Here's Andy's story...
Chronological Order of Workout Programs:
Weeks 1-8: Get Lean, Get Muscle Bonus Workouts (Got sick somewhere around Week 8-9)
Weeks 9-12: February 2008 TT Circuit Training Program
Words from the Kahuna himself: "Hope to see your full transformation!"All I can say is "wow!"
What an excellent motivational quote from Craig from last year upon completing my 500 workout routine after purchasing his books. I always looked up to him ever since reading his articles on Men's Health.
How can 6 words be so powerful to my life, to myself and most especially to my training at the time coming from the head man himself that created Turbulence Training to begin with!?
I needed that extra motivation and push if you will and essentially took it up as a personal challenge for me which is why it was just awesome to be a part of such a great community of people here. The contest only gave me more of a motivation to put my best efforts
and I believe I did to the best of my abilities.
Make the workouts recreational and fun. I know I did.
A tip for everyone: make TT recreational first! Enjoy it and you will no longer 2nd guess it like it's a chore but something you do because you enjoy it foremost.
When it becomes a chore, re-evaluate your goals again from time to time but don't look back and be discouraged if you hit blocks/the dreaded plateaus or what have you because there will be some for sure. I hit a few of them down the road but was able to figure it out in time.
Just figure out how to get around them and you will succeed. I learned not to get too caught up with the scale and most importantly my calorie intakes (don't starve yourself!). And #1, having a goal in mind and solid plan really helped a lot.
2 things coming into this: I would have to become more strict with nutrition and consistent enough to stick to it not only with the workouts but also the nutrition aspect for 12 weeks.
Was good with the workouts but I believe I wasn't that good with the nutritional aspect for the most part starting off. But as days became weeks and weeks became months prodding and experimenting with cleaner eating (white rice - .ugh!) - and with no thoughts of restarting ever - I finally came to the realization of the entire TT weight loss approach all made so much sense to me now looking back.
Like many others, restarts would have been an option but a definite no, not for me. From the get go, win or lose, I was going to make this a lifestyle for the long term and not something that is here today and gone tomorrow.
I studied each of Craig's workout programs before joining the contest and learned a lot from his guidelines and interviews with Jay Ferruggia and Erik Ledin (I like this guy). Of them all, the 2 phase 24 week Program of Get Lean, Gain Muscle Program was it for me (because I love the gym). And the 2008 February circuit training just rocked!
Lean muscle, strength, power, strong core and fat loss
were my goals this contest
and will always be the foundation as to why I train. I don't want to be bulky with "He Man" arms just lean and powerful enough to last me a lifetime of good health and of course a 6 pack one day
(I think it will be sooner than I think).
There are plenty of wonderful transformations that are happening right before my very eyes in here and it's great to see. My greatest feeling is to see others succeed in this. I think I've won in so many other valuable ways how I approach my training and nutrition, how to get myself in better shape and how I can improve on a daily basis. So my journey will continue after this, just approaching it with even more passion and more determination than ever.
It doesn't stop here
just taking a week "vacation" and it's back to it again Monday!
Keep Pushing It,
Click HERE for your fat loss program
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