Sunday, February 01, 2015

Do not do these bad idea workouts

Did you know that the world's most popular exercise  methods like Yoga, P90X and Crossfit do very little to transform your stubborn body parts?

In fact, there is pretty clear evidence these 3 popular methods may be making you look thicker - NOT better.

And they can cause your body more harm than good. CrossFit can cause "exertional rhabdomyolsis", which leads to kidney failure and even death.

I know it may sound a tad bit crazy, but inside today's brand new article from my great friend, Bruce Krahn (Trouble Spot Training Expert), you'll see it's 100% true:
=> Warning: This Popular Workout Could Be KILLING You (avoid)

BTW... I met Bruce last year in Miami last year, and as a guy that is not easily impressed...well, I have to say, he WAS impressive.
He's 45. He's ripped. He walks the walk. When this guy talked training and dieting, I listened very carefully.
Read his article. I know you'll agree that Bruce knows what he's talking about. He'll make sure you're not misled by any of these "trendy" workouts.


And don't forget to check out his before and after pics.
Time to fix your trouble spots, 
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - All of your struggles will end soon...
Everything ends at some point. Good times AND bad. Persevere through the hard times knowing they will be over soon and you will get through them, and be present and enjoy the good times with as much gratitude as possible.
"We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them." - Epictetus
Control what you can, cope with what you can't, and concentrate on what really counts in your life. Know what matters and never give up on it.

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