You know, it's kind of funny.
I spent 6 years studying Exercise Physiology at University, and another 15 years training great folks like you after that...but the truth is, I still haven't found the perfect solution to your #1 obstacle in the way of your success.
I mean, we've crushed the "lack of time" argument with the short TT workouts...
...but everyday I still struggle to help people overcome their lack of motivation.
But I'll tell you, even though it is the #1 obstacle to success, I do have one MASSIVELY effective weapon that has worked amazing to help hundreds of men and women in the last 2 years.
And it is the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
So I have some great news for you...we are just days away from the 8th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest...and yes, it is free for you to enter the contest. You don't have to buy anything. But you do have to use Turbulence Training workouts to enter.
If you want to check out all of the rules for the 8th contest, go here:
=> I know that the Transformation Contest will help you crush any lack of motivation you might struggle with. That's my promise to you.
The social support from other Turbulence Training users combined with the intense personal challenge has helped men AND women lose up to 33 pounds in just 12 weeks.
We've had winners from all walks of life and from all over the world, from Australia to Norway to California to Spain.
Plus, and this is a bit of a confession...but I have a SELFISH REASON for running the contests.
You see, your transformations are what drive me.
I've never told this to anyone before, but on days when I'm feeling a little disheartened - perhaps due to some negative feedback online or a tough day at the office - I actually go back and re-read the Transformation essays from various contestants as a way to cheer me up and give myself a big motivational kick in the butt of my own.
There is so much emotion in the transformation stories of everyone who completes a contest. It doesn't matter if they win, or if they lose 20-30 pounds, what matters is the changes that have taken place, and what they have overcome to succeed.
This is why I do this. This is why I've dedicated almost half of my young life to teaching my friends and family (and that includes you) about health, fitness, and nutrition.
And I'd love for you to read some of the recent entries here:
=> As much as I love to see the photographic evidence of their success, it really is the essays that move me the most.
I guarantee you'll find someone who is around your age, and who had the same amount of fat to lose as you...and who did it! (Even though they might have been struggling with some of the most difficult personal issues of their lives.)
It's almost like the Transformation Contest gives them a refuge from the storm going on in the rest of their life. Or even from a bad day at work. For them to be able to go home, update their progress, and to see improvements on a day by day basis, it's like a little bit of therapy that keeps them going.
And I love it. I really do.
In fact, I've been doing a lot of thinking about Turbulence Training lately, and I've decided to dedicate myself to a mission.
My goal is to help ONE MILLION men and women to transform their bodies by 2020. That's a big goal. A "big, hairy, audacious goal" as they say in the business world.
But I don't care. I'm going for it. And I'll achieve it too, with a little help from you.
Now of course, that means I need to start doing everything I can to get more people - just like you - involved in the contests.
That's just one of the reasons I'm practically giving away Turbulence Training this week for just a buck.
I know you've always wanted to try the program...and I can't think of any better time to start than today.
So here's the link to get Turbulence Training and the 3-month TT Membership for just one dollar before Wednesday, April 28th at midnight:
=> When you get started, make sure you stop by the TT Member's forum and say hi, introduce yourself, and ask me your #1 fat loss exercise or nutrition question.
I'm here to serve!
And THANK YOU for joining me in my march to 1 million transformations!
It will be the best dollar you've ever spent,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, TT Hardcore - Coming soon to ALL TT Members
PS - The 8th TT Transformation Contest officially starts on Monday, May 3rd... ...but you can get started NOW by posting going through the workouts and planning your nutrition for next week. Get the junk OUT of the house and get all the right foods IN the house. That's more than half the battle right there.
Plus, you should start posting in the Member's forum so that you start building the online social support you need to help you get through the tough spots...and also so that you can help others get through their tough days.
And get ready to take your "before photos" and official measurements on Monday.
So visit this link to get your 3-month TT membership as a bonus when you get the Turbulence Training program for just one dollar:
=> PPS - I just added "TT Hard-core 2K10" to the member's site, and you'll get that program as another free bonus when you take the $1 trial offer. Sweet deal!