Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bodyweight Workout & Smoothie Gone Wrong

Did another good bodyweight workout today from the "not yet released book" Convict Conditioning...can almost do a handstand now. fun stuff. The guys at say it will be out in 2 months. Thanks to them for the advanced copy.

You'll love it...again, very much like the Bodyweight 500 and Bodyweight 1000 challenges because of the "self-competition" aspect.

It's just like playing golf or video get hooked because you want to get to the next level.

Afterwards though, it was a "Smoothie Gone Wrong" breakfast.

I put in way too much oatmeal and sunflower seeds and it ended up too thick. Ooops.

Frozen strawberries, 1 banana, pineapple, blueberries, spinach, almond milk, oatmeal, sunflower seeds, flax meal

Definitely filling, if nothing else.




Talie Hayes said...

Sorry to hear about the smoothie! Thanks also for the info on this new book. I read your blogs, and it sounds addictive. Please keep us all posted on your headstand progress!!! I also loved your moving posts about your father. It took real heart to share that. Thanks, Craig!

Natalie xx

Craig Ballantyne, CTT, Certified Turbulence Trainer said...

Thanks Natalie! Happy to help.
