Monday, June 30, 2008

Another Transformation Contest!

Are you ready?

To join the Fit Yummy Mummy Summer Transformation Challenge?! Enrollment begins tomorrow, July 1st at ClubFYM


Your response to participate in this 12 week , body shaping experience has been fantastic! Many new features, resources, and extra videos have been added to enhance your results and keep you motivated..
Click Here to see the Inspiration slide show of the contest
Lose 10 - 15 - 20 pounds, inches off your belly, reduce your cellulite, reclaim a youthful, energetic
lifestyle and more!

This is YOUR Summer to Shine!

I look forward to working with you!

Your Friend and Coach,

Holly Rigsby

Author of Fit Yummy Mummy

Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to Feel Fit & Healthy

I just have to tell you, and this is going to sound weird, but lately I've been feeling so good, so healthy, so energetic, so fit, and so strong, it is even surprising me.

Yesterday, just for fun, I tested my vertical jump and I can still touch the rim. Not bad for a 33-year old, 5'8", white guy.

I mean, I feel better than I did 5 years ago. Maybe even better than I felt TEN years ago...even though I was exercising just as hard, or maybe even harder and more often back then!

So how the heck does a 33 year old guy feel as fit as he did when he was still in University.

Heck, I have to hold myself back from training twice a day.

The only problem is, I really can't explain it.

I've been feeling this way for weeks, and I don't think it is...

-> The Kettlebell training I just started - even though the workouts are killer, and even I'm surprised by how much work I can do in less than 15 minutes.

-> My diet, because it was months ago that I doubled my fruits and vegetable intake, and eliminated almost every single gram of added sugar to my diet.

(By the way, for anyone that thinks fruit makes you fat, I get about 10 servings of fruit per day and if you saw my photo from last week, you know fruit ain't putting any fat on me.)

-> And it's not my workouts either, although I did step-up the pace of my workouts when I started using the Turbulence Training Intermediate Program 3 weeks ago.

-> Don't think it's my sleep either, I always get 7, if not 8 hours of sleep per day.

And I drink a lot of water, 2-4 cups of Green Tea, no excessive amounts of caffeine so I don't crash and burn, and I make sure to take several deep breaths whenever I'm stressed during the day.

So what the heck could it be that's causing me to feel 10 years younger?

And why am I telling you all of this anyway?

Well frankly, I wish you could all feel as good as I do.

I often hear from folks who are under 30 and who feel that they'll never be in good shape again.

And that makes me quite disappointed. That's the type of email I don't like to get.

I mean, we've got TT'ers who are in their 50's who are kicking butt and training hard every week and then some 26-year old guy emails me and asks if he can ever lose his love handles?

Bad attitude!

So maybe there isn't one big SECRET in that list I shared above...'s probably just a combination of doing ALL those things, CONSISTENTLY.

And these are all things YOU should be doing as well - and trying to be a little bit healthier everyday.

Take baby steps.

1) If you only had 2 fruits yesterday, try to have 3 today.

2) If you didn't have any broccoli last week, try to get 1 serving three times this week.

3) If you cheated on your diet 5 days last week, cut it down to 3 days this week.

A little bit better, every day, all the time, and before you know it, you'll feel better than you did last year, five years ago, and hey, maybe someday even better than you did TEN or TWENTY years ago.

We have a lot of life to live my friend, so let's start living it with as much energy, strength, fitness, and enthusiasm as possible.

Helping you become healthier and fitter than ever,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - It is time to switch up your workouts!

And I just created a new Dumbell-Bodyweight Fusion workout to help you get more work done in less time!

This TT workout contains the perfect pairings of dumbell and bodyweight exercises to help you get maximum results in minimum time, without having to change weights between supersets (if you use adjustable dumbells at home) or grab two sets of dumbells at the gym.

And you'll get this workout as just one of your bonuses when you get started with Turbulence Training today.

Click Here for Turbulence Training

Sunday Deadlift Personal Best Workout

Workouts are going great, energy levels are off the charts, and strength in a lot of my exercises is as good as I was jumping at the chance to do today's workout. I was going to do it late afternoon, but couldn't hold off.

I went in, and before I lifted, I wandered into the basketball court and tried to touch the rim. And I can still do it, not bad for a 33-year old, 5'8" white guy.

After I went straight to deadlifts, and hit a new personal best at 375 overhand grip for 1 rep, no straps. And to my credit, the bar was smooth, and no knurling for grip.


Overhand grip, 375x1

Alternate grip, 355x5, 355x3 (didn't do third set)

TT Intermediate Workout A

1A) DB Split Squat - 90x2x8
1B) DB Incline Press - 60x2x8 (went easy, because of Saturday kettlebell workout)

2A) BB RDL - 225x8, 235x8
2B) Pushups - 47

3) Cable Ab Crunches - 4x10

I cut some things out because of time and to be conservative. Sometimes, when you set a big record, you would be wise to cut back on the rest of the workout. I first learned this from Charlie Francis in one of his sprint training books.

This is my last week on the TT Intermediate workout, then I go on holiday for a week (July 5-12), where I'll do a lot of bodyweight and a lot of kettlebell training.

If you are looking for a new workout, don't miss the July workout...

Click Here for the July 2008 DB-BW Fusion Workout


Friday, June 27, 2008

July Dumbell-Bodyweight Workout

Here you go.

More dumbell-bodyweight supersets to help you get more work done in less time!

One of the most popular TT workouts has been is the 2008 version of the classic Dumbell-Bodyweight Fusion Workout.

To help you get through your workouts faster, without having to change weights between supersets (if you use adjustable dumbells at home) or grab two sets of dumbells at the gym, this TT workout contains the perfect pairings of dumbell and bodyweight exercises to help you get maximum results in minimum time.

I wrote this because someone on the forum, can't remember who, was having a hard time with their adjustable this should help you out!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Interval Training

Craig_kettlebell_ripped_abs If you're doing the same long, slow, boring cardio workout over and over again, then don't bother to expect any results. If you want results, use intervals to burn stomach fat.

But if you are using cardio, you have to change your program.

You have to workout with more intensity.

You have to do shorter, less frequent workouts - using intervals.

Hopefully that caught your attention.

Shorter, less frequent Interval workouts. Yes, they will be more intense.

But I promise you, the bottom line from interval training will be more fat burning and more fat loss. Basically, MORE results.

But even in your interval program you can benefit from variety. And with all the interval options available, there is no good reason to do the same interval program all the time.

So not only should you have variety within your training week (i.e. alternate between two different interval training workouts, rather than just doing the same interval workout each time), but you should also change these workouts every 4 weeks.

To modify your interval training workouts, you can...

- switch exercise methods (even using bodyweight exercises for intervals)

- increase or decrease the length of the interval (while decreasing or increasing the intensity, respectively)

- increase or decrease the number of intervals per workout

- increase or decrease the rest time between intervals

First, let's take a look at the interval methods. Here is my list of preferred ways to do your intervals, starting with the best methods listed first (based on my experiences)...

1) Sprinting outdoors (and hills might be the absolute best)

2) Strongman movements (Farmer's walks, tire flips, car pushing)

3) Kettlebell Swings, Dumbell Swings, Sandbag Swings, or Dumbell Squats

3) Bodyweight interval circuits

4) Treadmill running

5) Stationary cycle (upright preferred)

After that, if you prefer any of these other methods, then go ahead:

- Stairmaster, Rower, Swimming (really only works for competent swimmers), Elliptical & Crosstrainer machines

But I stick to my top 5 methods above - those are the ones that I have seen work time and time again for men AND women to lose the stomach and chest fat. Intervals will scorch those love handles.

In fact, Professor Steve Boucher of the University of New South Wales in Australia, believes that interval training allows you to achieve the magic of spot reduction, because intervals specifically work to burn stomach fat.

As you'll see in the Turbulence Training manual, I have two specific interval programs I like to use when clients get into my advanced programs. I have found these two workouts to work the best, and frankly, they are the simplest and easiest to follow.

Enjoy your weekend, and perhaps even an early start to your holidays. I'll be training hard with kettlebells, I hope you'll be training too.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, is a Men's Health Fitness Advisor and is also the creator of the Bodyweight 500 Workout and the author of Turbulence Training. Click HERE for a FREE sample Turbulence Training Workout.

For another sample workout and meal plan to help you on your way, grab this free report:
=> "How to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No More Girly Diets

One of a guy's biggest fears is that he'll have to go on a "girly" diet if he wants to lose his belly.

But that ain't the case.

And I prove that to you with my sample meal plan in my free report, ""How to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat"".

You get a chance to review the meal plan yet?

Yes, you get to eat eggs.

Yes, you get to eat meat.

Yes, you get to eat steak.

Yes, you get to eat fat.

Yes, you get to eat peanut butter.

One of the only things you have to skip is bread and potatoes. But I mean c'mon, that stuff is just filler.

Who the heck goes to a buffet for the potatoes?

And who goes out to dinner for the bread? Restaurants only put that out to fill you up on the cheap.

So check out pages SIX and SEVEN in the FREE report for a sample muscle building, fat burning meal plan.

Click Here to get How to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat

Feed your muscles to burn fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc.
Author, Turbulence Training

PS. Here are more of the bonuses you get in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package...

1) Turbulence Training for Amazing Lower Abs

If you join today, you'll also get access to TWO killer ab workouts, including the Turbulence Training for Amazing Lower Abs
and my classic, Turbulence Training for Abs.

#2) 3-Months Free into the TT Membership Area

You'll get a new FR-EE workout EVERY month, and you'll benefit from the #1 factor overlooked in fat loss programs today, "The power of social support" - it really is the secret to your fat burning success.

#3) Turbulence Training Advanced Fusion Fat Loss 4-Week Program

The most challenging Turbulence Training workout to date. This 4-week program combines advanced athletic moves with dumbbell exercises AND bodyweight exercises into one of the most intense bodysculpting workouts I've ever designed.

Once you are finished with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, use this belly fat burning workout to build the body of your dreams in as little time as possible.

"Turbulence Training is a proven way to melt fat fast, while protecting your hard-earned muscle. I'm so confident in its
effectiveness that, over the years, I've recommended it to literally millions of readers. And the fantastic feedback I've
received from guys all over the world as a result ensures you'll be seeing a lot more of CB's programs in the magazine."
Adam Campbell, MS, CSCS, Sports and Nutrition Editor, Men's Health magazine

Click Here to Grab Turbulence Training on a $4.95 Trial Offer

Today's Workout

On Tuesday, I did some kettlebell training, just a short amount. Quality, not quantity.

Today, was bench press and TT Intermediate Workout B. Tonight, filming the July Workout of the Month.

Bench Press - 235x3x5

1A) Pistols 3x8
1B) Stability Ball Rollout 3x15

2A) DB Reverse Lunge - 60x8, 75x8
2B) Side Plank - 65s, 45s

3A) DB Row - 110x10, 110x8
3B) Superman Back Extension - 12 reps with 10 pounds, 10 reps with 12 pounds

That's it. Lots of pictures to take tonight for a future project, so it will be lots of ab work.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I have a NEW Free Report for Men that includes a NEW Sample TT Workout...

Click HERE to get your sample workout & meal plan to build muscle and lose fat

Top 5 Motivational Tips

Last week I did a phone interview for another teleseminar series.

And I thought, "Here we go again. Same questions. Same answers. Nothing new for my members."

But then 75 minutes later I WAS BLOWN AWAY by the unique information that Jim Katsoulis had managed to pull out of me.

Heck, I didn't even know that some of this information was inside of me!

You MUST hear this call. If you are struggling with motivation, it will set you on the path to TRUE inspiration.

With my top 5 motivational tips, you'll stick to your TT workouts and nutrition plan, and achieve the body of your dreams, finally, in the summer of 2008.

This call will be re-played tonight, at 7pm EST, for FR-EE.

BUT...only on WEDNESDAY, June 25th, at 7pm.

Visit Jim's site here to signup for the info:

=> Click Here for the Top 5 Motivation Tips Audio Interview

I rarely make this strong of a recommendation for an audio program.

But you can't miss this.

It will be the TURNING POINT in your fat loss program.

I promise you, this is priceless information for folks struggling in their fat loss programs.

Helping you stay strong to burn fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Jim was a master interviewer...

...He really knew how to draw out the info...and exactly what questions to ask to get my top secrets - that again, even I didn't
know I had in me - to give you the gems you need to burn fat and stay on track.

Don't miss this call:

Visit Jim's site here to signup for the info:

=> Click Here to listen to this amazing fat loss interview

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tried this superset yet?

Did you get a chance to try the Sample workout I prepared for you in "How to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat" free report?

The first superset is a great total-body superset that could stand on its own as an effective full body workout.

So if you are ever pressed for time, and only have ten minutes to exercise, don't blow off your workout and get flabby!

Instead, build muscle, burn fat, and boost your metabolism with this total body superset.

And of course, if you have time, do the rest of the workout to get maximum results in minimum time.

If you haven't read the report, go back and find out all of the supersets on PAGE FIVE.

Click HERE to get the Free Report

Build muscle to burn fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc.
Author, Turbulence Training

PS. Have you checked out all of the Turbulence Training bonuses yet?

Here are just a few of the bonuses you get in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package...

#1) Dr. Chris Mohr's Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines

Dr. Mohr will guide you through exactly how much protein to get, how many calories to eat, and he'll surprise you with the huge variety of healthy foods that you can eat to burn fat.

#2) Busy Dads Workout

The World's Busiest Dad and personal trainer, Chris Lopez, shares with you his 20-minute workout secrets to get Dad's back into fighting shape so they can keep up with their kids and outlast their wives at everything. And YES, I mean EVERYTHING!

#3) Turbulence Training for Muscle 8-Week Program

Burn fat, then build the muscle. Don't get caught without having a beach body. Once you burn all the belly fat you want, switch to this advanced muscle-building program to get the biceps, chest, and calves that will give you a "stand-out in the crowd" physique.

The TT for Muscle program is for guys to use when you're satisfied with your fat loss and ready for some muscle to fill out your shirts.

"I have been using your TT workouts for about 6 weeks now and I never want anything different! I've lost 13 pounds already! What I love about TT is the variety. All the different workouts, all the different excercises, they're all great."
Jesse van der Velde

Click HERE to grab the Turbulence Training package on a 21-Day Trial Offer

Monday, June 23, 2008

Personal Records Workout

Set a personal record in today's workout. Actually, set a couple of them. One of them was even on purpose.

The other record was a mistake, and I'm worried I'm turning into Mr. Magoo...

More on that below...let's breakdown the workout.

Strength Training Exercise

Deadlift - Overhand Grip - 365x1 - Personal Best

I was surprised by how easy this went up. I'm a big fan of kettlebells for improving grip strength, and I think that is one of the reasons for the personal best.

Deadlift - 345x3x5 - mixed grip.

Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout A

For the second workout in a row (see Saturday's workout), I grabbed a heavier weight than I expected and did my set...only to find out after the set that I made the error.

As a result, I set a personal best. There is a lesson here...and that is that most of us don't push ourselves as hard as we can. Safety first of course, but there's a little more left in the tank than we want to admit.

That's why working with a trainer or working out with a workout partner often gives greater results. Or at the very least, using a program designed by someone else - i.e. Turbulence Training - because it asks you to do exercises you would otherwise skip over.

1A) DB Split Squats - 1x8, 1x6 using 90lbs dumbbells (Ooops, thought I was grabbing 80pounders. So set a personal best by 10 pounds. I noticed after the first set, and maybe "knowing" was why I only did 6 reps in the second set).

1B) DB Incline Press - 1x8, 1x7 using 90lbs. Also didn't know for the first set.

Looks like I might need to get new glasses!

2A) BB RDL - 225x2x8
2B) Pushups Max - 43

3) Played around with a bunch of ab exercises...including Chin-up/Knee Raise combo. I liked it.

4) Deadlift - 225x15

Pretty tired after this one. Next time I will use the right weights!

Train hard but train safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I have a NEW Free Report for Men that includes a NEW Sample TT Workout...

Click HERE to get your sample workout & meal plan to build muscle and lose fat

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Little Russia vs. Little Spain vs. Little Italy

After my Saturday kettlebell training - fat loss Russian Style (kettlebell program coming soon to TT!) - I decided to take today off from lifting, and did a couple of long dog walks.

(Note the dog seems thoroughly unimpressed by my Kettlebell prowess...)

And instead of watching the Italy-Spain football match, I decided to walk THROUGH Little Spain and Little Italy in Toronto at game time.

I left my house just after a thunderstorm, and just as the game was entering extra time. I live in "Little Poland" (seriously, you've never seen so many stores offering processed meat on one block) and within in a few minutes, we were through Little Portugal and into "Little Spain". Just one of the neat things about living in multi-cultural Toronto.

By this time, the game was well into extra time, and only a few "ooooohs" and "aaaaahs" were heard as we walked by the crowded patios full of men and women dressed in the Spanish black, red, and yellow.

(Technically, I don't think there's really a Little Spain in Toronto...but definitely a Little Portugal/Little Brasil, that ends where Little Italy starts).

By the time I hit Little Italy, and the even more crowded patios full of papas, mammas, and bambinos clad in blue and white, the game was into penalties. The Italians are much more vocal, and like to honk horns more than the Spanish, so they were making a lot of noise, and just judging by the crowd's reaction, I figured Spain had scored twice and missed once, as had Italy.

I wasn't too far off.

And then suddenly it was over. Just like that. The Italians were dejected. The Spaniards, joyous, but subdued.

We turned around and started back home. A few cars drove by honking and waving Spanish flags, but it was nothing like what would have been if Italy had won. Oh well, they had their day...

Once I got home, I followed my own "plan, shop, and prepare" advice for the weekend, and cut up peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower for the week ahead.

If you haven't done that yet, get on it!

Nutrition is the solution,


Click HERE to Get Dr. Chris Mohr's Nutrition Guidelines as part of the TT Fat Loss Package

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday Kettlebell Workout

Working on a few secret Turbulence Training projects today, one that will be out for August, the other for September. So in the spirit of secrecy, I trained with Russian Kettlebells today.

Use the 35, 53, and 70 pounder for swings, snatches, 1-leg RDL's, and Renegade Rows. Funny thing, on the rows, I thought, "man, this is really hard today." Then I realized I was using a heavier weight than I did last time...and when the weights are jumping almost 20 pounds, that's significant.

It does also give us a little lesson...that oftentimes we aren't pushing ourselves as hard as we can.

That doesn't mean you should train recklessly, but try to surprise yourself sometimes. That's why, like Jay Ferruggia's PR Workouts, I like to set a personal best in each session.

Improve performance, and you'll improve your physique.

I also took a couple of glamour shots to share with you next week,


PS - Why you should eat Haagen-Daaz...

A fitness expert recommending ice cream? Well, not really, of course...but how many people will go an entire summer without ice cream? If you're going to "cheat", as bodybuilders call it, at least do it right...

Take a minute and read Brad Pilon's article about ice cream here...

The Haagen Daz Paradox: Food Quality vs. Food Quantity

PPS - If you can't cheat responsibly, don't cheat at all...

By that I mean, if you can't stop at a small bowl, don't buy a container. Keep it off limits. Until you learn to "play nicely" with treats, don't tempt yourself.

Friday, June 20, 2008

How to Get Your Life Back On Track

It makes me really proud when I read notes like this one from Andy about how Turbulence Training helped change his life.
Click Here to read how Andy got his life back on track

And scroll down to see his pictures from June 07, and compare that to how young and vibrant he looks now at 34 years young.

I'm also fortunate to be mentioned by Andy in the category as one of the most impressive and intense trainers in fitness today, Ross Enamit of

I bought Ross' books last summer, and I just recently watched one of his videos online, and they are all darn impressive and motivational. He trains HARD, and his programs are full of unique, outside of the gym exercises. Perfect for anyone that hates the commercial gym scene.

Ross is a machine. His info is perfect for advanced folks who are interested in more "Hard to the Core" training info...and that's what June is all about at TT, "Hard to the Core" workouts.

Just like Kettlebells...and next month, you'll get your crack at the Kettlebell Fat Loss program from Troy Anderson.

Until then, I'm going to hit a Kettlebell workout this weekend (or Cattle Bells, as people sometimes write in their emails - which always puts a smile on my face).

Train hard, train safe, and get lean for summer,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - You really think "Green Tea Diet Pills" can help you lose weight better than "Hard to the Core" workouts?

Check out my article on the latest research study that exposes the SCAMMERS! If Oprah only knew the truth...
Green Tea Diet Pill Scam

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Green Tea Diet Pill Scam

Time to expose the Green Tea Diet Pill scam.

Green Tea is a very healthy drink, but it does NOT cause weight loss. So all those ads you see in on the Internet are a scam. It's not the magic pill it is claimed to be. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Researchers from Taiwan randomized 78 overweight women into 2 groups for the 12 week study. One was a control group, while the other group received Green Tea extract (491 mg catechins containing 302 mg EGCG - epigallocatechingallate).

Hsua, C-H., et al., Effect of green tea extract on obese women: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Clinical Nutrition, 27(3), 2008. 

This level of EGCG exceeded the amount given to subjects in a past Green Tea extract study that showed an increase in metabolism. So if Green Tea was to work for weight loss, than this study would prove it.

However, for folks who are praying that Green Tea is a miracle weight loss solution, the results were disappointing. There was only a 0.3% reduction in BW (0.15 kg) after 12 weeks of treatment with GTE, and that was not a significant improvement over time or better than the placebo group.

Fortunately, the Green Tea extract did improve health by reducing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while increasing HDL ("good cholesterol"). The placebo group only had a significant reduction in triglycerides.

So the bottom line is this. Green Tea is healthy, but doesn't cause fat loss, which is something that I've said ever since I read the original "metabolism boosting" research study.

There's no such thing as a magic pill for weight loss. So forget about the easy way out.

Once you accept that burning fat is a difficult task, and that it requires planning and following a proven, structured workout program, only then will you get results.

Green Tea for health, not weight loss scammery,

Craig "Ace" Ballantyne, CSCS, MS, MBA-Fastest Kill

PS - Are you ready to accept the truth?

Finally realizing that you have to sacrifice, commit, and dedicate yourself to eating right and exercising? If so, let's get started on the Turbulence Training workouts.

Click Here to try Turbulence Training for $4.95

If not, I know some "Green Tea" pills you can take...

Thursday TT Workout

Even though I was still a little sore from Tuesday's Pistols and Inverted Rows, I hit the gym today to do another TT workout, and I set some personal records.

I agree with Jay Ferruggia ( that you should always set personal bests in each workout, if you expect improvement. Train hard, but safe, of course.

So today's workout was...

Strength Exercises

1) Squat - 335x3x5

2) Clean - 195x2x2

(I saw an old friend at the gym and got so excited that I forgot the order of my workout...usually I do the Cleans first.)

TT Supersets

1A) DB Bulgarian Split Squats - 2 sets of 8 reps at 60 pounds
1B) DB Shoulder Press - 2 sets of 8 reps at 70 pounds

2A) Good Mornings - 2 sets of 8 reps at 195 pounds
2B) Pullups - 15, 10

3) Cable Ab Crunches

Then I hit a small fruit and vegetable stand after the workout and loaded up on some seasonal blueberries, cherries, and other fruits, plus lots of nuts.

I'm going to skip the post-workout chocolate milk for a while to see if that really makes a difference. I'll try it for 4 weeks.

Home Fitness Workouts

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Turbulence Training, As Seen On Conde Nast's Portfolio Magazine Website

Last month I was in Las Vegas with some other business owners at a "Maverick Business Adventure". We went on a "Zero-Gravity Flight" and did Air Combat dogfights in real fighter jets.

Here's a photo of me getting in my Italian Marchetti renegade rock'n'roll co-pilots name was Smudge.

(And yes, the rumors are true, I won the "Ace" award for Fastest Kill...more on that to the meantime, feel free to call me "Ace" or "Maverick".)

Our weekend was just featured on the Conde Nast Portfolio magazine website.

Click Here to Read about Maverick Business Adventures

I even have a little quote on page 2...

That was a great trip, and so was my trip to Baltimore. In fact, it was almost perfect. I ate well, hit all my workouts, and survived lunch at Ruby Tuesday's today (had the Asian salmon and steamed broccoli with an unsweetened ice tea).

But I didn't get a chance to workout until 9:20pm when I got home. Even though today was a day off, I was full of energy and needed to do something, anything, when I got in the door.

So I grabbed the Kettlebell and did 20 minutes of swings and snatches, paired with stretches and plank exercises.

Then I had 2 apples, couple ounces of almonds, and some raw cocoa. I'm used to eating about 4 apples a day, so going all day without one of my precious red delicious snacks was tough.

Now that's the right type of craving to have,

"Ace" Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Back on track with Turbulence Training Intermediate Workouts tomorrow.

Care to join me?

Click Here to get the Trial Offer of Turbulence Training

3 Steps to Get Six Pack Abs

I'm in Baltimore today at a seminar, so I have a guest column for you today on the 3 steps to killer abs from ab workout
guru, Mike Geary, author of The Truth About Abs

Like me, Mike's two top recommendations for getting amazing abs are...

1) Improve your diet by maximizing whole, natural food intake, and think of food as fuel. Mike has a great newsletter on his site where he talks about all the great organic meals that he creates to burn fat and stay lean.

2) Focus on short, but intense workouts to maximize your metabolism and burn stubborn lower belly fat. Again, check out Mike's newsletter at and you'll learn about his intense workouts in the fresh Colorado air that help him burn fat.

3) Now here's where Mike gets specific about his ADVANCED abs workouts recommendations...

"When it comes to training the abs, if you want real results, I always recommend forgetting about the crunches and situps.

They are ok for someone that is really deconditioned, but most people that already have some training under their belt need a much better stimulus for their abs than crunches.

I provide a ton of great abs exercises in my book, but one of THE highest resistance exercises for the abs, is hanging leg raises (but NOT the way you see most people at the gym doing them).

The key to doing these and actually working the hell out of your abs is to curl your pelvis up as you raise your legs.

Almost nobody ever does this right.

To be honest, the majority of people cannot do this at first, but I provide some strategies in my book as to how to progress to doing these correctly." - Mike Geary

Thanks Mike.

And here's some exciting news...Mike has announced a trial offer on his book for only $4.95 at

You can try out his program for about the same price as one of those expensive, fancy "coffees" you get down at "Takeyourbucks" or whatever that place is called.

But instead of getting a caffeine boost, you'll get a metabolism boost with your money well spent.

Dedicated to helping you get better abs,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - There are only 3 days left...

...before the official start to summer. So don't waste your time doing any more ineffective workouts.

Click Here to Stop Doing Crunches & Get Six-Pack Abs

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Turbulence Training T-shirts Now Available

Turbulence Training T-shirts are now ready for you to grab...and we even have a "Cardio Sucks" TT t-shirt that is sure to make you lots of friends in the cardio section of the gym.

We also have male and female versions, different colors, and sizes.

Click Here to get your Turbulence Training T-shirt

And with the T-shirts comes a NEW contest...

I'm giving away a FREE month's TT Membership for the best TT T-shirt photo submitted each month.

So take a photo of you in your TT T-shirt and post it on the forum. It could be you...

- Surfing

- Climbing Mt. Everest

- Doing your first chin-up

- Chilling on the beach

- Backpacking across Europe

- At a KISS concert

Anything goes!

I look forward to your creativity.

Just post your photo of you in your TT t-shirt on the forum at

REVEALED: How to Have a More Productive Day  

One of my most popular's a link to the 8 simple rules you should follow to have a more productive day...

=> How to have a more productive day

TAKE THE CHALLENGE: How Many Reps Can You Do?

Have you checked out the June TT Workout of the Month yet?

It is called the TT Bodyweight 30-minute Circuit.

I've switched things my latest challenge, the test is to do as many reps as you can in 30 minutes.

Watch the warmup here:


And the circuit challenge here:

=> Bodyweight 30-Minute Circuit

Please stop by and give SOCIAL SUPPORT to the Transformation Contest folks on the forum,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Don't forget to watch Workouts A and B in the member's area:

=> Workout A & B

Disappointing Workout

Disappointed to watch the French lose to the Italians today, but the Italians were clearly better. The French had nothing once Riberry got hurt. Oh well, some great games are left...

So I watched that game today while I worked out in the hotel gym. I did Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout B, but skipped the maximum strength exercise, as the hotel gym was not equipped with a real bench press. Just a smith machine...although that came in handy.

And I had to make a couple of other modifications in the workout, so it looked like this...


1A) Pistol - 3 sets of 8. (I broke my right ankle at age 14, long story, and I've never been able to do Pistols as well on my right side as my left. On my left, I can do full sets of 8. On my right, I can barely do 3 full repetitions in a row.)
1B) Stability Ball Rollout

2A) DB Reverse Lunge - 2 sets of 8
2B) Side Plank - 60 seconds, 45 seconds

3A) Inverted Row - 20 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps
3B) Stability Ball Leg Curls - 3 sets of 20

(This superset was modified from DB Rows + Back Extensions)

4A) DB Curls
4B) DB Triceps Extensions

Added in a little fun for the arms.

Back to another TT workout on Thursday. Tomorrow should be a complete rest day, or a bodyweight circuit in the morning.

Train hard, and throw in a little something fun,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Not satisfied with just one arm superset?

If you want to get big and gain lots of size on your arms, get Jay Ferruggia's mass building program at

I Don't Know How They Do It

With apologies to Mr. Willie Nelson...

"On the road again...but I can't wait to get back home again."

Well, this week I'm in beautiful Baltimore at a 3-day seminar, and all I can say is, "I don't know how they do it".

And by "they", I mean parents with little kids. I can't imagine how hard it would be to leave your kids at home and go out on business trips each week. Must break your heart if you have to do that.

Because for me, its a struggle just to leave my lil' chocolate brown pup at home. Heck, I have to trick him into just letting me get out the door without him following.

Here's how I do it...

I get a couple of treats, make sure I have all my bags packed and over my shoulder, and then I throw the treats on the floor across the room and I make a mad dash for the door.

And I don't turn back to look at him up on his back legs, paws on the window of the door, looking at me as I get in my car.

That would just suck me back in for another quick pet, and then I'd have to give him more treats.

So that's how I make my escape. And then I try not to think about him too much when I'm gone.

But I don't stop thinking about my fitness and DIET when I'm gone.

However, most guys and gals use travel as an excuse for eating junk and skipping workouts.

But travel is NO EXCUSE for bad body behavior.

All it takes to succeed is a little planning. In fact, here's what I've done to stay on track while spending time in the airports and stuck in 13-hour per day seminars.

1) I packed apples, raw cashews, dry roasted almonds, peppers, and cut-up broccoli into a cooled pack to take with me and get me through the first day and a half of my 4 day trip.

I got this idea from one of the fitness models I interviewed for Oxygen magazine. And yeah, at the time I thought it was "overkill", but not anymore. Not when you travel a lot.

You'll feel so much better eating real food than the processed sandwiches you get at airport counters, or the high-carbohydrate snacks on the plane, or the cheap, white-flour based meals you get in hotel restaurants.

Most people don't plan ahead, and they end up in airports bored and hungry. Probably more bored than hungry to be honest, and when a bag
of M&M's is only 10 steps away and you have 90 minutes to kill, you know it's only a matter of time before those 2 little cartoon characters are in your hands and melting in your mouth.

And all those people eating airport meals, I just don't know how they do it. You never end up feeling better after eating that stuff.

2) Exercise early or late.

I don't like getting up at 5:30am to exercise, but I needed to do some light stretching before breakfast, and that's what I did.

At night, I did my real workout. Now I don't like working out at 9:30pm either (I prefer lunch-time), but when that is the only time you have, that's what you do.

In fact, it was a pleasant change from the butt-numbing sitting marathon I did all day today, from 8am to 9pm. Tomorrow will be more of the same, so it was great to get moving.

(I did Workout B from the upcoming July TT DB-BW Combos Workout. If you are a Turbulence Training member, you'll be first in line to get that workout on July 1st.)

=> Click Here to get your 3-month FREE TT Membership as part of the TT Trial Package

So overall, you have to plan ahead and know when you are going to do your fat burning workout.

Yes, I know it is a lot easier to get back to your room and "CRASH", and flip on Larry King or ESPN, but if you want ADVANCED results you have to take ADVANCED action.

That's the politically-incorrect truth.

3) Make substitutions when ordering restaurant food.

Eventually, my food runs out and I have to get room service or hit a restaurant. But it is not hard to get salmon and broccoli. All you have to do is ask.

To be honest, I have no idea how the other folks I was with could sit all day and then eat a cheeseburger and fries. Plus, they ate at least two large chocolate chip cookies in the afternoon.

And I just know that they are going to be complaining about their weight this summer at the beach. No matter how much pleasure the cookies gave them, it could not wipe away the guilt on their faces.

This is a common mistake people make all the time...they give in to a moment of pleasure now and sacrifice days, weeks, and months in the future because they just don't want to plan ahead and succeed.

The other day I was talking with someone who lost a lot of weight, and they simply said they started to succeed when they changed their mindset about food.

They no longer thought of food as their one and only source of pleasure in life. Instead, they now think of food as fuel for their bodies.

And that's exactly what it is.

So don't put sugar in your gas tank,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I don't know how HE did it...

But Juan Ruiz just became the first person to lose OVER 100 POUNDS with Turbulence Training.

You can see photos of his incredibly powerful 9 month transformation here:

=> Click Here to see Juan Lose 100 Pounds

If he can do all of this while raising his son on his own, and while going to school and quitting smoking, what's stopping you?

Click Here to get started with Turbulence Training:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday Intermediate & Deadlift Workout

Drove from Stratford to Toronto early Sunday morning then headed off to the gym for the Deadlift + TT Intermediate Workout A. I added my strength exercise to the start of the Supersets, and did deadlifts. Workout was cut short because I had to be at the airport...heading to Baltimore for a few days.

Side note for those who travel. Usually I take 3-6 apples and two big bags of nuts. Today I stepped it up and even brought along chopped up vegetables in a little cooly packet to keep them fresh.

The hotel I'm staying at in Baltimore has the worst menu, and is one of those airport hotels out in the middle of nowhere, far away from any grocery store. So I prepared ahead even more than usual.

Strength Exercise

355x1 rep using double overhand grip
335 - 3 sets of 5 reps using the alternate grip

TT Supersets
1A) DB split squat - 2 sets of 8 reps using 75 pound dumbells (10 pound increase from Day 1)
1B) DB incline - 2 sets of 8 reps using 60 pound dumbells (had to be conservative again, too much training last week)

2A) BB RDL - 185x8, 205x8 (increased in second set by 20 pounds compared to Day 1)
2B) Pushups - Just one set, did 42. Two more reps than Day 1. 

3) Deadlift - 225x10reps

Then I had to jet home, get ready, and head out.

I'll be training in a hotel gym this week, so no main strength exercises again until Thursday when I'll bench press.

Train hard but safe,


PS - Join me on the Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout...

Click Here to get your 21-day Trial of Turbulence Training  

Detox Diets for Fat Loss

Would a detox diet for fat loss significantly improve my health?

Nah, not really.

Although it can help someone that is eating Doritos everyday, but only if they take up some long-term healthy habits as a result, of course.

A detox diet for fat loss won't suddenly reverse the bad health status of someone that has lived the Western Lifestyle for 40 years.

It is what it is...2 days of not eating crap (although it's often 2 days - or more - of not eating anything, which has its own detractions...).

So detox diets might seem like a good idea, and might even give you piece of mind and help kick-start a new program, but just realize that they are not a quick fix to your health problems.

The LONG-TERM FIX is dumping the Western Lifestyle, as I have said many times before. 

Besides, if you think you can actually remove all the toxins in your body, think again. It can never happen. Every breath you take, every move you make, you are creating waste products in your body.

In fact, research studies have found that ALL of us contain  surprisingly high concentrations of toxins in our blood, all due to AIR pollution.

So no matter how "great" your detox diet, you'll never be able to combat toxins that enter your blood through your lungs.

And many toxins are fat-soluble - meaning they are stored in our fat cells for months, and slowly released over time - not just 2 days.

You'll never truly detoxify...but enough of the science class, let's get to the bottom line on detox diets...

So is living on a juice diet for 2 or 3 days going to kill you?

No. Heck, that's probably healthier for you than a weekend in LAS VEGAS.

But is it going to add years to your life?

No, of course not.

So unless a 2-day detox diet is really off the wall unhealthy, they are generally neither helpful nor harmful.

All that matters is what you do on a consistent basis for the other 363 days of the year...year in, year out.

If you pick up motivation for healthy habits from your "detox", then maybe it can help you.

But if you go right off the detox and back to the Nachos and Bud, then what was the point at all?

You know what I'm all about - lifestyle change.

It's nothing radical, its nothing fancy or magical. If you want to succeed you simply have to make changes for good.

You aren't going to make all the changes overnight or be able to stick to each one the first time you try it (Hey, I'm still trying to get better and healthier everyday, and I've been at it for all of my adult life).

Hard truth: It might take you years before you perfect your healthy eating habits and kick your cravings.  

But as you do, you'll have the rest of your life ahead of you for high-energy living thanks to healthy eating.  

Eat well, live well, 


P.S. Want to know how to change your eating lifestyle?

My 2 top resources:

1) Dr. Chris Mohr's Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines that comes with Turbulence Training.

2) Craig's Weekend Diet   

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Men vs. Women Fat Loss Battle

Men Vs. Women - The Top 5 Reasons Why It's Hard for Women & Men to Burn Body Fat

Men and women both have a hard time losing body fat, but for different reasons. Men's Health expert Craig Ballantyne identifies the top 5 reasons why it's hard for men and women to lose body fat, and gives the 3 proven diet and exercise techniques for losing as much fat as possible in only 12 weeks.

Men and women struggle with fat loss for different reasons, but does one sex have an easier time with weight loss?

Here are 5 reasons men and women struggle with weight, and the 3 essential techniques everyone must follow in order to burn fat and boost their metabolism.

#1) The number one reason men and women have a hard time losing weight is because of poor nutrition.

Advantage: Women

Most women are better educated on food choices, but men continue to eat as if they were still playing college football. As a result, men will have a harder time losing weight because no matter how much they exercise, they are still eating too many calories. You can't "out-train a bad diet".

#2) The second reason men and women struggle with weight loss is because their metabolism decreases over time due to muscle loss and reduced activity.

Advantage: Men

Most men have more muscle mass and get more exercise than women. Plus, more men do strength training while women neglect this key element of the fat burning equation. In fact, a recent study showed that both men and women can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time with strength training - even at age 60!

Without strenght training and interval training, women will continue to burn fewer calories per day with each passing year and will have a harder and harder time with fat loss.

#3) Men and women will struggle with weight loss if they only rely on slow, boring cardio.

Advantage: Men

More men do interval training, and that is better than slow cardio for fat loss.

In a recent study, men and women on a year-long cardio program lost only 6-8 pounds, even though they exercised 6 days per week. In another study, a group of women did not lose weight after 15 weeks of cardio (3x's per week). In contrast, a group of women in the same study that did interval training were able to lose belly fat.

#4) Men and women have a hard time with weight loss if they don't have social support.

Advantage: Women

Most men try to do everything on their own, but weight loss is easier if you have social support. On the other hand, most women are more willing to recruit help from friends and family when on a weight loss program. Men and women can get social support from friends at work, from their family, from people at the gym, or even in an online fat loss forum.

#5) Men and women struggle with weight loss because of poor execise choices.

Advantage: Tie.

Most guys and gals just show up at the gym without a plan - or they just go for a jog and do some crunches. But without a professional plan, both men and women will not lose weight, but only waste time.

To lose the most amount of fat in the least amount of time, both men and women should follow a program containing the following three essential elements...

A) A reduced-calorie diet of whole, natural foods.

No one needs an extreme eating plan. Just focus on eating 10-20% fewer calories than you need, focusing on vegetables, fruits, nuts, and sources of protein and healthy fats. Stay away from anything in a bag or a box.

B) Resistance training (Strength training)

Resistance training, using dumbells, bodyweight exercises, or barbells help men and women burn fat and build muscle.

C) Interval training

Short bursts of exercise, as done in interval training, work better than slow, boring cardio, and get results in half the time.

In a recent transformation contest, both men and women using a fat loss program of resistance training and interval training were able to lose up to 33 pounds of fat in only 12 weeks. There were 4 men and 4 women in the final 8, and over 3000 people voted on the winner.

Click Here to find out if the winner was a man or woman

There's still time to lose LOTS of fat for summer,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Women -> Click Here to Burn Stubborn Belly Fat & Lose Inches

Men -> Click Here to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat

3 Steps to Become a Great Personal Trainer

"How do I become a personal trainer? "

This is one of the most popular questions that I get.

It's a great question, and an important question.

With the loss of traditional jobs and a move to service-industry economy in North America, personal training is a way to earn a relatively good living while helping others.

Plus, having read my newsletter, you know I give a lot of current trainers a hard time (and with good reason, most trainers lack a basic understanding of human physiology and human movement, and common sense - some trainers don't even understand the law of gravity).

In my opinion, there is a huge shortage of GREAT trainers in the workforce.

Now it's relatively EASY to become a certified personal trainer.

Simply look up one of the popular certifications (ACE, NSCA-CPT, or whatever certification the gym you want to work at requires), get their study materials, and then pass their test.

BAM. Now you are a certified personal trainer.

However, to become a GREAT trainer, you will need to learn much, much more and invest far more time and education than you need to just get a quick certification.

Here are 3 steps to becoming a great personal trainer or strength coach.

1) You will need to start by mastering the basics such as anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and an introduction to sports medicine.

Granted, some certifications, such as NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification, do a good job of covering this material. But you need to learn more than just what is in the Certification textbook.

WITHOUT a foundation in anatomy and physiology, it is easy for a trainer to fall for the latest gimmicks and fads.

Ironically, I often find many trainers "forget" the basics in anatomy and physiology with each additional "specialization certification" they get...

After all, if you don't know (or "forget") how the central nervous system controls the muscles, then standing on a wobbling board while doing biceps curls with a rubber band while reciting your ABC's backwards seems like a good idea.

It's "soooo hard" you'll hear that trainer say. Well, sure it's hard. So is juggling.

Of course, you'll never see these trainers straining with a bar on their back while squatting, or even doing butt to the floor pistol squats. Now THAT is hard.

But if you have a strong education in the foundations of anatomy and physiology, then you'll take one look at that standing on a muffin-top ball stuff and realize its "Limited in value" to say the least.

Fortunately, you can learn as much about the basics of anatomy and physiology studying on your own as you could by being enrolled in a University Kinesiology program.

The plus side of going to University is that you will get a recognized degree and it also happens that a University or College degree (any subject however) is a pre-requisite for possibly the most recognized certification, that of the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).

However, the obvious downsides of University are the required investments in time and money. You must study on the University schedule and the fees are substantial.

One additional downside to a University education is the heavy emphasis placed on aerobic exercise science. Not only has this lead to the "You must do aerobics for fat loss" mentality, but also to the ill-advised "high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets are best for fat loss and health" nutrition recommendations.

While some coaches regard the formal education process as un-necessary, and feel that all the requisite knowledge can be gained on their own and in the trenches, I am a STRONG supporter of a formal education - provided the quality of education is high.

The education that I attained from McMaster University is without a doubt the reason for the quality of my programs and the level of my knowledge. Most influential was the neuromuscular physiology course taught to me by Dr. Digby Sale at McMaster University.

But since you will never have the opportunity to attend his classes, I recommend in his place you read, "The Science and Practice of Strength Training", by Dr. Vladimir Zatsiorsky.

Either way, as Michael Masterson of has said, "Expect to spend 1000 hours of study to become competent in any discipline".

2) Get a Mentor

Masterson also says that having a good mentor can significantly decrease the amount of time you will need to study (perhaps by 50%).

There are many "in the trenches" mentors that I can recommend, including:

Alwyn Cosgrove - Alwyn has just released a manual called, "The Professional Fitness Coach Program Design Bible".

3) Care About Your Clients

This will mean being a "stern, but loving parent" on many days. This will mean "shutting them up and getting them back to work" when they try to talk about what happened on American Idol last night. This will mean enforcing strict form on all exercises.

Bonus Tip -> Get Results

A lot of trainers sacrifice results for a program that gives their clients "variety" because they complain, "My clients just want to be entertained".

Listen, I can find a lot of things more entertaining than working out.

If you know what works, stick to your guns and give the client what is best for them, not what they want. You are the boss, the "stern, but loving parent".

The attitude you take - that you are the boss - is a key to your client's success.

Those are just a few tips on how you become a GREAT personal trainer.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - It is no surprise that a lot of trainers use Turbulence Training with their clients.

When I designed the Turbulence Training program, I grabbed the best of athlete-training, bodybuilder-training, bodyweight-training, fitness-training, and yes, even Stability-ball training, and I put them all in my "mental blender", and designed the best workout possible for busy men and women to lose fat.

If you are still skeptical about the TT program, I recommend you visit: to see the REAL results achieved by Real People using the TT program.

Or simply

=> Click HERE to grab your trial offer of Turbulence Training


Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Modified TT Workout - I'm Beat

Yesterday I trained with a client to do one of the workouts from the upcoming July TT DB-BW Combo program, and then I trained with another client in a Kettlebell workout, so I was a little beat up going into the last workout of the week today.

As a result of all the training I did this week, I changed up the workout.

Here's what I ended up doing in what was supposed to be TT Intermediate Workout A.

Bodyweight circuit warm-up

Strength Exercises

Clean - 185x3, 190x2, 190x2 (good results for me)

Squat - 315x5 (only did 1 set due to time and soreness. being conservative)


Bulgarian Split Squat - 2x8 at 40 pounds
DB Shoulder Press - 60x8, 70x7

Good Morning - 185x8 (only one set, running out of time)
Pullups - 1x14 (max reps)

Deadlift - 225x13

Pretty beat by the end of this workout. Back to workout B on sunday, traveling on M-W.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

4 Worst Exercises Ever?

The 4 Most Mind-Boggling Exercises I've Witnessed in Gyms In Toronto

Maybe it is something they put in the bottled water up here, but Toronto personal trainers sure come up with some of the craziest exercises.

Over the years I've spent quite a few hours in gyms, both good and bad. And during this time I've watched people do some things that belong on a
Funniest Videos show.

I'm going to share with you the 4 most mind-boggling exercises I've ever seen trainers give their clients…along with some lessons we can learn from
each of these mistakes. 

Just to make myself clear, I am not recommending that you should ever perform the following exercises – they are clear examples of what NOT to do.

And hey, since no one got hurt during these workouts, we can all have a good chuckle at how ridiculous these exercises are...

Bad Idea #4 – Jump Training on Concrete

Anyone that has read a few fitness articles knows that you should always try and run on soft surfaces rather than concrete and asphalt. Over time,
running on concrete increases the risk of injury to your muscles and joints, says Dr. Edward R. Laskowski of the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center.

So it's mind-boggling that trainers would have clients do plyometrics (jump training) on concrete. Even more surprising are the trainers that have 40-
year old women doing plyometrics on concrete when these women can barely do bodyweight squats properly.

Lesson: Most trainers give their clients exercises that are far too advanced for their fitness level. Be conservative and stick with the basics

Bad Idea #3 – The Backhand Boxer Slap on a BOSU Ball

Since this exercise might be a little difficult to picture or imagine, I'll do my best to describe it. First, the client put on a pair of boxing gloves
and then stood on the flat side of the BOSU ball.

For those that are confused already, a BOSU ball looks like the top of a muffin. It is a half-ball with a flat plastic surface on one side and an
inflated ball surface on the other.

If you put the inflated ball surface against the ground and stand on the flat side, you'll find that you have to concentrate and tense your lower
body to stay upright without tilting or falling off.

Now despite having practically no scientific validation for its role in training, the BOSU ball is quite a popular tool in some gyms.

Okay, so with the client standing on the BOSU (wobbling around with no control, I might add), the trainer stood behind him and held up punching
pads to the left and right of the client's head.

To perform the exercise, the client faces forward while standing on the BOSU ball and then proceeds to give rapid backhand slaps to the punching pads
(again, all while wobbling uncontrollably on the BOSU).

It's been about 4 years since I witnessed this exercise, and I still can't figure out the point. It wasn't strength, power, or conditioning.

It was probably just variety for the sake of variety – One of the main reasons that most training programs are ineffective.

Just because another trainer in the gym is doing pushups or some other basic, yet effective exercise doesn't mean that you can't use them as well.
You don't always have to be different.

Even though your client likes "variety", it doesn't mean you have to come up with stupid exercises to mindlessly fill the 60-minute time slot that your
client is paying $60-$120 for. Have some respect for your clients.

And if you still choose to use BOSU exercises in your program, at least do them with a high level of body control. There's no point to doing any
exercise if the client can't control their body or if the client can't do the same exercise with proper form while standing on solid ground.

Bad Idea #2 – The Barefoot Butt Bounce

This one got the whole gym's attention. And it was a tough decision not to put this as #1 on the list (just shows you how stupid the first place
exercise is!).

The "BBB" (Barefoot Butt Bounce) exercise itself is quite simple and was performed shoeless (for unknown reasons) and required a large Stability

The exercise started with the client sitting on the ball and then bouncing up and down as high as she could, landing her butt on the ball each time
before bouncing up as high as she could again.

Now that sounds weird enough, but the barefeet really added to scene, as did the rolling of the ball.

Each time this poor woman landed she came about 4-6 inches from missing the ball completely and landing smack on her tailbone from 3 feet in the air.

Could you imagine the 911 call had that happened?
Again, train people with respect.

This is particularly applicable to female clients. Just because they are women doesn't mean that they can't or shouldn't train to get strong.

In fact, women need a properly developed strength training program just as much or even more than men, in order to help combat bone loss, muscle loss,
fat gain, and losses in strength.

Bad Idea #1 – The DB Split Squat

And the winner is the dumbbell split squat.

"But CB," you must be saying, "you use the DB split squat in your programs all the time. How could it be the worst exercise ever?"

Well, yes I do – I use ordinary dumbbell split squats in my programs almost every month.


What I don't do is have people do split squats while they stand ON the dumbbell.

That's right. I watched someone do split squats standing ON a dumbell.

In this exercise, the trainer had the client stand with their back foot elevated on the round part of a BOSU ball and their front foot stood on the top of an upended dumbbell.

So the client was performing a split squat completely off the ground and supported only by a wobbly dumbbell and rubber muffin top.

Again, 4 years later and I still don't see the point.

Do not ever stand on dumbbells. That is not what they are for.

There is no shame in designing a program for someone based on basic, effective exercises, common sense, and established scientific principles.

Sincerely wishing you real results with real training,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc.
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - I don't have any BOSU balls or muffin tops for you, but I do have a real program that helps real people get real results...

You can try Turbulence Training for only $4.95 for a 21-Day Trial run...if you don't like it, you can cancel and you'll get a refund,
and no additional charges will be made.

Click Here to TRY Turbulence Training for 21 Days 

Tips for Workout Out Safely

I want to quickly cover a very serious topic today (not that all of my emails aren't serious, but this one even moreso...).

To make up for today's seriousness, tomorrow I'll send you a funny email featuring the 4 worst exercises I've ever watched a trainer give a client. Some of them I wouldn't have believed if I didn't see them with my own eyes.

But back to today's "seriousness"...

Lately, I've been talking about making workouts harder and more intense, but it is also very important for all of us to train
conservatively and not overdo things.

So here are 10 tips to train safe.

1) Don't do any exercise that you aren't sure how to do. Always get personal instruction from a certified trainer.

2) Don't do anything that hurts or "doesn't feel right". There are plenty of alternative exercises for every movement. Just ask us on the Turbulence Training forum for substitutions.

3) Whenever you start a new program, use lighter weights than normal, and do only 1 or 2 sets per exercise. You must always expect additional soreness when starting a new program just because of the new exercises, so don't try to set world records in a new program right away.

4) If you need extra recovery within the workout or between home fitness workouts, don't hesitate to take it. Safety first.

5) Use a spotter if you are training with heavy weights. If you train alone at home, follow my recommendations in the manual and do NOT train to failure.

6) Check your ego at the gym door and start with the Beginner or Intermediate TT workouts, even if you have been exercising in the past. The new exercises, and new style of movements will cause muscle soreness even from workouts you think "look easy".

7) Don't do interval training more than 4 times per week. Even pro athletes don't play hard everyday, so why should we?

8] Never skip a warm-up. Use the general bodyweight warmups and the specific warm-up sets in each TT workout.

9) If you want to start TT but think you have an injury, get medical attention and have a professional therapist rehabilitate
your injury before starting an exercise program.

10) Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or diet program. All together now, "Safety first!"

Bonus 11) If you decide to use running as your form of interval training, make sure you have good running shoes, always do an extra thorough warmup, and choose a safe running surface (grass or trails rather than pavement/concrete). If you use a treadmill, please operate it safely. exciting as that was, it was very important.
Train hard BUT train safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

PS - Don't forget about taking TT for a test drive...

You can try Turbulence Training for only $4.95 for a 21-Day Trial run...if you don't like it, you can cancel and you'll get a refund,
and no additional charges will be made.

Click Here to TRY Turbulence Training for 21 Days

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

TT Intermediate Workout B

Today I did the Turbulence Training Workout B from the Intermediate Level of the TT for Fat Loss program. Whew, long name for a workout. Let's just call it Intermediate Workout B.

Anyways, I added a strength exercise before the workout. Today, I did bench presses. Also, I must come clean and admit that I am resting longer than 1 minute between supersets. I know, I know. But I am trying to train a little heavier, so that is my mind justifying the extra rest.

So here was my workout today. It lasted 40 minutes.

Bench Press - 3 set of 5 reps using 225 pounds

1A) Pistol Squats (substituted for dumbell squats) - 3 sets of 8 repetitions per side
1B) Stability Ball Rollouts - 3 sets of 10

2A) DB Reverse Lunge - 2 sets of 8 reps using 65 pound dumbells
2B) Side Planks - 45 seconds per side (these need work)

3A) DB Row - 2 sets of 8 reps using 110 pound dumbells
3B) Superman Back Extensions - 2 sets of 10 pounds using 10 pounds (these are doing using the back extension chair, not the lying superman exercise. There is a photo of these in the June-July issue of Men's Health magazine).

Dog walk in the AM, another one tonight. Skateboard to gym and walk home while drinking chocolate milk. Man, you see the strangest things/people out and about at 1:30pm on the streets of much entertainment.

Yesterday I did a Kettlebell workout from the upcoming "Kettlebell Meltdown" training program from Troy Anderson and Josh Henkin. Look for that program on June 23rd. Tomorrow, I'll do another workout from that program.

I think that's it. Important email coming to Turbulence Training Newsletter Subscribers tomorrow.

Have a good workout,


PS - Want to try the Turbulence Training workouts?

You can, for only $4.95. You'll be able to test out TT for 21 days. If you don't like it, just let us know and you won't be charged a penny more...PLUS, you'll get your $4.95 refunded. You have nothing to lose.

Click HERE to try Turbulence Training

The Best Fitness Deal Going

"Turbulence Training has got to be one of the best training deals going these days.  

Even after the purchase, Craig continues to deliver new workouts, nutritional information, and links to his latest workout videos on YouTube. I have to admit that I'm one those guys that initially looked at the workouts and thought they would be too easy.

I was mistaken.  After a TT workout I'm fatigued, sweating, and ready for the end - and then starts the interval training to finish me off. Intense! Afterwards I'm whooped, but a quick recovery meal and a shower and I'm energized for the day.

I'm an active person, but training can become routine, monotonous, boring.

For those of us that don't have problems with consistency in our training we can have the opposite problem - our mind and bodies try to deceive us - they tell us "If you don't do this much weight this many times on the bench EVERY week you're going to lose everything you've gained," or "If you don't do this much cardio every day you're gonna get fat."  

But the opposite is true.  

You have to mix it up, keep it interesting, stay out of the rut and on your toes. Craig's Turbulence Training is the program to do it with.

There has to be several years worth of different TT workouts available, and Craig's E-books are laid out so that a quick review prior to the workout is typically all you'll need to start a new workout.  Plus, Craig has an illustrated section at the back of each e-book that shows proper form and technique on every exercise he uses throughout the book.  

If that isn't enough, there's a possibility he's got a video of it on YouTube.

The Internet is a great source for fitness information.  If you think about it, available at your fingertips are years of experience of the best fitness coaches alive, and Craig is right up there with the best of them.  He writes for Men's Health, what else could you ask for?  Where else are you going to get this kind of training from an expert, and for this price?  

Definitely the best fitness deal going."
James Smithhisler

Click Here for your Turbulence Training Trial Offer  

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Runners Need Turbulence Strength Training

Runners are notorious for trying everything to improve performance, from eating "power gel" to buying space-aged shoes, but most runners are missing one key performance boosting element. It's strength training.

In a study published in the journal, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers had 8 subjects (4 men and 4 women) perform heavy barbell squats three times per week for 8 weeks in addition to their regular endurance training. A control group of men and women only did the endurance workouts.

(Reference: Storen, O. et al. Maximal Strength Training Improves Running Economy in Distance Runners. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 40(6):1087-1092, June 2008.)

Not surprisingly, the strength training subjects got stronger (33.2% stronger in the squat). However, it was a surprise that these men and women also increased their time to exhaustion in an endurance test by 21.3%. In comparison, the control group did not get stronger or increase their endurance.

This study proves that getting stronger will make you a better runner. But don't worry, you don't have to become a bodybuilder to do so. Just do three strength workouts per week for 8 weeks, focusing on an exercise such as squats or split-squats, and you should build the strength you need to improve your time to exhaustion.

Runners need iron love too,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

PS - Don't forget about the Trial Offer...

You can try Turbulence Training for only $4.95 for a 21-Day Trial run...if you don't like it, you can cancel and you'll get a refund, and no additional charges will be made.

Click HERE to try the full Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package for 5 bucks

Hillary Clinton Might Be Done, But...

With Hillary Clinton out of the running, America might not be able to vote a woman into the White House this year...


We all still have a chance to vote for a woman at the 1st-ever Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation Contest.

Vote here for the Mom who you think made the biggest change in their body and life. (Don't forget to read their essays!)

Click Here to Vote

WORKOUT: Fat Loss Roboto 8-Exercise Circuit

I don't like doing intervals on machines. In fact, in the next few months, you'll see more and more articles from me persuading you to go old-school and find other ways of doing intervals.

I don't think our bodies were designed for the repetitive movements that cardio machines demand, instead, we should use a variety of movements - like in my bodyweight circuits.

Here's a bodyweight/dumbell circuit I designed for you using the Fat Loss Roboto.

Click Here to make your own fat loss workouts

Craig Ballantyne's 8 Exercise Fat Loss Circuit

-> Do each exercise for 20 seconds.
-> Rest 10s between exercises.
-> Repeat for 1-3 circuits.
-> Rest 10s between circuits.

1) Bodyweight Squat
2) Kneeling or Regular Pushup
3) Forward Lunge
4) Staggered Alternating Pushup
5) Bulgarian Split Squats
6) Decline Pushup
7) Plank
8] Dumbell Swing

PS - You can watch videos of almost all those exercises in the clips at:


Say goodbye to fancy machines,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

Monday, June 09, 2008

Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout A

Today I did the Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout A. This workout is famous for being "too easy" according to many folks. However, I hope that my recent articles and explanations have made the workout harder and the instructions clearer.

I made a few modifications to the program to suit my goals of more strength and less emphasis on fat loss, which I don't really need.

So here's how my workout went.

Bodyweight circuit warm-up

- Prisoner squat
- Some shoulder exercise from Bill Hartman's Inside Out DVD
- Lunges
- Pushups
- Chest stretch
- 1-Leg RDL (I find this to be the best warmup move for my hamstrings)

Twice through that.

Strength Exercise (This is not found in the regular Intermediate Workout, and is an "add on" for my personal goals. Similar to the "add-ons" found in the Turbulence Training for Athletes Program).

Deadlift 3x5 @ 315 pounds

Turbulence Training Intermediate A Non-Competing Supersets

1A) DB Split Squat (2x8) @ 65 pounds
1B) DB Incline Press (65x8, 80x7) ->being cautious because recently, when I wasn't cautious, I strained my pec on a 275 bench press. Its much better now, but no need to push it. I used a 3 second eccentric for this exercise.

2A) BB RDL (185x2x8) -> Did this in place of stability ball leg curls b/c I prefer this exercise. Intermediate folks should stick to the ball exercise.
2B) Max Pushups (40, 25)

3A) Cable Ab Crunch (1x15)
3B) Deadlift (225x8) -> I chose deadlifts over rear-delt raises. Intermediate folks should stick to the rear-deltoids.

-> It was hot outside and in the gym, so I was sweating up a storm. The pace was quicker than a normal workout, and my arms were very tired at the end...normally I can do 225x15-20 reps, but just couldn't hold onto the bar at this point. I'm sure next week will show a big increase in muscle endurance.

-> I only did 1-2 sets per superset in the interest of time. Total workout lasted 40 minutes. We are filming a couple of workouts tonight, so that is all my schedule permits. Plus, I skateboarded to the gym, walked the dog for an hour this morning, and will walk him for an hour before workout filming tonight, which will be more work - low intensity, but still lots of reps.

Tomorrow...some kettlebell "skill" training, a yoga class (which I don't like doing, but know I need to do), and dog walking. Maybe even some dog wrestling.

Intermediate ain't easy,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

PS - Don't forget about the Trial Offer...

You can try Turbulence Training for only $4.95 for a 21-Day Trial run...if you don't like it, you can cancel and you'll get a refund, and no additional charges will be made.

Click HERE to try the full Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package for 5 bucks

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The "Hot Girl" Circuit Workout

One Sunday morning back in May, I was driving home from the gym in my hometown of Stratford (while visiting my parents), and I saw an old friend out for her Sunday morning run.

I stopped her to see how her Turbulence Training workouts were going...and she couldn't say enough about the February Circuit Workout I had put together last winter.

"It was the first program that ever changed my body," she said.

And this was coming from a girl who was already smoking hot and had been working out for years. So it was great to hear that the TT workouts were able to take her to the next level.

In fact, her feedback was one of the main reasons that I put together the Big 5 Fat Loss Circuit Workout and the June 30-Minute Bodyweight Circuit.

Bodyweight circuits are tough to beat. They are so convenient and effective at helping you build a lean, sculpted body, that its hard to justify the daily drive to the gym where you pay big bucks for your monthly membership.

In fact, on a recent fitness internet radio interview, I argued that overall, bodyweight circuit training was the BEST form of exercise.

Here are 5 reasons why bodyweight training is the best overall type of exercise you can do to burn fat and sculpt your body.

1) Bodyweight training is a hybrid of strength training and interval training.

Put a bunch of bodyweight exercises into a circuit, like I did with the June workout, and you'll burn fat and sculpt your body fast.

2) Bodyweight training increases "fitness/stamina/endurance" - or whatever you want to call it.

This is great for athletes, fighters, fitness competitors, and even for folks that just love doing handy work around the house.

3) Bodyweight training increases strength and can build muscle if that's what you are after.

You just have to choose the hardest exercises, like Pistols, pullups, bodyweight rows, decline close-grip pushups, and chinups.

4) Bodyweight exercises can carve out a set of six pack abs while keeping your low back safe.

I'm not a big fan of abdominal machines found in most commercial gyms. And neither is the world's expert on low back pain - Dr. Stuart McGill - who I once visited in his lab.

He showed me over a dozen bodyweight exercises for the abs and low-back muscles that build a six pack but don't hurt your back, like crunches and sit-ups will do.

5) Bodyweight exercises work your mobility.

We aren't meant to do the same things over and over again. I know that you'd get more fat burning, bodysculpting results by doing bodyweight circuits rather than intervals or worse, cardio, on one of the Elliptical machine contraptions.

Plus, your body will move better when you do a variety of exercises, rather than risking overuse injuries doing the same movement thousands of times in the same workout.

Bodyweight training is simple, fun, fast, and effective.

Give the June TT Workout - The Bodyweight 30-Minute Circuit Challenge - a try and let us know how many reps you can do.

Post your score in the TT Member's Training Forum,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Home Fitness Workouts

PS - Don't miss the June Workout, the TT forums, & the TT social support you can get with the TT Trial Offer...

I've arranged for you to try Turbulence Training for only $4.95 for the next 21-days.

If you don't like it...just contact us and cancel, and you'll be refunded your $4.95 and no additional charges will be made.

So if you're still skeptical about how you can lose fat and build confidence about your body in only 3 workouts per week, this is your chance to try out the fat burning system that is helping thousands of men and women all over the world...

Click HERE for the Turbulence Training Trial Offer