Tuesday, February 01, 2011

TT Success Story of the Month - January 2011

Each month I read through the dozens of new Turbulence Training Success Stories and pick a Grand Prize Winner. The TT Success Story of the Month gets a 1-year Platinum TT Membership.

If you want to enter, please just email:


And you can win this: TT 1-Year Membership


Now for this month's winner, Jay H., who wrote:

"Glad to see you are having a productive / good time out in Vegas. I go every year march 10, looking forward to going soon. 

I am a new member / follower of TT & you of course. cant believe the quality & content you provide. great. as backround, i have been working with a trainer @ sportsclubla boston for 5 years or so. due to economic downturn, the $150 a month had to get cut... and so do his workouts. Interestingly his prescribed workouts over the past 5 yrs are quite close to your methods (suprsets / circuits / interval training ) ... still need to ask him if he follows  you before my last  day (monday)

Anyway, I just finished up today his last workout routine yesterday and I wanted to choose one of yours based on my experience: was looking at intermediate but not sure if thats the best one. You have so much great content it can be overwhelming (in a good way) at times

Most importantly i follow very close ( if not exact) to the Zone diet. It works for me, and I like it . Once I get into it my body really respond well.

On Jan 1st I ballooned up to 192.5 lbs, I am 5'7"... today I am at 176. On March 10th, at 5am (my flight to vegas is an early one) I will weigh 149.5. I should have entered contest... but missed deadline.

I have LOVED my membership so far, msg boards are great, and once again, your content / twitter / FB, is second to none on the internet. Truly inspiring in more ways than just fittness. Not to mention the elevator vegas story still has me laughing.

I look forward to a long time membership / transformation."


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