Wednesday, January 21, 2015

25 videos and 10x10 workout

On Monday we finished 25 new workout videos (+ 10 bonus 1-minute workouts) and you won't believe the quality of the production. It's simply amazing. It was filmed in an NBC TV studio, so it will be like watching the REAL thing...real TV. I was impressed.

Almost as good as:

The new videos will be available just before Ballantyne's Day...another reason it's the world's favorite holiday. Double =>

1st day home in Canada this year after a 23 day road trip. Glad to see ol' Bally the Dog, not so glad to see - and feel - the snow and freezing cold during the 6am dog walk. I'm getting soft. Good to see that he likes it, though. Made up for my softness with a 10x10 70-pound KB Goblet Squat workout supersetted with kb swings and box jumps (5 sets of each).

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Work on your #1 priority right away to give you momentum and an early victory that cannot be taken away from you no matter how chaotic the rest of the day. Push on to take CONTROL of your life and own your days.

Do not let peer pressure interfere with your path to success. Do not let random, unimportant people stop you from achieving your big goals and dreams. You must know who and what really matters.

And finally...

My Streaking Update for the 22nd TT Transformation Contest:

1) Write 3000 words per day

Today's profiles on Mark Ford and Steve Jobs, plus how to sneak in another 4 weeks of high-quality work in a year, and research to see if I can find something good from MLK Jr's daily schedule.

2) No Post Dinner Binge Eating

Back on the farm where I never have post-dinner overeating.

3) 1 Drink Maximum

None yesterday. Might have one tonight.

4) No Outbursts or Snarkiness

Taking a day at home so won't see too many folks. Had one phone meeting this morning with an old buddy, setting up next summer's - it will be amazing times.

5) Healthy Gut Days

Healthy day, great choices so far. Had a little caffeine in some Green Tea, but that's a lot better than the Coke Zero I had the other day.

Getting better every day.

Stay strong and keep on pushing on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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