Monday, December 31, 2012

Meathead New Year's Eve

Couple of nutrition updates and a meathead workout for the end of the year.

Enjoyed a great filet mignon along with broccoli, mushrooms, and onions last night. Washed down with a sweet Australian Shiraz. Literally, I noticed it was sweeter than usual. Still, it was good. And then dessert of two dates and some raw nut butter.

For my workout, I'm on a 7-day deload week and so I played around with some Meathead bodybuilding style training with cable presses, rows, curls, pressdowns, and abs. Off day tomorrow and then some light workouts. Next heavy lift is on Sunday morning for squats.

Today's after training blender drink was too thick and too sweet. Ha! LOL.

It looked like Slimer from Ghostbusters, although it tasted way better than it looked like it did in the movie.

Here's the recipe:
- 8oz (not enough!) of water
- 1/2 avocado (that was too much!)
- 6 dates (too many! LOL - you see a pattern here?)
- 2 handfuls of spinach (alas, also too much)
- 2 scoops BioTrust vanilla protein (just the right amount! for once)

had that with 2oz almonds, 1 red delicious apple, 1 spoon natural peanut butter, and 1 spoonful raw almond butter.

I'll be full for a while...till after the next dog walk at 1pm.

Off to re-start the Turbulence Training podcast with Certified Turbulence Trainer, Brian Kalakay.

Just search for Turbulence Training on Itunes.

Talk to you soon and Happy New Year!

Be safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Number One Thirty Minute Workout of 2012

Happy New Year from ol' Bally the Dog and ol' CB.
We're celebrating in the big city of Toronto, but we won't be
doing 'too much' celebrating, of course, because Mr. Pooch
will want to be hitting his 6am dog walk workout.
He'll do all sorts of crazy doggy exercises and sprints in the 
fresh snow (he loves it!)...and it's amazing the workout he 
can do in 30 minutes.
And YOU can burn a lot of fat in just 30 minutes too with
You'll crank up the calorie and fat blasting with this workout
that you can do without going to an expensive BUSY gym
in the New Year. You'll get...
Workout A - The Thermogenic 30 Gauntlet SuperCircuit
Workout B - Thermogenic-30 Upper Body Density (Meatheads love this!)
Workout C - Thermogenic-30 MRT (with finishers from Whitfield)
PLUS, you'll get another workout for free "The Buff Body Workout".
And for the next few days to celebrate the New Year and your
return to fat burning, the #1 thirty minute workout program, the
TT Thermogenic 30, is just $7.
Say goodbye to training an hour a day, 6 days per week.
I'll show you why 30 minute workouts are better - and ONE 
exercise technique (used in the Thermo-30 program) that can
boost your calorie burning by THIRTY percent.
More about that research later this week...I mean, next year!
Happy New Year from ol' Bally the Dog, and everyone at 
Turbulence Training - including Lesa, Amy, Mikey "Pancakes"
Whitfield, Brian Kalakay, all of the TT Trainers around the
world, and of course, from lil' ol' me, CB!
Here's to making 2013 your BEST year ever.
You rock,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - This is a New Year's Deal only...
Grab the #1 workout before the deal ends on Thursday.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Setting New Year's Goals is NOT Stupid

Alright, we are rolling up on New Year's. And despite what the Grinches say, there is NOTHING WRONG with making NY Year's Resolutions. In fact, they ROCK!

And when you make them public and join something like, you'll get social support, accountability, a deadline, and an incentive. The four secrets to success.

That's why Resolutions Rock!

Make sure to set process goals (ie. shopping for healthy foods twice a week, exercising 4 days per week), etc. that will get you closer to your outcome goals (wearing the bikini again). Or checking your bank account each day (process goal) in order to get out of debt.

Process goals + Action + Accountability + Support = SUCCESS. 

Keep up the great work!

And watch our free nutrition (from Isabel) and workout video content (from me) here once you join the $100,000 Transformation Contest Party!

This also will clear up the cardio confusion (avoid the "cardio confessional!)

My training today: Hang Clean, Deadlift, Military Press, and Good Mornings.

Focus on replacing your bad habits and thought patterns, one-by-one, over time, with good habits and thought patterns. One step at a time, done over time, leads to powerful changes in your life.

For me, we're cruising on up on 124 hours (5 days) of perfect nutrition since that chocolate covered almond feast on Christmas day - LOL. No Coke Zero either! Had a nasty habit of drinking a couple per week.

Here's my 2013 Daily Diet (updated)

Today's Additional Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Have the uncomfortable conversation today. Even if it's with yourself. Clear the air. Establish an action plan. Make sure everyone is clear on what changes need to be made. Set deadlines. Implement. And follow-up. That is how we will change and make 2013 the best year ever.

"Don't just cut out bad food and bad habits, cut out bad influences. " - Amy, Transformation Contest member,

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - "Creative Work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the writer. It's a gift to the world and every being in it. Don't cheat us of your contributions. Give us what you've got." - The War Of Art

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Free Diet and Workout Videos for you

In your FREE videos you'll get the BEST diet for fat loss, a
TT bodyweight workout, AND the latest fat burning research.

These videos (and many more listed below) are available to you
in the "Expert Guidance" area of our new Transformation Contest.
Don't worry though, the contest is FREE (and you can win my money)!
Oh, and you'll also get these other free presentations:

- Leo Babauta showing you How to Build Habits & Change Your Life
- Brian Tracy showing you The Right Mindset For Building Wealth
- Tom Dyson showing you The 3-Bucket System for Wealth Building
- John Gray giving you the Secrets to a Successful Relationship
- And more

Join us here for free instant access to ALL of these videos

Can't wait to see your Transformation.

And don't forget, you can win a ton of my money just for
changing your life.

We're giving away $100,000 in 4 categories - Healthy, Wealthy,
Wise, and Overall - to men and women from anywhere in the
world that Transform in the next 90 days.

Plus, there are weekly cash prizes just for taking action.

See you in the contest at

Your friend and coach,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Don't miss Isabel's video where you'll learn... to regain your health and permanently change your
life through simple, healthy eating.

I love Isabel because she lives by example and is super
passionate about helping you.

And so are all of our experts.

Join us here for free instant access to ALL of these videos

This will help you make 2013 your BEST year ever.

The Success Formula

Everything you do is either moving you closer to or farther away from your goals. Every action makes an impact. So how do you change for the better? One positive action and impact at a time. You can't change everything overnight. But you CAN get better every day. Keep going! Stay strong and get STRONGER.

If you're struggling to get back on track from the holidays, the ETR Contest is perfect timing. It will give you the accountability and support you need. The ETR $100,000 Transformation Contest starts today at

But someone asked me, "I get health and wealthy - they r measurable to me. But wise? Can you give me some examples of "wise" goals?"

The answer?
Could be repairing a relationship, giving up alcohol (or pornography as some entrants are reporting), working with a charity, etc.

So...Today is another day to get back on track. Stay positive. Learn from past mistakes but don't let them weigh you down with negative emotions.

Make sure to set process goals (ie. shopping for healthy foods twice a week, exercising 4 days per week), etc. that will get you closer to your outcome goals (wearing the bikini again). Or checking your bank account each day (process goal) in order to get out of debt.

Process goals + Action + Accountability + Support = SUCCESS. Keep up the great work!

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Here's another tip...

How to beat procrastination:

Friday, December 28, 2012

Accountability and Support Give You What You Need to

People struggle when they don’t see progress or have a goal. It’s like wandering around the desert. Focus on your vision and the daily progress you make.

That's why it's so important to update your status and hold yourself accountable and get support each day in our free Transformation program at

Accountability and support give you what you need to SUCCEED.

And create your vision with our video here

My Meathead training today: Bench, Pullups, db incline press, db row, overhead squat, bb row.

For more meathead and strength training, check out Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 programs.

If you're looking for bodyweight training, this is it:

For nutrition...

You need to know your nutrition obstacles. Write them all down, then write down at least 2 solutions for each obstacle. This will help you avoid nutrition breakdowns. Plan ahead. Do you shopping and cooking and meal prep on the weekends, so that during your busy week you have your meals ready…and you avoid vending-machine and "leftover Christmas candy tray" regrets. Stay strong, get stronger!

If you need help with your nutrition to get back on track after Christmas, try these

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
One day you’ll look back on how you spent your time and you might wish you had done things different. Make the RIGHT decisions now. The best way to do that is by having a vision for your life so that it will guide your actions and help you make the most of the limited time we all have in this life.

If you're feeling down or worrying, turn your thoughts outward to how you can help others. This will brighten your mood and give you a goal and reason to take action and get out of your "blah" mood. Add value. Help others!

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do." - Mark Twain

Stay strong and get stronger,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - ETR's Person of the Year for 2013

“Identify and replace all external authorities with internal strength and competence. Take full control of, and responsibility for, your conscious mind and every aspect of your life." - Kekich Credo #30

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Get Back in Shape With TT Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks

I can't explain it.

I just don't know EXACTLY why this works so well. But it's
the fastest workout to get back in shape in just 4 weeks.

But the "TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks" remains - by FAR
- the most popular fat burning program used by our TT
Transformation Contest winners. Three more champions from
our recent contest used it.

And you can get it for just $7 here <= plus a free bonus

In fact, the winner of our under-40 women's category, Nicole,
replaced her "twice daily cardio" sessions with this exact
TT program and lost 19 pounds in 12 weeks.

Here's her story:

Nicole said...

"Before TT, I exercised so much - 1 1/2 to 3 hours a day and
2 trips to the gym - that I was always starving...

I was really excited to find Turbulence Training.  Being able
to exercise for less than an hour a day, and better yet to
have it be effective, was really exciting.

I am excited to try many of the other programs and hopefully
someday to become a Turbulence Training Instructor

Join Nicole in using TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks and
get back in shape fast. Just go here and get this special deal:


Time to burn off the holiday belly fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

My Personal Health Transformation

Yesterday we launched the massive $100,000 ETR Transformation Contest. My experience has taught me that many people want to change their lives starting right after Christmas and don’t care to wait until New Year’s Day, so let's get you started.

TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life. So don't dwell on past mistakes because that will get you nowhere. Instead, focus on what you can and WILL do today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life, and all of the great things that will happen because of your actions. Don't wait for the 'time to be right' (i.e. until it's too late) to take action on your goals. If there's something you really want to do - if there is a dream body you want to achieve or a change in life you need - then find a way to do it now.

Make sure to start your Transformation here

Our goal is to get 200,000 people entered in this contest and this will help me make a dramatic step forward in my big life goal of helping 1 Million Men and Women transform their lives (fully documented transformations). This is the Big One for me!

This incredible event – literally the culmination of my life’s work and study – has only been made possible by doing the exact same things I teach my clients and readers.

1)    Getting out of my comfort zone
2)    Sharing goals with other positive people that could give me support & accountability
3)    Creating a mission and vision for my life
4)    Giving yourself a deadline with incentives & consequences (for missing or hitting it)

Trust me, it is EASY to walk by all of the chocolates and cookies lying around the house because I have made my goals public and have accountability to you. So get support, set your rules, find an accountability partner, and take action today. Would love to see you in our new - and FREE - $100,000 Transformation Contest. You'll get the support that you need.

My Personal Health Transformation is this:
Follow a strict gluten-free diet (according to Dr. Peter Osborne’s methods). After testing positive for gluten-sensitivity back in June, I’ve done quite well in sticking to an advanced plan, but things got a little messy in December. So after Christmas Dinner, I started a strict plan for the next 90-days. It won’t be hard, but should be a learning experience.

And so I had a great day of nutrition yesterday...over 8 servings of vegetables (2 each of beets, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach) and 10 servings of fruit (apples, banana, oranges, blueberries, avocado) plus lots of almonds and good protein sources (eggs and beef). Lots of water too, and no caffeine, plus a great sleep and workout. And dog walks!

Make sure to start your Transformation here

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Everything you do is either moving you closer to or farther away from your goals. Every action makes an impact.

"The road to personal freedom and the escape from the status quo begins with waking up to each and every decision you make in your life." - Jason Leister

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Diet changes start today

Rough day yesterday?

Well, good news.

The ETR $100,000 Transformation Contest starts today at

Here are just a few of my ‘resolutions’ for the New Year.

1) Health: Follow a strict gluten-free diet (according to Dr. Peter Osborne’s methods). After testing positive for gluten-sensitivity back in June, I’ve done quite well in sticking to an advanced plan, but things got a little messy in December. So after Christmas Dinner, I started a strict plan for the next 90-days. It won’t be hard, but should be a learning experience.

Diet change today: Cutting out "carrageenan" from diet. That means no more chocolate milk after training. And worse, no more using Almond Breeze in my blender drinks.

Today's blender drink was: water, 1/2 avocado, prograde vanilla protein, frozen spinach, blueberries.

2) Wealth: Recruit 200,000 people to the 1st ETR $100,000 Transformation Contest and sell over 21, 246 units of the new TT Home Workout Revolution Videos.

3) Wisdom: Learn to play chess (personal goal) and take up BJJ (suggested by Bedros). I’ve already watched a 10-minute youtube video on chess, so I’m ready for Kasparov.

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help.” – Bedros Keuilian

For example, does anyone know the best "learn to play chess site" or app?

Today's training: My training today: Squats, box jumps, leg curls, lunges.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Do your best with everything you have control over. Focus on improving yourself and you’ll improve your lot in life. Focus on planning ahead to overcome obstacles, rather than reacting. Be a driver, not a reactionary. Be the cause, not the effect.

“Real regrets only come from not doing your best. All else is out of your control. Trade excuses and “trying” for results. Do more than is expected of you. Life’s easy when you live it the hard way…and hard if you try to live it the easy way.” – Kekich Credo #4

Craig Ballantyne

PS - Never forget:

"Cherish time, your most valuable resource. You can never make up the time you lose. It’s the most important value for any productive happy individual and is the only limitation to all accomplishment. To waste time is to waste your life. The most important choices you’ll ever make are how you use your time." - Kekich Credo #2

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Get some rest. Spend time with loved ones. Enjoy what matters, the fruits of your labors, and the people that you work so hard to support.

Kick back and read more in our Merry Christmas message from ol' Bally the Dog and ol' CB. Read why we are so grateful to have you in our lives

And then enjoy this photo album from our ETR Toys for Tots drive:

Christmas Kickbutt Mindset Tips
"Cherish time, your most valuable resource. You can never make up the time you lose. It’s the most important value for any productive happy individual and is the only limitation to all accomplishment. To waste time is to waste your life. The most important choices you’ll ever make are how you use your time." - Kekich Credo #2

"Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human." - Anthony Robbins

Merry Christmas,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – Feel free to come back strong starting on Wednesday morning…

…that’s when the ETR $100,000 Transformation Contest kicks-off.

Of course, you’ll have until Friday, January 18th to enter…but I know the TT World is full of ambitious, eager, action takers.

See you there!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Deadlifts for Christmas

I'm gassed.

Great deadlift workout today. Hitting 315 for reps and bringing the strength back up. Long way to go to hit my best of 425 from 2006, but I'm on a good roll.

Full workout: DB Clean & Press, Deadlift, Military Press, Good Mornings.

And I'm really excited about this...the winners of the 15th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest have been announced...and for the first time ever we had a tie!

Later today I'll finish reading and learning from Alwyn Cosgrove and Lou Schuler's new book, "New Rules of Lifting SuperCharged". Great stuff, highly recommended.

And today's pre-Christmas Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
If you fall off the wagon or off-track from your vision, just cut your losses, don't worry about it, & get right back on track. Immediately. It's minor damage that can be dealt with.' One mistake, two mistakes, three mistakes...this doesn't ruin everything. Just make the right decision next time and keep moving forward towards your goal.

Most important book I read in 2012 for parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents

"Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human." - Anthony Robbins


Avoiding your problems will not make the situation better. Take action and attack them head-on instead.

"There are things that happen in life that we can't control. But we can control the way we respond to them." - Mark Ford

Never quit. If you stumble, get back up. What happened yesterday no longer matters. Today's another day, so get back on track on move closer to your dreams and goals. You can do it.

No matter what you are going through, in life or in training, just remember to keep pushing, to stay strong, to lean on your social support, and to look to the future. The tough times will all be over soon.

And never forget these magic words…

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit.” – Napolean Hill

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Many readers might have missed my free blueprint on building a website business here

Friday, December 21, 2012

Meathead Arms for Christmas

Inspired by friends Vince Del Monte and Ben Pakulski, I did a Merry Meatheads Christmas arm workout today.

To warm-up, I started with 3 sets of 15-20 on cable single-arm pressdowns and curls. Then moved over to heavy DB curls and extensions. Added in some db rear delt raises and hammer curls to finish off.

Good times, just like High School, although with less volume.

And here's some GREAT times. It's your FINAL reminder...The 15th TT Transformation Contest finalists have been announced! Please vote before the end of today, Friday Dec 21st

The 16th TT Transformation Contest and the ETR $100,000 Transformation Contest start on Wednesday, Dec. 26th for Early Birds and folks keen to change their lives ASAP.

Today's Training Article:

For more interval training information, check out:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do." – William Jennings Bryan

Yes, achieving your goals and making progress is hard, but what else are you going to do? Quit? Give up your self-reliance and depend on others? No, you’re not going to do that. You’re going to persevere and overcome the obstacles that are in your way until you achieve the success you deserve. Stay Strong!

So remember this over the holidays...

"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” - Jim Rohn

There's a time and a place for everything. I'll let you choose the thing, the time, and the place.

Most important book I read in 2012 for parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents

Merry Christmas,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Ready to start thinking about your vision for 2013?

Watch this vision video:

PPS - For all those folks procrastinating on helping others, read this:

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Finalists for the 15th TT Transformation Contest Announced

Before we get to that questions, please check out the 15th TT Transformation Contest finalists.

You can vote here

Today on a Facebook QnA session, someone asked me a version of the worst training question that I hear on a regular basis.

Phil H. asked at

"Hi Craig. If you could just do one exercise per day for 10-20 minutes, what would it be (this is not a joke question!)"

My answer:
I would never do that. Not a joke answer.

To answer that would be negligent. If you only did one exercise you'd end up with poor results and an overuse injury - just look at runners and all the overuse injuries they get from doing the same thing over and over and over again.

It would be like a lawyer only asking ONE question during a trial. Negligent and incompetent.


I can see why people ask it.

We want things simplified.

Fortunately, you can get a lot of results with just a few moves in a short amount of time, like in these three workouts I put together for Women's Health magazine...but even then, they are still total body workouts.

The 8-Min Do-Anywhere Interval Workout with TWO Moves

The solution using the 20-10 Bodyweight Revolution System:

1) Burpees - 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest x 4 rounds
2) *Switch Lunges - 20 seconds work for one side, rest 10 seconds, 20
seconds work for the other, 10 seconds rest x 4 rounds
3) Close-Grip Pushups - 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest x 4 rounds

You can read the other short workouts I created here:

My training today: Bench, pulldowns, db incline, db row, bb row, overhead squat.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Another reader asked, "What is your number one tip for leading a successful life?"

My answer:
It all starts with defining your own version of success and not being pressured by others.

And remember...
Whatever is in your way, you’re stronger than it, you’re tougher than it, and you’re better than it. You’re going to beat it. Things will get better. Don't tell me you can't, because you can.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - LOL - Here's another Christmas gift ...

...laugh at my discomfort - and use this when you are short on time

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New TT Meatheads Off-Season Workout

Despite training for two Tough Mudders and filming 40 hours of
brutal bodyweight exercise videos (coming soon), I managed to
build my squat strength back up to 310 pounds for reps (yesterday).

That despite my low bodyweight of only 170 pounds (thanks, Tough
Mudder training - sarcasm) and even though I'm almost 40 years old
(wow, does that mean I have to start acting like a grown-up now?).

These results have me so excited that I put my latest workout into
the new TT Meatheads: Off-Season workout for you.
You'll learn the benefits of squatting TWICE in the same workout,
plus the cool new Press-Row supersets, the Dead-Stop Barbell Row,
the Front Squat-Conditioning move superset, and more.
And you will get this program as a bonus when you grab Vince
Del Monte and Ben Pakulski's new Hypertrophy-Max program.

Get NEW muscle-building workouts from Ben, Vince, and Craig here

Once you get started with Ben and Vince, just email us at and we'll send TWO bonuses:

1) The New TT Meatheads: Off-Season program - perfect for building
strength in squats, presses, and deadlifts --- and the best way to
take advantage of all the amazing holiday eating you will do over
the next 8 weeks until the final whistle blows on SuperBowl Sunday

2) Anabolic Finishers from Certified Turbulence Trainer, Mikey
You know Mike and love his programs, and this is a new
twist on his proven methods. You'll gain muscle fast with fun
finishers you can add to your short muscle building sessions.

In the new TT Meatheads Off-Season program, you'll discover how to
build chiseled muscle and lose belly fat at the same time with this
unique program. In fact, one of my favorite supersets, the Snatch
Grip Deadlift and Bodysaw in Workout C alone will take care of that.

I will also reveal how to use the classic meathead exercise,
Barbell 21's in a TT program, along with some other Meathead gems
like the Incline Hammer Curl and the ab-shredding Spiderman
Pull-ups (tough challenge and SMOKES your lats).

My other favorite supersets are round 2 in the Big Legs workout
(exercise 2A for your quads is one of my personal love-hate
relationships with training).

And you'll have an incredible upper body muscle pump by the end of
round 3 of Workout B...and then you'll still have one of the most
insane Meathead Arms supersets left to finish you off.

Finally, save up your best curse-word insults to throw at me when
you hit exercise 3A of Workout C. You've never worked your upper
back this exact way before. Good times!

But the only way to get the new TT Meatheads: Off-Season is to get
it as a bonus when you get Hypertrophy-Max from Ben and Vince.

Get NEW muscle-building workouts from Ben, Vince, and Craig here

Once you get started with Ben and Vince, just email us at and we'll send you TT Meatheads:

Just think of this Meatheads workout as a Naughty-and-Nice Christmas
gift from ol' CB.

After all, we might as well use the extra calories this time of
year to build muscle..."off-season" muscle.

Train with passion and intensity,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Today ONLY you will also get...

...Ben's 21-Day Muscle Primer System.

He'll show you how to build muscle fast in just 21 days <= Get it here

You can be noticeably bigger and more muscular by New Year's Day.
After all, you're going to eat big on Christmas Day, so why not ENJOY
it and get maximum benefits by "Putting the foodz in the musclez" as 
my friend Bedros Keuilian likes to say.
Make it a Merry Meathead Christmas with this new Off-Season program.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Better Day and Better Squat

The last couple of weeks have had me way off my sleep schedule. I'd been getting only 6 hours a night due to business meetings, travel, and work deadlines. It's our busiest time of the year trying to get our $100,000 ETR Transformation Contest up and ready for Dec. 26th.

Finally, after a rough day yesterday, I was able to have a great sleep. And it showed in my squat workout today. Best session of the year hitting 310 for reps. My squat went in the toilet a couple of years back due to a non-training related back injury, but I've been battling back and it's about 75% of my 2006 best (when I was 20 pounds heavier).

Lots of room for improvement. I'm excited for 2013. No more Tough Mudders either to ruin my squat programs.

So no matter what you are going through, stay strong. And here are some cool resources for you.

Special Christmas workout deal on TT metabolic fat loss workouts

And here's a classic battle of Zombies vs Crossfit:

Back to my ups-and-downs...

Yesterday was a terrible day, but today has been one of the best work days of the year.

So many problems solved...all because of going through yesterday's dips, persevering, not giving up, staying positive, and having those uncomfortable conversations that would have been easier to avoid.

Hope your day has turned around if it started off wrong...never give up. Stay strong and get STRONGER. You can do it. Truly believe in yourself. You rock!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Measure PROGRESS, not perfection. Understand you will never reach perfection...but you must celebrate your journey as you improve from point A to point B. Make each day better than your last.

Challenge for you

And remember...

It's more important to live your life than to try to live someone elses. Be yourself.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - "Each day you are on the concert stage of life so you better make it rock!" - Frank McKinney, Make It Big

Monday, December 17, 2012

Stay Strong!

No matter how tough your week last week, or what lies ahead, always stay strong.

Success comes in spurts. You'll work and work and work & feel like you're getting nowhere, & suddenly, WHOOOOOSH. Success! Never give up.

Success happens by taking action every day, strong and steady, by overcoming obstacles and powering through the dips, by trudging onward through tough days and getting energized by great days.

The backbone for your success are the the goals you've set and the clear vision you have for your future. Each action you take brings a small victory, and each accomplishment is a giant step closer to your big breakthrough.

Stay strong, get stronger.

Be proud of yourself for taking action, getting out of your comfort zones, and getting closer to the business and life of your dreams. Stay strong. Get stronger. Let's have another amazing week.

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." - Maria Robinson

"The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become." - Jim Rohn

Have a great week,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Number one workout study of the year


On Saturday afternoon I received another "intense workout"
interview request, this time from a writer at Men's Fitness.

I was excited to share the #1 workout study and tip that was
discovered in 2012.

In that study, subjects doing bodyweight exercises for just
4 minutes got better fitness results than subjects doing
30 minutes of slow cardio.

"Extremely low volume, whole-body aerobic-resistance training
improves aerobic fitness and muscular endurance in females."
Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2012 Dec;37(6):1124-31.

That's why I went straight into the TT Exercise Lab and got to
work on creating a bunch of TT 20-10 Revolution Workouts.

Now they are ALL yours right here for less than 10 bucks, PLUS
you'll get my 15-Minute TT Metabolic Resistance Training too:
Get the Special TT Christmas Deal on Fast Fat Burning Workouts

These workouts will help you burn fat fast even though you
might think you have "no time" for a workout over the holidays.

Trust me, I've used the 20-10 workouts in my hotel room
WITHOUT any equipment at 5am prior to 8 hour flights just so
that I wouldn't miss a session.

It's simple tricks and tips like this that keep me RIPPED all
year round even though I work and travel like a maniac.

So Viva La Revolution. Find out how I use exercises like
"The Punisher" to burn fat in record time.
Get Ripped with Fast Workouts here <= special Holiday deal

If you want a better body, or a better booty, use these
workouts instead of long, slow cardio.
The perfect Christmas fat burner,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Workout and Habit Contest Winners

Great workout, slightly disappointing shake.

My workout today: DB Clean and Press, Deadlift, Good Morning, Military Press.

For the shake, as I mentioned earlier today, using anything other than BioTrust protein takes a shake from tasting great to just mediocre.

Unfortunately, I've run out of BioTrust chocolate, so I used another brand. As a result, my shake went from a 10 to a 6.5.

I also substituted cashew butter for peanut butter...I'm trying to use up a jar I've had for a long time.

The Chocolate-Cashew-Raspberry Shake

2 scoops BioTrust Low Carb Chocolate All-Natural Protein
1 cup unsweetened almond milk or Hemp Bliss
1 tbsp all-natural peanut butter
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1/2-1 cup frozen spinach

Directions: Put all ingredients in a blender and create a shake. You'll SWEAR it's ice-cream (and NO, you can't taste the spinach).

Now if you're looking for workouts, here are some for beginners:


And for women switching from long cardio to TT

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"Perseverance & persistence in spite of all obstacles & discouragement distinguishes the strong soul from the weak." - Thomas Carlyle

Just do it. It’s less painful to do it than to sit around & feel guilty that you haven’t started yet. Once you start, things will get done.

The keys to your future are your daily habits today. Start implementing new positive behaviors. Make them a habit. Create a better future. 

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Here are the winners of the ETR 6-Week Habit Transformation Contest 
(Good warm-up for the $100,000 ETR Contest coming soon.)

4 Minute Milkshake Chef

Being the creative chef that I am, I swifted up something you wont' see 
ANYWHERE else. A true CB-TT classic, the "Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Raspberry
Jam" flavored blender drink.

This recipe is a great for breakfast or as a delicious after-exercise treat. 
NOTE: It does NOT taste nearly as good with anything other than BioTrust.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Raspberry Jam Milkshake


  • 2 scoops BioTrust Low Carb Chocolate 100% All-Natural Time-released Protein
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk or Hemp Bliss
  • 1 tbsp all-natural peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1/2-1 cup frozen spinach 
  • Directions:  Put all ingredients in a blender and create a shake.

  • You'll SWEAR it's ICE-CREAM!

    And if you like the sound of that (believe me, you'll also love the taste), our friends
    at BioTrust Nutrition have 53 other fat burning milkshake & smoothie recipes just like
  • it in their special recipe book, 53 Fat Burning Smoothies & Milkshakes.

    Want a FREE copy?

    Want a FREE BioTrust Blender Bottle?

    Want FREE shipping?

    They've never made all 3 of those bonuses available at the SAME time with any
    BioTrust Low Carb purchase (the best tasting protein powder on the planet...guaranteed),
    but they're going to do it today, and today only:

    ==> Today Only: FREE Blender Bottle + FREE Shipping + a FREE copy of 53Fat Burning Smoothies & Milkshakes with any BioTrust Low Carb order

  • Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer

    Thursday, December 13, 2012

    5 Simple Steps to Building Muscle

    In general, almost everything works for building muscle, and no one has proof that any type of training is better than another. Muscle building needs volume of training and volume of food, and a change in the training on a regular basis. That's all that matters.

    Keep things simple. Use these steps:

    1) Make sure you are eating enough protein (1g/pound bodyweight is MORE than enough) and calories. This is not hard.

    2) Train with enough volume. There's no exact study I can point to, but about 40 quality repetitions per muscle group seems to work in many studies for muscle growth, and this should be done 2-3 x's per week.

    3) Train close to failure with a weight you can lift 6-15 times. It's possible that even higher reps work, but you just won't get as strong.

    4) Switch your program on a regular basis. Experience suggests 3 weeks for advanced and up to 6 weeks for beginner/intermediate.

    5) See rule #1 again because you won't build muscle without calories. That's where most folks go wrong.

    Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:

    Eliminate the distractions and bottlenecks in your life. Make a list and commit to eliminating one each week. Connect with your social support group and tell them about your changes. This accountability always helps.

    “Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau

    Fix Your Mindset. You must truly believe that you are capable of success. You must truly believe that you are the type of person that follows the habits that will help you reach your goal. You must truly believe that you are not the type of person that engages in the wrong behaviors. Once your mindset is right, your behaviors and habits will change allowing you to achieve incredible results.

    Identify one action that you can take TODAY that will take you closer to your major goal. Then take it. Make progress every day.

    Take Action…take baby steps. Stay strong. Visualize yourself reaching your goals. Keep a positive attitude and you will remain motivated and you will continue to make progress. Fill up your motivation tank daily by connecting with positive people. You really can make your life incredible if you are persistent.

    Stay strong, take action, and never give up on what is important to you.

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer

    PS - Use this to change your mindset and change your behaviors:


    Wednesday, December 12, 2012

    Great Bench and Row Workout

    Fantastic Meathead Wednesday workout today.

    Today's training: Medium Grip Bench, Spiderman pullup, db incline, db row, overhead squat, dead-stop wide-grip barbell row. Hit the back hard the right way.

    But you know, I watched a bunch of people do silly things in the gym today. Here 10 Exercises to stop doing

    I discuss lunges, some presses, a row, the wrong way to do dips, and more.

    Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:

    If you want to change, it all starts with believing in yourself. And that's possible, because after all, no matter what you want to change, you HAVE done it before. There's PROOF you can do it. You've gone to the gym before - and you can do it AGAIN. You've skipped dessert before - you CAN do it again. Change your beliefs about yourself, and you'll change your behaviors. Change your behaviors, and you'll change your habits. Change your habits, and you'll change your life. You CAN do it.

    “You are responsible for exactly who, what, and where you are in life. That will be just as true this time next year.” – Kekich Credo #58

    "The best way to get started is to get started. Life rewards action... not reaction. Wait for nothing. Attack life." - Dave Kekich

    Take action today,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer

    PS - Personal letter to my mentor Yanik Silver


    (Thank you, Mr. Yanik!)

    Tuesday, December 11, 2012

    10 exercises to stop doing

    Do you know the one common upper body bodyweightexercise that almost everyone does that is ruining shoulders everywhere?

    In that article you'll see 10 exercises that should NOT be done by anyone.
    Do NOT do these exercises

    Those are not TT Trainer approved...and you won't see them in my TT Certification, that's for sure.
 will see TT Trainers with clients that have achieved amazing results, like Mike Whitfield, CTT, who has had two clients win the TT Transformation Contest.
    And some contest winners, like Catherine Gordon, actually go on to become TT Trainers.
    That's the power of having the best fat burning knowledge in your fat loss toolbox.
    Train hard but safe but hard,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer
    PS - Wednesday is the last day to become Turbulence Training Certified...
    ...during our final 2012 TT Trainer Mission recruitment.
    As a TT Trainer, you'll be helping me change the lives of 1 Million men and women by the year 2020.
    And let's join forces to end obesity around the world.
    PPS - Plus, as a Certified TT Trainer...
'll get FREE access to the TT Summit in San Diego next June.

    Smashing Workout and Words of Wisdom

    Smashing little kettlebell workout in the basement of the old farmhouse today. Swings and Powerwheel rollouts for abs. 20 minutes or so, because you don't need to workout for a long time.

    Here's more info on cutting your workouts shorter by eliminating bad exercises:

    And here's a good workout for you:

    Solid Metabolic Conditioning circuit:
    1A) Goblet Squat – 15 reps
    1B) KB Swing – 20 reps
    1C) Narrow-Stance Goblet Squat – 15 reps
    1D) Total Body Extension – 15 reps
    • Rest 30 seconds before repeating 3 more times.

    People always ask, "What's a total body extension?" Well, here it is from Mike Whitfield, Certified Turbulence Trainer. Once you get used to it, you should speed up the tempo...

    Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
    Stand up to a challenge today. Face a fear square on. Attack an attitude that is holding you back. Make today your day.

    Never forget that it is just as easy to be positive as it is to be negative…as easy to say helpful words as it is to say harmful ones. Make the right choice. It’s easy…

    …“I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

    Negative criticism from others must not matter to us when we know we are doing the right thing. What matters is the number of people that we can help by taking action in thought, word, and deed. Stay strong and don’t let anyone bring you down.

    And if you feel like quitting, just say: Quit? No way. Do this instead

    Be a hero instead:

    Don’t underestimate yourself. Don’t leave your gifts up on a shelf when you could spend your life giving them to others. Trust in yourself. Trust in your gifts. And give.

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer

    PS - You can download my success rituals and many of my daily documents here

    Sunday, December 09, 2012


    Today is my last day in Denver and now it's back to Toronto for a 4-week Christmas break from travel. Time to play with the dog, do some Christmas shopping, and begin prepping for an incredibly busy Transformation Season starting on Wed, Dec 26th with our $100,000 ETR Transformation Contest. More details soon.

    But yesterday was a big day.

    It was our first ever Toys for Tots drive here in Denver and thanks to 45 amazing friends and "family" members, we broke through our expectations.

    The final tally is in and our ETR Network was able to purchase $60,065 in toys (over 2000 toys) for the Denver area Toys for Tots drive. Thank you to all readers that contributed to

    You can see some of the photos over on including a picture of a giant flatbed  truck filled with Toys For Tots with the help of some Marines in Lakewood, Colorado.

    Also had a couple of good questions on yesterday's Facebook QnA:

    Q: What are the best 2 time management & productivity books you have read? - Andy

    1) No BS Time Management by Dan Kennedy
    2) No BS Ruthless Management of People and Profits

    Q: I am 25 and want to go into personal training. I have a biology degree but have not been able to get a stable job with it. (Currently making $12/hr). Would you recommend going back to pursue a masters to get a better job and doing personal training on the side? - Seth


    If you want to be a personal trainer, get a certification and more importantly, a mentor - find the best, most successful trainer in your area and do anything you possibly can to become their apprentice.

    Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
    Focus on improving yourself and you’ll improve your lot in life. Focus on planning ahead to overcome obstacles, rather than reacting. Be a driver, not a reactionary. Be the cause, not the effect.

    “Create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Stay strong and buy some toys for tots,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer

    PS - Never forget...

    The mistakes of your past are not who you are now. No matter what you've done in your life you have a second chance that starts today. It is your time to choose who you will be and who you will become, for the rest of your life. You are certainly not too old to add value to the world, to give, create or inspire. If you need to, let the past go and start fresh, right here, right now

    Saturday, December 08, 2012

    Why Clean Eating Fails

    "Clean Eating" is an okay idea, but the biggest problem
    is that there is still one dirty ingredient in most "clean" 
    meals that causes a huge problem with health and fat loss.
    In fact, recent research shows that over 90% of people
    on so-called 'special diets' fail because of this ONE hidden
    found in so many foods that we eat today.
    So if you have problems with your skin, your energy levels,
    your belly fat, your thyroid, or your metabolism, you need to:

    World-renowned nutrition expert, Dr. Peter Osborne, gives you
    the ONLY proven solution to this common diet problem.
    PLUS - for a limited time only you'll get his special HOLIDAY 
    recipe guide that solves the problem of "Clean Eating".
    You'll also discover what foods contain HIDDEN sources
    of this deadly ingredient, and how the food industry is profiting
    at YOUR expense by lying to you about their so-called
    'special foods'. (That are also costing you big bucks.)
    Get the full scoop here:

    Improve your health now,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer

    Friday, December 07, 2012

    Workout With Jay and YOU

    Just finished up an awesome workout with Jay Ferruggia here in
    Denver at the Colorado Athletic Center. Great gym. 
    We did Hammer Strength low rows, straight arm pullups (new to me!),
    wide grip rows, DB Rows, shrugs, high pulls, and cable curls.
    If you need a workout to start burning fat right now, here it is:
    Don't forget about the TT 20-10 Bodyweight Revolution
    program you'll get as a free bonus when you get...

    So hurry, because this 85% off deal ends TONIGHT.

    You'll get 5 workouts for just a fraction of the price of a gym
    membership (not that you'll be able to get to the gym during
    this crazy busy time of the year anyways).

    Don't miss out on your last chance to get the Ultimate Home
    Fat Burning Workout kit for the holidays.
    Start burning fat at home today with short TT workouts

    Your friend and coach,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer
    PS - I'll be back NEXT week with my...
    ...most recent Men's Health magazine interview where I gave them
    five exercises NEVER to do...and what you CAN do as replacements.

    Why Clean Eating Fails

    "Clean Eating" is an okay idea, but the biggest problem
    is that there is still one dirty ingredient in most "clean" 
    meals that causes a huge problem with health and fat loss.
    In fact, recent research shows that over 90% of people
    on so-called 'special diets' fail because of this ONE hidden
    found in so many foods that we eat today.
    So if you have problems with your skin, your energy levels,
    your belly fat, your thyroid, or your metabolism, you need to:

    World-renowned nutrition expert, Dr. Peter Osborne, gives you
    the ONLY proven solution to this common diet problem.
    PLUS - for a limited time only you'll get his special HOLIDAY 
    recipe guide that solves the problem of "Clean Eating".
    You'll also discover what foods contain HIDDEN sources
    of this deadly ingredient, and how the food industry is profiting
    at YOUR expense by lying to you about their so-called
    'special foods'. (That are also costing you big bucks.)
    Get the full scoop here:

    Improve your health now,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer
    PS - Please share this important website with anyone you know
    who might be suffering from diet problems.
    It will change their lives, dramatically improve their health,
    and give them hope again.
    Spread Dr. Osborne's message with the world and help the 
    tens of millions of people who suffer from this diet problem.

    Last night with Ferruggia

    Last night my buddy Jason Ferruggia, one of the world's most popular strength coaches, arrived in Denver. We headed over to Elway's steakhouse for a near ultimate Denver experience - eating steak while watching the Broncos. Jay had the buffalo rib-eye while I had the regular bone-in rib-eye, my "go to" meal at any steakhouse.

    Later this morning we're going to hit the gym for an upper body workout. Jay has so much cool stuff going on now that he's moved out to California (he even had a chance to meet Arnold at Arnold's latest book release last month). But Jay still has his Renegade Gym back in Wachtung, New Jersey, a great place to train.

    One thing Jay and I have in common is that we've made a TON of mistakes in our lives. But we keep on pushing. We learn from those mistakes. And each thing we've "failed" on in the past just makes us better the next time we do the same thing in the future.

    It's the classic "failing forward". Momentum through mistakes.

    Nothing wrong with that. It's a fact of life.

    So keep pushing. Keep moving forward. Keep taking action. Continue to make mistakes, adjust course, and do things better in the future.

    Admit to – and learn from – your mistakes. Mistakes are actually great things that happen to all of us…because with the knowledge you gain from them, you are able to achieve the best things in your life. Without the lows in life, the highs would never really seem that high.

    Stay strong.

    Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
    “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” - George Bernard Shaw

    “I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.” – Quaker Proverb

    “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”- Proverbs 11:24-25

    Find out how to give to receive more in life here:

    Push on my friend,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer
    PS - Burn excess holiday calories with two FREE Turbulence Training MRT workout programs.
    Click here to get them:

    PPS - That link doesn't work on phones, sorry. Just on regular computers.

    Thursday, December 06, 2012

    Had a super tough non-traditional workout yesterday. For 3 straight hours I spoke into a camera and delivered presentations on Goal Setting and Time Management for the Early to Rise $100,000 Transformation Contest.

    It wiped me out. My back was sore, and even my face muscles were exhausted from smiling (I'm trying to master the art of smiling while's tough for a grumpy old man like myself).

    Before that "workout" I did some meathead upper body training and tomorrow will be a fun workout because I'm training with Jason Ferruggia of the uber-popular workout blog, He gets 10,000 people per day to his content. Great stuff.

    Fortunately, this is a deload week and it coincided perfectly with my travel schedule to Denver. I need to be at peak fitness for our ETR Toys for Tots shopping spree on Saturday. More details here

    We were even featured in the Denver Examiner yesterday.

    But you can't let fatigue stop you. You can't let yourself become the biggest obstacle in the way of your success.

    Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
    One of my favorite harsh truth about success/"cold bucket of water to the face" quotes:

    “The failure to act is much more often the product of inner, emotional resistance than external resistance. But to move forward you must give up your story, whether it is excuses about your childhood, lack of education, your ‘bad luck’, your unsupportive family, your low metabolism, where you live, etc, etc. Either say, “no” to achievement OR dig in and get to the bottom of the persistent incongruence between what you say and what you do. It is OK to admit you are not willing to pay the price – and by doing so, that will stop self-sabotage.” – Dan Kennedy

    Now on the bright side of things:

    “Each moment of our life, we either invoke or destroy our dreams.” - Stuart Wilde

    ..... Everything you do, every choice you make, either takes you closer to your goals or away from them. Choose wisely.

    And perhaps the most important words of wisdom I can give you at all:

    Never give up on something that is truly important to you.

    Stay strong,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer

    PS - When dealing with negative people...

    It doesn’t matter that the ‘haters’ are trying to pull you down…you’re so far ahead of them that they’ll never reach you. Every action step takes you leaps and bounds away from their negativity. Never look back and never let them get inside your head.