I hit the big "33" later this month. And I have some of the best presents for YOU in the Turbulence Training Birthday Celebration Giveaway - yep, I'm turning the tables and giving you the best fitness gifts you've ever received.
I remember the best gift I ever got...I was about 6 years old, and my Mom left me a "Connect the Dots" book under my bed before she went to work. I thought it was the greatest thing in the world.
A far cry from the futuristic gadgets kids get these days, but hey, it really doesn't take much to enterain a young kid who was still 3 years away from playing his first video game.
Birthday presents for kids are just like fat burning workouts for adults. They don't need to be fancy or full of gadgets to get the job done.
For example, one of the gifts I'm giving you this week is the 1st-ever TT-style Kettlebell for Fat Loss workout, featuring the
secret Russian Fat Burning weapon.
I know folks have been asking for a TT-style Kettlebell workout for over 2 years now, and finally I've delivered (sorry for the wait!).
Grab the Kettlebell program and all 10 Birthday Bonuses here:
==> http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com
I also received gifts for you from Holly Rigsby and Joey Atlas, two of the top female "troublespot" trainers, who have put together bodyweight-only workouts for abs and buns.
Holly's little workout book for you is called, "Bikini Ready Abs", and Joey's mini-circuit program is called, "The 10-Minute Troublespot Tune-up"
For the guys, I also got my good buddy Jay Ferruggia to chip in, and he unlocked his workout vault to give you, "The Home Gym Warrior Muscle Building Program".
Man, I wish I had that program back when I started working out at age 16 in my parent's basement with one of those York-Universal sets.
Jay's dumbell and bodyweight program would have been a much better use of my time...and believe me, I put a lot of time in those workout down in the dungy old basement. Just me, Nirvana's "Nevermind", and the old Universal machine.
Good times chasing the old teenage dream of big biceps and ripped abs.
Speaking of abs, fat loss expert John Alvino wrote an ab training program for you and is giving you his top 21 ab exercises you can do at home in the "Abdominal Exercise Index" bonus.
Plus, Dr. Chris Mohr designed dieting meal plans for men and women to show you exactly what to eat to burn fat and get a flat stomach for summer.
And finally, I've thrown in a bunch of my most-requested workouts AND I'm giving you an unheard-of 6 FR-EE months into the TT member's area if you join in the Birthday Celebration Giveaway before this Wednesday at midnight.
(It ends Wednesday at midnight because that's when some of these experts want their bonuses back. Hey, your birthday party can't go on forever, and believe me, I know I've tried!)
Get all the Birthday bonuses here:
==> http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com
Let's get you started on burning fat and getting those flat abs in time for summer,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
PS - Seriously, I have to take this bonus offer down on Wednesday...
...because I only have permission from some of these guest experts to offer their workouts for a few days.
So grab them all before Wednesday night, or you'll miss out!
Visit this website to get the bonuses:
==> http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com
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