Michael Corona (at 217 pound before and 189 pounds after), is another person who triumphed over excuses, and changed his life...here's his Belly Off story...
I ballooned to 258 lbs end of August 2007. We just had our third boy, and the previous 5 years my (our) fitness was ignored and my diet slowly became, "eat how much and what ever you want."
I do not know what the single catalyst to getting started exercising...The major issue is the history of Type II diabetes in my family. Also, I had just watched my father in law die a painful death from diabetes at the young age of 58.
That was like a bucket of cold water thrown in my face for 2 reasons. 1: I didn't want to go through that. 2: Diabetes is in my family and my wife's family, which means my kids could get it. Currently the only cure is prevention. I need to prevent myself getting it and set an example so my kids lean to prevent it as well.
Several small reasons as well. Like walking up a flight of stairs and getting winded. Running with the kids and not being able to keep up. Seeing pictures and realizing how fat I was, etc.
So, the wife and I made a deal, after the baby is born, time to get serious. We started eating healthy. That was and is they key. I always said losing weight comes down to three things, Diet, Diet and Diet.
Lost my first 20 lbs. Than I started hitting the gym and playing racquetball. Classic gym mistakes made here. Bench presses, curls, lat machine, maybe some squats, and always finished with 45 min of cardio.
Still lost weight due to diet, but wasn't getting as toned or much stronger. Lost another 20 lbs over the next couple months here.
Than I found the Menshealth.com Bellyoff! and your programs.
Two words: Life Changing.
After the BW 100, I was hooked. Drenched in sweat. Hard to describe, but your workouts create a pain I love to feel; a good burn.
Stuck to my diet, changed it up every 4 weeks (currently doing Abs workout) and here I am today. 189 lbs. Down 69 from when I started.
My current goal is to get a six pack. I wrote on the MH blog 2 months ago "6 by 6." By September, I want a 6 pack.
My wife says not necessary and she is right. However, if I constantly raise the bar and continue to set goals, how can I ever gain weight back? If I tell myself what I have done thus far is good enough, I will go back to my old ways.
Goal setting is another key.
I wish I had photos from day one. The before/after I have included have me at 217 lbs before. Could you imagine seeing me at another 41 lbs in those photos!!!!
Photos were/are huge. They kept pushing me to do more. They still do.
Support was crucial. My wife always pushes me, but that the same time always told me I was perfect the way I am. She made it clear that I should do this for me or the kids. Not once did she say she wanted me any different. That was great support.
Also, you and all the information you provide for FREE. I purchased your workouts as well, but someone could lose tons of weight off of the free advice you provide.
I am branching out and starting to try new things. I recently got an invitation to the ING NYC Marathon, which I accepted and will run on November 2, 2008.
Short term goal: Set up a web site to chronicle all of this and share with others.
Long term goals: a triathlon.
Long term dream: Ironman triathlon in
Thank you,
Michael Corona
********************What more could anyone possibly say?
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