Well, I've been at this workout game for almost 17 years now. I turn 33 later this month and I just want to say "Thanks!" to you for being a subscriber.
It doesn't matter if you've only been around 7 days or 7 months, of if you've been with me since August, 2003 when I started this email newsletter.
It's been a wild 17 years since I started working out, first in my parent's basement and then to the dungeoun weight rooms of the YMCA in Stratford, Ontario, then to the great University gym that seemed as much of a bar as it did a gym on Thursday evenings.
Eventually I started getting paid for what I used to do for nothing (designing workouts that is, and taking friends through their sessions).
At University, I started working with athletes and men and women who wanted to burn fat fast, eventually moving to the big city of Toronto and advising Men's Health, the biggest health and fitness magazine in the world.
And my journey from the dungeon gyms where I started took me to the fanciest gyms in the richest neighborhoods of Canada, but then I took a detour and am now back training in a dungeon gym in Toronto!
Heck, my journey came full circle yesterday as I trained a heavy squat workout at the YMCA in Stratford while visiting my parents (I thought Mother's Day was this weekend...what can I say...I'm not great with certain holidays).
But I do know this...it's my birthday later this month, and I want to give YOU the presents.
So I've put together the ultimate Turbulence Training package that contains not only the regular beginner and advanced workouts (and regular bonuses), but also an extra 10 new "Birthday Celebration" bonuses that are available only for the next three days, including:
1) Meal Plans for Men & Women by Dr. Chris Mohr and Jayson Hunter (Value $97)
2) Bikini Ready Abs by Holly Rigsby (Value $29.95)
3) 10-Minute Trouble Spot Workout for Women by Joey Atlas (Value = $27)
4) The Abdominal Exercise Index (Value = $77)
5) Kettlebell Fat Burning Workout Unleashed by Troy Anderson (Value = $47)
6) Home Gym Muscle Building Workout by Jay Ferruggia (Value = $79.95)
7) The Big 5 Fat Loss Turbulence Training Circuit Workout by Craig Ballantyne (Value $19.95)
8] TT for Amazing Lower Abs by Craig Ballantyne (Value = $19.95)
9) The Turbulence Training Hard-core Fat Loss 4-Week Program by Craig Ballantyne (Value $19.99)
10) A 6-Month Basic Level Membership to the Turbulence Training Discussion Forums & Other Exclusive Fat Loss Info (Value $119.70)
But this entire package is only available for less than 72 hours. On Wednesday, May 7th, at 11:59pm, the 10 new bonuses offer is over.
Hey, a birthday celebration can only last so long, right?
Again, I just want to say thanks for your interest in Turbulence Training and in getting more results in less workout time than ever before.
I promise you won't be disappointed by the presents I've put together for you.
==> Click HERE for the Turbulence Training Birthday Celebration Giveaway
Thanks, and happy birthday to you, whenever it is!
Stay strong,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
PS - Seriously, I have to take this bonus offer down on Wednesday...
...because I only have permission from some of these guest experts to offer their bonuses for a few days.
So grab them all before Wednesday night, or you'll miss out!
==> Click HERE for the Turbulence Training Birthday Celebration Giveaway
PPS - If you're a previous customer...
...you should have received an email with a link to download those bonuses.
If not, just contact us here for your bonus link:
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