Today I did the Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout A. This workout is famous for being "too easy" according to many folks. However, I hope that my recent articles and explanations have made the workout harder and the instructions clearer.
I made a few modifications to the program to suit my goals of more strength and less emphasis on fat loss, which I don't really need.
So here's how my workout went.
Bodyweight circuit warm-up
- Prisoner squat
- Some shoulder exercise from Bill Hartman's Inside Out DVD
- Lunges
- Pushups
- Chest stretch
- 1-Leg RDL (I find this to be the best warmup move for my hamstrings)
Twice through that.
Strength Exercise (This is not found in the regular Intermediate Workout, and is an "add on" for my personal goals. Similar to the "add-ons" found in the Turbulence Training for Athletes Program).
Deadlift 3x5 @ 315 pounds
Turbulence Training Intermediate A Non-Competing Supersets
1A) DB Split Squat (2x8) @ 65 pounds
1B) DB Incline Press (65x8, 80x7) ->being cautious because recently, when I wasn't cautious, I strained my pec on a 275 bench press. Its much better now, but no need to push it. I used a 3 second eccentric for this exercise.
2A) BB RDL (185x2x8) -> Did this in place of stability ball leg curls b/c I prefer this exercise. Intermediate folks should stick to the ball exercise.
2B) Max Pushups (40, 25)
3A) Cable Ab Crunch (1x15)
3B) Deadlift (225x8) -> I chose deadlifts over rear-delt raises. Intermediate folks should stick to the rear-deltoids.
-> It was hot outside and in the gym, so I was sweating up a storm. The pace was quicker than a normal workout, and my arms were very tired at the end...normally I can do 225x15-20 reps, but just couldn't hold onto the bar at this point. I'm sure next week will show a big increase in muscle endurance.
-> I only did 1-2 sets per superset in the interest of time. Total workout lasted 40 minutes. We are filming a couple of workouts tonight, so that is all my schedule permits. Plus, I skateboarded to the gym, walked the dog for an hour this morning, and will walk him for an hour before workout filming tonight, which will be more work - low intensity, but still lots of reps.
Tomorrow...some kettlebell "skill" training, a yoga class (which I don't like doing, but know I need to do), and dog walking. Maybe even some dog wrestling.
Intermediate ain't easy,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
PS - Don't forget about the Trial Offer...
You can try Turbulence Training for only $4.95 for a 21-Day Trial run...if you don't like it, you can cancel and you'll get a refund, and no additional charges will be made.
Click HERE to try the full Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package for 5 bucks
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