Saturday, March 30, 2013

Are You Training Enough or Too Much?

How do you know if you are training enough?

As time goes on you will get to "know your body" and when you need to push and when to back off.

The truth is this...

Let's say 3 rounds of a circuit gives you 100% results.

With intense exercise, the greatest benefits are from the first round of a superset or circuit.

If you just did 1 round with right intensity, you'd probably get 60% (or more of the benefits).

A 2nd round bumps you up to 80% (or more) of the benefits you get from 3 rounds.

A 4th round might not give you any more results (i.e. in strength or metabolic boost), BUT it does put us at risk of injury. So it should be avoided.

I'm not saying never do 4 rounds. But...

...there is certainly a LAW of diminishing returns with more training, no matter if it is more cardio or more MRT.

Don't be afraid to take a day off.

And never forget how important diet is for fat loss.

Read my Nutrition Manifesto for 5 diet secrets:

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Try this...

The fastest and easiest way to make your life better is to help make someone else's life better. You cannot out-give the universe. You can try, but you'll always fail. And that's the greatest failure you'll ever experience.

PPS - I'm's why:

I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

Twice this week people contacted the ETR support team to say that our articles and contest contributed (albeit in a minor way) to their decision to get out of a bad situation and to not commit suicide. I don't even know what to say. I never imagined that our content and contest would have such an impact.

I think the big lesson in this:

Live by Example.

Do great things. Show the world that there are indeed POSITIVE people out there...that you care...that SOMEONE cares...that there is hope...that if you persist and never give up on what is important to you, that you CAN make progress...that there will be better days...that after the darkness there comes a dawn. If you do all of this, and open your heart and care for others and even support perfect strangers, your world will open up to enormous opportunity and gratitude.

You can't change all that is wrong in this great big world, but YOU can have an impact, even if it is just a tiny, positive impact on a stranger that receives a smile from you on the street today. There's so much we can do for others, and in the end, what we do for others ends up benefiting us 10-fold. So let's do this. Let's make our little worlds amazing today.

Who knows what impact you might have! Imagine the possibilities, for they are enormous!

Have an amazing day. - Craig

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