss frustration and depression, and give you the energy and confidence you need to have the most amazing summer ever.
Did you know that...
Simply entering the contest guarantees you more fat loss?
It's true!
So when you're ready to get started and grab 5 bonus workout gifts from me, head over to this website for the best deal in the history of Turbulence Training.
I got messed up in Vegas...but no, not what you are thinking. Something much more innocent than partying...
Turns out I just didn’t feel so hot from plane ride…even though I drank water, and ate almonds, apricots, and an apple. When I landed and got to my hotel, I had headache…probably from the 2 naps I had on the plane - I should have fought the urge to fall asleep.
The headache was so bad I had to have another nap in the hotel, and fortunately that cured everything. Then I got up and had a chicken breast sandwich and banana before the fights. The undercard started really early because of the time zone change, and my buddies wanted to see them all so we got to the UFC 98 event at 5.
I always like the undercard fights…they are just as entertaining as the ones they show on TV, and there was a highlight reel knockout and submission that folks at home will have missed.
The Matt Serra-Matt Hughes fight was okay, and really needed another 2 rounds to really make it "UFC Fight of the Night".
Hughes won, I agree, and almost choked out Serra in the first round. Serra put on a little attack late in the 3rd round but it just wasn’t enough. For all the talk, this one under-delivered. Impressive skills by both guys, but left everyone wanting a little bit more.
Finally, the title fight. Interestingly enough, it showed a training video of Machida, and he was doing a bunch of bodybuilding exercises (hammer curls and smith machine squats). I wonder if he really trains like that and if those exercises really help him at all. That type of training might be a waste of his time.
The fight lasted two rounds and Machida dominated from start to finish. I seriously thought Evans was dead when Machida knocked him out…dang, that’s gotta hurt the brain. A nice reminder to stay out of trouble!
After the fight I decided to skip the nightclubs that my buddy and his friends were going to, and instead I went to the “CraftSteak” steakhouse in MGM with some other friends who you might know, Vince DelMonte and Joel Marion, who were also at the fight.
I had one beer at the fight, and by the time the fights were over I was hungry, even though it was 10pm local time and almost 1am back home in Toronto.
Because of those naps on the plane and the hotel, I really messed up my system. Fortunately, I was feeling really good so I treated myself to a great dinner.
I had roasted red peppers for an appetizer, followed by the 16 ounce ribeye and side dish of asparagus.
I’m also trying to learn to appreciate wine, so I had a Cabernet Sauvignon – can’t remember the name…initials were BV. It was good, and so much better than trying to drink a beer with a meal like that.
Great steak, great meal, great company, and great “scenery” watching all the pretty girls walk by in their party dresses.
After dinner I called it a night (it was around midnight), but on my way back to my hotel I decided to hit a walk up and down the strip because the weather and energy were perfect. A nice little walk after a big meal (research shows this has health benefits if you overindulge) and then back to the hotel.
I think I’m back on my schedule today. I have to switch hotels, get in a workout, and then take a few hours off by the pool I think…and then maybe catch the Dane Cook comedy show tonight with a few friends.
Make sure to stay active with a little bit of fun activity even on your non-workout days,
Moved my workout up a bit, because I'm not sure about my training schedule for the next 7 days. I'm off to Vegas for some work stuff next week, but also slipping in a chance to go to UFC 98 on Saturday night. Might go to see Dane Cook on Sunday night, too.
So I'll probably get back in the gym on Monday, but then I don't think I'll be able to do a real workout again until Thursday because of work stuff. And on Thursday morning I'll be flying from Vegas to Newark, because I'm speaking at this personal trainer business seminarin Jersey.
I finally get back to Toronto next Friday night. Should be a good little road tour with a nice combo of business and pleasure, plus plenty of time to read some books on flights and meet some good folks along the way - especially in Jersey at the seminar.
Now for today's workout...
1) Bench - worked up to 275 for 3 single repetitions
First, no laughing at my lack-of-a-tan or my beard...
...but I figured I would do the opposite of what most guys do in the TT contests. I grew more hair and I gained weight...since most TT folks lose weight and shave off the hair.
Should I keep the beard? I think it's got about 3 days left before I get rid of it...
Anyways, it's been about 12 weeks since I started the "can you gain muscle while fasting" experiment...and I've gone from 170 (photo with no beard) to 185 (photo with beard).
Honestly, its tough to tell the differences, isn't it?
...but I think the shoulders and upper back are bigger, or maybe its all in my butt, who knows.
Or maybe I have a 9 pound beard, I guess I'll have to weigh it when I shave it.
Anyways, the big mistake I made is not putting enough time into don't be a fool like me. When you do your transformation, measure everything!
Now for the #1 question on many people's minds...Did I gain some fat?
Yeah, maybe a little, but definitely a small, acceptable amount considering the weight gain.
Now here's the surprise...
I fasted, on average, once per week.
Not only did I prove that I won't lose muscle fasting, but that I can also gain muscle while fasting. So what "secrets" did I use over the last 12 weeks?
Not many. This was as basic as can be.
The training program was 3 days per week. In fact, my training didn't change much at all from what I was doing before.
What did change?
I eat a lot MORE BREAD. That's pretty much it.
And I used creatine for the first 4 weeks and then again for the last couple of weeks.
No protein powders or other supplements. I still eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts.
So there you go. I know what works for me.
This is a good plan and I'm sticking with it.
(By the way, in case it matters to anyone, I'm 34 years old...and clearly not on steroids. That's why it always makes me laugh when folks acuse Tiger of being on the juice.)
But back to my's what I did today...
Here are my 3 favourite stability ball ab exercises that can be done at home and will build your abdominals and strengthen your torso muscles. Might even help give you a flat stomach.
The first exercise is the stability ball rollout. So to get into starting position, kneel on a mat, with your body in an upright position and hands on the ball.
Now, roll out for a count of 3 seconds, stretching your abs, and then return to the starting position by contracting your abs for a 2 second count. Perform a total of 10 repetitions for this exercise.
After the stability ball rollout, the next exercise to perform is the stability ball jackknife.
There are a couple of ways this abs exercise can be done; one, with your elbows on a bench and feet on the stability ball, or alternatively, with your hands on the ground and your body in the pushup position.
For the purposes of this explanation, I am going to do it with my elbows on the bench. So to start, place your body in a plank position with your elbows on the bench and feet on the stability ball.
Next, while bracing your abs, tuck your knees up to your chest and back out again. This abs exercise although very effective is not quite as hard as the stability ball rollout.
The third exercise of the stability ball triset is the plank with elbows on the ball. According to Men's Health, this exercise is 30% harder than a regular plank with elbows on the ground. So, to get in position, place your elbows on the ball and your body in a straight line.
If you want to make this more difficult you can do a couple different things. The first is to move your elbows in front of your shoulders, and secondly, which is even harder, is to roll the ball in and out.
In all scenarios, you want to hold this position for 20 seconds. For advanced levels, a 30 second hold is very good, especially after performing the previous two exercises.
Perform the above exercises for 5 minutes twice a week and combine that with the TT supersets and interval training 3 times a week and you will begin to burn belly fat and achieve that flat stomach.
This is nutrition week at Turbulence Training and we're going to kick it off with a controversial nutrition interview that you are either going to love or hate.
Because some people have bought into too much nutrition help expert Brad Pilon and I cover these "nutritional sacred cows" and a few others in a quick interview:
- Organic Meat - Aspartame - Cooking with microwave ovens - the 3 worst foods you can eat - the truth about diet and longevity - Bonus: You'll get Brad's brilliant advice for living a long, healthy life
Let me know what you think and post your comment on the blog. We've already got a few controversial replies and the controversial opinions are being thrown around. Nutrition is a hot, hot topic!
Personally, I think Brad's simple approach to nutrition is exactly what the world needs.
Instead of creating even more "issues with food" that nutrition scaremongerers seem to do, Brad does the exact opposite and tells us what we really are able to control.
Check it out and let me know what you think,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Brad's diet program has been proven to help men and women win the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
Each winner from the first 3 Transformation Contests used Brad's simple fat loss diet program.
1st Contest Winner - Emily Johnson 2nd Contest Winner - Catherine Gordon 3rd Contest Winner - Hal Empson
In fact, his diet is so good, I even use it on the weekend. Yep, all you need to do is follow his program once per week to lose fat.
If you want to win the TT contest and lose 20-30 pounds of fat, visit Brad's site to learn more about his simple and easy to follow diet program here:
Started a new 4-week program yesterday and my chest is sore...but today I went in to do squats.
Had to move my workouts up by a few days because I'm going to Vegas on Saturday morning (for UFC 98) and staying for meetings the next week, then off to a Fitness Business Seminar in New Jersey on Thursday through Saturday.
Today I did...
1) Squat - worked up to 355
2A) Pullups 2B) Olympic Squats
3A) Back Extension 3B) DB Triceps Extension
It wasn't a real tough workout because I was playing around trying to find the right week will be at the right weight...just need to find a good gym in Vegas.
I know the Luxor gym has a squat rack, so I might go there...staying at Planet Hollywood all week though...never stayed there before. Good gym, who knows...
Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe you can do it?
Do you believe you can lose fat?
Because I DO believe in you.
My goal in life is to simplify this "confusing, frustrating, and complex" thing known as fat loss... that you can break free from ugly, embarrassing belly fat and dramatically boost your energy and increase your confidence.
Now I know what many of you are thinking..."I can't do it." Well, I understand your skepticism and I encourage you see the success stories of men and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes at:
Last night I watched a little SNL (2 weeks in a row) to see Will Farrell and Green Day...there were a few good skits. I liked the stupid funeral skit if you saw the show - particularly the random guy that just came in and threw the mic on the ground.
After that I started reading a book called, "The Choice", and the next thing you know I was up until almost 2am. But that didn't stop Bally the Dog from getting me up at 6:25am for a dog walk. Fortunately I'm not tired, and I hit the gym for a good bench press and upper back workout this morning around 8am (after eating an apple and some almonds).
Workout went down like this...
1) Bench - 270x1 for 3 sets, 225x8
2A) Wide-grip deadlift 4x10 with 225 2B) DB chest press 3x10
3) Underhand seated row (1 big drop set)
40 minutes
Grabbed a chocolate milk on the way home.
Now off for another big dog walk,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Just posted 3 muscle building workouts and a raw vegan chocolate recipe...
One of the biggest reasons men and women fail with their diets is lack of education - so here are 4 nutrition tips for fat loss. Fortunately, it doesn't take long to get a decent nutrition education. If you spend two weeks reading and monitoring your diet, you'll be able to spend the rest of your life knowing exactly how much and what to eat.
The first thing you need to do is spend one week recording everything you eat on a website called I know it sounds tedious, but I'm only asking you to do it for one week. This will show you how many calories you eat every day.
The second thing you need to do is start reading food labels. Of course, eventually you should move your way to a diet that doesn't include many food labels at all - because you should focus on whole, natural foods like fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, and meat.
Third, use Fitday and Google to discover how many calories are in the foods you eat. Here's a quick, approximate list.
1 piece of fruit = 100 calories 1 serving dairy = 100 calories 1 big potato = 150-200 calories plain 22 almonds in an ounce Beer wine alcohol = 150 cal per unit Bread = 100 calories
Soon you'll be a walking nutrition encyclopedia.
And the fourth thing you should do is to simply write down how you feel after every meal or after each food you eat, and you'll discover which foods make you tired and which ones give you energy. Very simple, but very powerful!
Diet is the key to fat loss,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - You can't out-train a bad diet!
But these are my two favorite fat loss diet programs:
On Thursday morning I woke up at 3:05am in a hotel room in beautiful Bethesda, Maryland. Had to be at the airport at 4:30 so I could get back to Toronto.
The last thing I had to eat was a spinach salad (with steak) at about 7pm the night before, while hanging out with Yanik Silver and watching his Caps get beat (badly) by the Penguins.
So...during my cab ride to the airport I decided I would make Thursday my Eat Stop Eat day for the week...and it turned into my best fast I've ever done (and I've completed about a dozen).
By the time I got back to my place in Toronto, it was 8:30am. I slept the entire 62-minute flight from DC to Toronto, and when I got home I started working on a few projects, including my weekly 5 minute fat burning workouts. I love putting that together, and showing folks the amazing workouts they can do in just five minutes.
I also hit a sprint interval workout around 10:30am, and then spend a couple of hours in a coffee shop on Roncesvilles Ave (in the west end of Toronto) doing a bit more work on an upcoming vegetarian meal plan blog.
The new vegetarian website is going to show everyone how to eat vegetarian, vegan, and even raw food diets for fat loss - without all the negatives of low energy, pale complexions, and muscle loss that so many vegetarians suffer.
All afternoon I was just humming along, getting a ton of great work done and feeling great, if just a teeny-tiny bit tired from the 2 hours sleep the night before. But at 5pm, I was home but not hungry, and finished up my work for the day and just waited for Bally the Dog to get home from camp.
After he got home and ate his dinner (in less than 2 seconds), we wrestled and hung out, and the next thing you knew it was 6:30pm an I was ready to eat. Best fast yet.
If you haven't tried it yet and you are struggling with fat loss, check out Brad Pilon's site Eat Stop Eat. I ended my fast with some raw nuts, goji berries, and an apple. Then had dinner later...
Today I got up and started the day with a big dog walk, and then hit the gym for a deadlift workout, going like this...
1) Deadlift - worked up to 385x3 with alternate grip (also did 325x5 with double overhand grip)
2A) Military Press - 140x2x4, 85x2x15 2B) Good Morning - 195x2x6
That was it. Did a lot of deadlifts. Finished in 40 minutes.
Writing up a new 4-week program for myself this weekend,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Want to know where I get some of my personal strength and muscle building workout ideas?
You'll find that a lot of bodybuilders get their posing trunks in a knot when I recommend the 3-minute arm workout, but seriously, for busy men and women, it's a great way to finish off a TT workout.
If you love training arms but just don't have time for those exercises in your busy schedule, here are 3 systems that you can use at the end of your regular workout to add in some additional arm exercises, while keeping your workout time as short as possible.
There are 2 alternative ways in which you can add 3-minute arms to your workouts. The first is adding one of the systems to the end of your workout, three times per week. Or, you can do three different versions of 3-minute arms as one workout, taking 12 minutes in total with a minute of rest in between each.
Below I will outline each of the 3 different 3-minute arm systems.
System 1 – 5X5 Method
To start, choose a weight that you can normally do 8 repetitions in dumbbell curls and dumbbell tricep extensions. Now, instead of completing 8 reps, you will do 5 repetitions for each exercise with no rest in between exercises or supersets. Repeat this the superset 5 times, again with no rest.
You should be able to use the same weight for both exercises. Although the weight might be a little easier for the tricep exercise, once you fatigue, it will become more difficult. You should be able to get that arm workout done in about 2 minutes 55 seconds and have a nice little arm pump to end the workout.
System 2 - 4X6 Method
This system is very similar to the first one. For the 4X6 you will do four sets of six repetitions with no rest in between exercises or supersets. Two great exercises for this system are the barbell bicep curl and combining that with an incline dumbbell tricep extension.
Again, you will want to pick a weight that you can do for 8 repetitions, but only do 6 for each exercise. Because there is zero rest between sets, you will end up very fatigued and these exercises will become increasingly more difficult.
System 3 – 2X8
This system is pretty straightforward. Two sets of 8 repetitions. For the 2X8, I recommend incline dumbbell curls and pairing that with the tricep rope extension. So, in this system you will perform the superset and then rest 30 seconds and repeat one more time.
That's it. All of the 3-minute arm workouts are short and sweet, but will help you build muscle and sculpt your arms in a very short amount of time, perfect for the busy person.
Add that to the end of any fat burning workoutand you'll get your arms pumped while burning belly fat.
10 Minute Fat Burning Workout: In just a few minutes, you can burn fat and sculpt your body no matter how busy you are.
If you want to burn belly fat, boost your confidence, and escape the prison of being overweight and tired all the time, the great news is that you only have to spend 10 minutes a couple of times burning belly fat at home.
I have a secret formula for designing the perfect total body fat burning workout. And I'm about to share it with you.
The Secret Hot Zone Guide to Fast Fat Loss Workouts
It involves identifying and focusing on the 4 "Hot Zones" of the body that will give you the most results in the least amount of workout time. In fact, if you train these 4 Hot Zones, it'll guarantee that your entire body is trained for fat loss.
You'll discover how 4 simple exercises hit all the fat burning hot zones of the body and help you boost metabolism and burn more belly fat.
Way back in 2004, when I was training 6, 8, 10, or even more clients per day, I had a big "A-ha!" moment. I realized that each of my programs had evolved to focus on only 4 areas of the body, unlike most other trainer's programs that are 3 times as long and do isolation exercises for every body part.
What I found was that my choosing as little as 4 exercises (and sometimes even only 2 exercises per workout!), I was able to get more results in about 10 minutes than trainers were getting with longer, bodybuilding type workouts.
It was that simple. If I trained my client with exercises to hit all 4 of the metabolism boosting, fat burning hot zones, we could be done in as little as 10 and move on to the interval training portion of the fat burning workout.
10 Minute Workouts Are For Real
Today I am going to reveal to you the secret to the elusive 10 minute total body workout. A lot of people don't believe it's possible to get an incredible workout in only 10 minutes that will help with your fat loss program. But, of course you can and it's very simple.
Start with a general bodyweight exercise as your warm-up. So, in this example I am going to do a bodyweight squat with hands in front, and pair that with a push up. If you're a beginner, then you can easily substitute wall squats and kneeling push ups.
Complete two rounds of that superset, performing 10 repetitions for each. Once you have finished the warm-up superset, your body should be ready for the next round of exercises.
The Best 10 Minute Workout Exercises
The two best exercises to couple together in a 10-minute workout are the dumbbell squat exercise and the dumbbell chest press. When doing the former exercise, obviously you are working your lower body, but you are also working your upper back by holding those dumbbells in position.
For the first set I want you to pick a weight that is relatively easy. So, choose a weight that you could normally do for 15 repetitions and only do 10. After you finish the 10 reps move on to the chest press and follow the same method.
One of the great things about this dumbbell pairing is that you can usually use the same weight you used for the squat as you use for the chest press, saving you time.
After finishing the first round of the superset, increase the weight, so that it is now a very difficult challenge. Now, you will want to complete the set performing 8 repetitions. If 8 repetitions is still too easy, then add more weight and continue on.
Burn Fat and Sculpt Your Body at Home in Just 10 Minutes
Do as much as you can in 10 minutes and that's your workout. If you follow the guidelines I have outlined and combine it with a quick warm-up and the proper weights, then you can get a great total body workout in only 10 minutes that will increase your metabolism, burn fat, and build muscle.
One of the worst things I hear from new TT members is that they can't get started because of an old injury.
So I went to one of the smartest guys I know in fitness and rehab, Keith Scott (a certified athletic therapist) for the top 5 things you need to do if you are injured.
(NOTE: Of course, the first thing goes without MUST see a doctor if you are injured...but here are more tips to recovering quickly so you can use Turbulence Training)
5 Things You MUST Do If You Get Injured
1) Stop doing any movements that cause pain.
Your body is signaling pain for a reason. Pushing through a fresh injury and ignoring pain is the last thing you want to do right now.
2) Apply ice.
With any new or fresh injury, you want to use ice or cold treatment. Always ice for the first 48 hours. Using heat is a big NO-NO for a new injury.
3) Assess the situation.
Write down everything you can remember about what you were doing when you injured yourself or first felt the pain.
Move carefully and slowly through the motions that cause the pain so you can pinpoint what movements are making it hurt.
The more information you have the better. Your doctor or trusted professional can make a better diagnosis with more information.
4) Don't just sit there...get "Active Rest".
What the heck do I mean?
Find something you can do that does not cause any pain or put your injury at more risk.
In other words, don't just sit there and do nothing. You can still find some exercise that you can do in the meantime.
5) Find a qualified professional to assess your situation and get you moving in the right direction.
Whether this is your doctor, or therapist, contact that person immediately and start doing the necessary things to get yourself better.
Sometimes people wait too long to get assessed and started on their "rehab". This can cause a lot more problems in the long run.
Either way, get yourself looked at by a professional immediately!
***************** Thanks Keith!
Now here's the bonus tip...if you want to AVOID all that pain and injury in the first place, you need to become what Keith calls:
Now here's a dirty little secret about me...I always hated taking sports injury classes during my Master's of Exercise Physiology Degree.
I never had an interest in it, and as a trainer, I always refer my clients with injuries to a physio or when TT members write in with injuries, I always send them somewhere else.
And I've spent years looking for a straight-forward, no BS resource for TT Members on how to avoid and overcome injury...
...and this is by far and away the best advice you'll ever get on how to exercise safely while getting - and staying - FREE from pain.
Helping you stay on track with your workouts and out of the doctor's office,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS -You know why I hated sports injury classes?
...because I had a few bad breaks in high school (ankle, arm) and the rehab programs from my physio were useless.
Left me a little skeptical about the whole "rehab scene". It wasn't until years later when I finally met some competent chiripractors, doctors, and physio's that I saw the healing power that a good therapist can have.
And if you've ever wondered why your physiotherapist's program didn't work, Keith explains why:
Hit the gym early today before an afternoon flight to Washington, DC.
Workout went down like this...
1A) Wide Stance Squats 3x5 1B) Max Chinups - 17 (One better than last time)
2A) Narrow Stance Squats 3x10 2B) DB Triceps Extensions
3) Back Extension
Once I arrived in Washington, I met up with friends for dinner at Morton's Steakhouse. I was in the mood for meat after reading an amazing article in the latest Men's Health magazine about a guy who buys an entire pig and eats it all. Worth checking out if you are an omnivore. Vegetarians will want to skip it.
At Morton's I had the Chicago Ribeye steak and a side of steamed broccoli. That was the best decision I've made all day (and I'd actually made some really good decisions earlier in the day, too!).
This isn't a joke, and yes, you can easily do a great ab workout in less than 10 minutes. Heck, the other morning after training one of my favourite clients, I stopped by a convenience store in downtown Toronto to inspect the latest fitness magazine headlines. The cover of one of the slickest, most popular female fitness publications immediately jumped out at me with the headline, "One Minute Abs".
Now before you laugh, I just want to let you know that I could put you through 60 seconds of stretching and strengthening that would leave your abs sore for days. So even though it sounds preposterous, and clearly the headline was there for shock value, I promise you that working your abs in minutes (or less!) is no laughing matter.
Today's 10 Minute Ab Workout
If you want to get a slim stomach and six pack abs in just minutes or even seconds, then you need to stop wasting your time on useless crunches and dangerous sit-ups. Instead, you need to focus on 21st Century ab workout exercises to get more results in less time.
Here's an effective four-exercise Pre-Fatigue Abdominal Circuit where you are going to fatigue the abdominals with classic endurance exercises and then follow it up with a dynamic moving exercise.
In the first exercise, start with a simple abdominal plank, holding that position for 45 seconds while bracing your abs, breathing normally, and maintaining your body in a straight line. That will pre-fatigue your abdominals for the second exercise.
Next, you will perform stability ball jackknives for 15 repetitions. At this point in the workout, your abs will be slightly fatigued from the previous exercise, so pay special attention to your form. This is the perfect combination of abdominal exercises to help you strengthen your abs and build the six pack muscles.
Sculpt Your Abs with Science
Research shows that abdominal exercises like the plank and side plank are essential for helping you build abdominal endurance and reduce your risk of low back pain. And my experience shows we can use these simple exercises combined with fun stability ball exercises to work your abs harder than ever.
The third abdominal exercise in the circuit will fatigue both the obliques and abdominals and is called the side plank. While holding for 30 seconds per side, be sure to maintain your body in a straight line, keeping your hips up, and your chest rotated outwards.
Brace your abs to work them harder than ever. This simple exercise is far more effective than crunches, and works your abdominal oblique muscles extra hard. Plus, the side plank pre-fatigues your abdominal oblique muscles for the final exercise.
The last abs workout exercise in the circuit is the cross body stability ball mountain climber. To get into position, place your hands on the floor, your feet on the ball, and bring your knee across your body to your opposite elbow. This is a powerful exercise for your six pack abs and obliques.
Once completing the Pre-Fatigue Abdominal Circuit, go through and complete it 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits. You'll be shocked at how hard you can work your abs without situps, crunches, or any of the ab gadgets that are really just a waste of money.
Don't Forget to Get Rid of the Belly Fat
Of course, you also have to do interval training to burn belly fat and find the right diet to help you lose belly fat. I highly recommend you stick to whole, natural foods to lose stomach fat and use short, burst interval training to burn fat in less than 20 minutes, only three times per week.
After finishing the abs exercises circuit, do 5 minutes of fat burning Bodyweight squats, completing as many reps as you can do within that time frame. So, for example, you may choose to do sets of 10, 20, go to failure, or 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off.
It doesn't really matter, as long as you are focused on form and going at a steady pace. In terms of hand placement, you can put them down at your sides, behind your head, outstretched in front of you, or even below your neck. Record how many reps you are able to do within the 5 minute window and try to improve upon that number each week.
Save Money and Time and Sculpt Your Abs at Home in Minutes
All you need is your bodyweight and a $9.95 exercise ball to work your abs as hard as any pilates or yoga session, or as hard as any $39.95 infomercial machine – all in the comfort of your own home.
I hope you enjoyed the abs exercises circuit workout and bodyweight interval training program. Both of these workouts will guarantee that you'll get a slim tummy, flattened abs, and even a razor sharp set of six pack abdominals.
This is a wild story from a TT Member who was almost kicked out of his gym just because he helped some folks finally get some fat burning workout routines results...what a crazy backward world we live in just because some folks are too stubborn and stuck in their old school ways.
********* Craig,
I have been following TT for some months and started using the workouts. Now, first I will explain that I live in ___, Mexico. Trainers at gyms in my city are used to train like everyone wants to become a bodybuilder.
They do not concentrate on nutrition, intervals or bodyweight exercises. I know. I have tried several gyms with no results.
So I started going in the web and I stumbled on one of TT videos and liked what I saw. First followed what was on the net and then bought the course. I have gotten great results and the way of training is something very efficient and fun.
Well, I started to get noticed on the gym and some other clients frustrated with the results they have been getting started asking me what was I doing. So I shared with them the TT way of doing things and a couple of them started working out with me.
After 3 weeks they started seeing results and spread a little noise on the gym of how happy they were with the results.
I got called to the gyms office and the owner and instructor told me to stop sharing information with the other clients. That I should keep to myself. Added, the gym instructor went to the people that were training with me and said the way I was training was obsolete, would hurt them and they should stop and follow their instructions.
He practically took them away from me. I later found out it was the instructor who promoted me being banned with the main office. He got upset that people started talking that their are different ways of training and more importantly to get results than what they were doing so far.
So I guess I am the first guy in my city to get banned from having training partners because of TT and getting results.
I was going to leave the gym since I got upset. But I wont. I will stick around and show them what TT can do. Positive support is something I do not have a lot at my gym. But who cares. TT is great. Best wishes to all!!! *************************
Bally the Dogand I are out in the country this weekend where we did our regular big dog walk at the park, and then a crazy mid-morning thunderstorm hit, complete with marble-sized hail.
Don't know if we'd ever had that out at the farm before...first time for everything, I guess.
I then spent the morning working on an updated version of the classic manual...
We'll be releasing this new version (and new bonuses) to all past TT members - and all new TT users, of course - on Memorial Day...just in time for the the last day to enter the 5th TT Transformation Contest.
I ended up drinking a few cups of strong Green Tea to stay focused, giving me a little more caffeine than normal, and so when I went to train, that focus carried over into a great bench press workout.
Because I'm going to Bethesda, Maryland this week, I had to move my workouts up a couple of days. Here's how it went down...
1) Bench - Did 250x2, 260x2, 270x2, 275x1, and 255x3 (felt good)
2) RDL - 255x3x6
3A) DB Incline - 85x3x8 3B) BB Row - 205x3x8
Then I went back and had some pancakes. Yeah, pancakes. With real maple syrup and butter. Hey, it just felt right.
Then again, Jay Ferruggia says you should eat pancakes, lots and lots of pancakes if you want to get big and strong. And Jay knows his stuff. So I guess I was just following a trusted recommendation.
I've cheated. Instead of giving you a 5-minute workout, I'm giving you 5-minute videos that show you exactly what to do in both the Beginner and Intermediate TT Workouts.
Not sure what happened today, but I seemed to run out of gas a little faster than I wanted to...I kept up a fast pace to the workout, but some things just felt heavy.
Probably my own stupidity and I ran too many intervals on Tuesday morning. I gotta do as I say, and not do as I do...start taking my own advice for off-day activity and reign myself in a bit.
Anyways, it was probably the most beautiful day of the year so far in Toronto, and I was lucky enough to get out and enjoy it. It was a little stuffy in the gym, and I was drenched by the time this one was done.
It was another good training environment because the college kids were in there lifting hard, and there were even a couple of hot chicks in there today...and that's worth nothing because usually the joint is just full of weird dudes.
Workout went like this...
1) Hang Clean
2) Wide Squat
3A) Medium Stance Squat 3B) DB Triceps Extension
4A) Back Extension 4B) Seated Row
Will take it easy tomorrow and deadlift early Friday morning, then get out of town for the weekend.
If you want to win a body transformation contest, or simply just lose fat, get lean, and change your life, you must listen to this amazing interview I did with the winner of our 2nd Turbulence Training Transformation Contest, Catherine Gordon.
She'll show you...
- How to get started burning fat even if you are a beginner
- How to breakthrough fat loss plateaus
- What to do if you have a "bad diet day"
- The 5 Pillars of Fat Loss Success
- Her #1 secret to burning fat (you'll be surprised by this because she DISAGREES with me on the #1 secret!)
- How to create the world's best social support system for fat loss
Catherine is just awesome. You must listen to this free call no matter what your experience will help you get started losing fat and changing your body and live forever.
Catherine is an amazing role model and shares so much in this call,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Did you know you can win $1000 just by losing your belly fat?
That's what men and women win for top prize in the 5th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
In these crazy economic times, $1000 cash will go a LONG way to help pay some bills and give you some breathing room, so don't miss out on your chance to improve your health, dramatically increase your confidence, AND win up to $1000 just by losing belly fat.
If you are a personal trainer and your client(s) use Turbulence Training AND place in the top 3 of any category (individual male, individual female, or couples) of the 5th TT Transformation Contest, you'll get a bonus $250 prize!
This even includes personal trainers who train their clients with the TT Bootcamp Workouts.
However, all other rules of the TT Transformation Contest apply, including before and after photos and contest registration on this page:
Went in a little early this morning because Bally the Dog is still on a weekend sleepover at the dog-camp lady's house...
Got in and did...
1A) Bench - worked up to 285 1B) RDL - 3x6
2A) DB Incline - 3x8 with 80s 2B) BB Row - 3x8 with 205
That was it. The extra rest and warmup for the bench press made the workout long...50 minutes.
Thats it. Not much else to report. Good trip to Chicago on the weekend, but now I'm home until next monday when i head down to washington for a few days.
Now the biggest question folks ask is, "Do I have to buy Turbulence Training to enter the contest?"
And the answer is "No, you do not."
However, you must use Turbulence Training Workouts (there are a few free programs on the web).
But with the full Turbulence Training program, you'll get a step-by-step fat loss solution that removes all frustration and guesswork once and for all. Guaranteed.
You'll also get these FREE gifts when you get started with Turbulence Training.
1) 3 months FREE access to the TT Member's site & social support forum to get you through your Transformation
2) 3 bonus "Transformation Quick-Start" E-books
- Transformation Secrets
- Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset
- How to Measure Your Body Fat
Again, those are all free, even when you take the TT Trial Offer here:
Kekich Credio #56. Identify exactly what is you want. This takes a lot of thought. Then don't let anything stand in your way of getting it.
Goal set. Write it down. Vision board. Plan, shop, prepare. Social support. Accept this will be hard. Now you've made it easy. Tell people how it is going to be.
Then DO IT!
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Get ready, get set, get transforming!
Click here for the rules to the next TT Transformation Contest:
We have even more Turbulence Training winners to announce today...since it is time for our Success Stories of the month of April, 2009. Both of our winners receive a 1-year Platinum TT Membership.
Congratulations to Jeff and Matt, both from Texas, who have made amazing improvements in their health and fitness with short, burst workouts - and NO long, slow cardio!
Here's Jeff's story about how he regained his health in just 8 weeks with Turbulence Training
"Craig, I had to share this with you. Back in February I had a checkup, and my cholesterol was not good, my blood pressure had inched up higher than it had ever been, and I was about 30 lbs. heavier than I wanted to be.
I started TT right after that, and just finished the intermediate level program and had everything tested again.
I was shocked! In 8 weeks I'd lost 12 lbs., my cholesterol level has dropped by 60 points, my BP went from 128/85 to 110/70, and my resting heart rate went from 75-76 to 68.
Not bad for someone who'll be 50 in a few months!
Thanks for all of the work you do and the help you give to so many of us!" Jeff Montgomery **********************
And here's Matt's awesome story of how he got fit fast WITHOUT long, slow, boring cardio!
"Dear Craig, I realise you must get stories like mine from people all the time but I just wanted to tell you about something that happened to me recently and provides you with a little more anecdotal evidence about the benefits of Turbulence Training.
I picked up TT training about a year ago; it started with the Men's Health Belly Off and went from there. Over the past year I've dropped about 30 pounds and although never really follow the diet programme am watching what I eat much more closely and never miss a work out.
My wife is a keen runner, it's her passion. Last weekend she was due to enter another half marathon and the weekend before I decided that as I was going to have to get up at 5.00am and take her to it I might as well run it myself.
Although I play soccer once a week and follow TT plans, I hadn't run more that 6 miles in my life. I did one practice run of 6 miles and felt good so went for it; my wife thought I was crazy, some people told me I wouldn't be able to finish it with such limited training.
Anyway, I did in 2hours 16seconds and it felt great. What was really amazing though was that over the last 30 minutes I felt strong, I broke it down in my head into a TT interval session and found that whilst everyone else seemed to be slowing down I was able to speed up, I am convinced due to all the TT sessions I have done.
I won't be doing another one, but I can say that I did it and that was what I wanted. So another nail in the coffin for long slow cardio as far as I am concerned!" Matt Bennett ***********************
Craig Ballantyne is a workout routine and fat loss expert, and writes workout routines for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. For his Turbulence Training workouts, visit