Today I gave myself an attitude adjustment.
You see, I get a lot of Travel Anxiety.
On Tuesday I was already getting stressed out from this Sunday's flight to Denver and next Tuesday's flight to Miami.
It's not the flying that bothers me, it's the entire litany of events from staying at a hotel the night before (because it's an early flight and I live almost 2 hours from the airport) to the shuttle train ride to the terminal to the line up for security to the slowest elevator in the world that takes me to the lounge to the lining up to board the plane, etc.
All of this feeds my anxiety.
And I've been letting it bother me, suck my mental energy (that I need for more important work projects), and straight-up give me a tight chest from the anxiety and sloppy breathing patterns that go with it.
No more.
I've switched my attitude from dread to Adventure. All of the hassles above can be seen as adventures in life, as beautiful gifts to be enjoyed with awe and wonder.
A hotel right beside the airport? Awesome!
A train that takes you from hotel to terminal? Cool!
An elevator so I don't have to climb stairs like a sucker? Right on!
So treat yourself to the same gift today... attitude adjustment in whatever area of life you need.
And that was AFTER I treated myself to this quad-devastating workout:
1A) Wall Squat Hold
1B) RKC Plank
2A) Double KB Front Squat - 53lbs kb's x 3 x 10
2B) DB RDL with 5s ECC
3) DB Walking Lunge - 40 pound dumbbells x 40 reps
That's the price you pay when you wuss out and don't go to the gym to use the squat rack. I had to pay the piper in the garage. Piper paid!
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Pick a pupil to coach. Be the mentor you wished you had at their age. Care for and nurture their personal and professional development. Teach them, encourage them, correct them, and connect them. Be grateful for this opportunity to pass on the secrets to success in life.
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS - Birthday party for dog on Monday night...
Happy 10th (70th?) birthday to ol' B the D.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Devastating Leg Workout and Giveaway
Monday, December 28, 2015
Christmas Workouts and Bally Photo
Sunday was nearly a CASS-Free day. Just a small cup of tea before an upper body workout in the garage.
That Meathead-ish workout looked like this:
1A) Decline Maximus Pause Pushup (1-1-1-1) = 28 reps, new PB
1B) Band Pull
2A) DB Neutral Grip Press
3A) KB 1-Arm OH Press
3B) DB 1-Arm Row
4A) Squat-Curl
4B) Kneeling Plank-to-Triceps Extension
4C) Total Body Extension
4D) Close-Grip Pushup
Had a nice visit from TT Trainer, J-Roc, on Sunday afternoon.
Today we had a little Christmas gift exchange with a few family members that missed out on the 25th, and I had more fun than on real Christmas!
My sister gave me a fancy new silk eye-mask. Probably the best gift of the year. Makes a huge difference in the summer, and in hotels where the rooms are filled with digital and mystery lights.
It was a great way to start the week. We should do a gift exchange every Monday morning. Ha!
25th TT Transformation Contest starts today! It's free to enter and you can win $1000 -
You need a bodyweight program to start with? Here's the 6-Minute Workout I shared in this morning's email. This type of training gives you the best morning workout, and this circuit is called:
The INSANE 6-Minute Morning Metabolism Cranker Workout
- Do each exercise for 45 seconds.
- Rest 15 seconds before moving to the next exercise.
1A) Total Body Extension
1B) Bodyweight Squat
1C) Jumping Jack
1D) Close-Grip Pushups or Kneeling Pushups
1E) Alternating Lunges
1F) Mountain Climbers
- Advance: You can do that circuit up to 3 times for a 20-minute workout.
- Take a full minute rest between circuits.
Who needs fancy equipment for a fat torching workout? Not you!
Your legs will be on fire (even after one round), and so will your metabolism.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
“Everybody in your situation has the same choice: you can rue your situation or you can dedicate yourself to changing it. Accept responsibility for your future. Refuse to complain, criticize, or condemn. If you want us to help you achieve your goals, then trust in and follow our advice. Stop doubting it. Stop denying it. Have faith.” – Mark Ford
Keep the faith and push on,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS - Merry Christmas from Bally...
PPS – Make sure you know your big goals and dreams…
List your #1 priority in life. Now write down the first thing you do each day. Are these in alignment? What obstacles do you need to eliminate? What habits and rituals can you improve? Make the changes and align your actions.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
25th TT Transformation Contest Starts Today
It's time to start the 25th TT Contest!
Had a nice - and oddly warm - CASS-Free Christmas. But I was very sleepy all day.
Today is a deadlift pre-workout caffeine will be enjoyed, both at home and at the gym.
1A) Power Shrug
1B) Mobility
2) Deadlift - PB of 225x16 overhand grip
3A) Chest-Supported Row
3B) Good Morning
3C) Shrug
And it's time to start the 25th TT Contest!
My plans for the 25th TT Transformation Contest:
1) Increase Giving => Give more time, energy, and love to the people I work with and coach. Give more time and energy to organizations that matter...writing checks and buying toys are nice, but they only take care of the symptoms, not the root cause of the problem.
2) Use TT 2K3 and TT 2k4 with the #1 Priority twist (you'll see what I mean when the 2016 January TT program is released).
3) I can't think of any diet changes to make...I really can't do much better than how I eat now. It's a great place to be! So I'll continue on with no Plastic Water bottles, 12-hour daily break, and doing as many CASS-Free days as possible.
More details soon as I finalize these plans.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset:
Get up earlier tomorrow. Pray or meditate as the sun rises. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Let calm come over you as your stress dissipates. You have no real worries. You have everything you need. Now shift your thoughts to your end point of "the game". How much is enough? What do you really need? How will you measure your life? What will you regret if you do not do it? How does this knowledge change how you should act today, and daily?
Make the right changes for your right life,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Lower Body Garage Gym Punishment
Busy day today for ETR writing. I won't get to the gym for front squats, but I'll use KB Goblet Squats and DB Walking Lunges in the garage after a little pre-workout caffeine.
Things slow down this afternoon as our ETR team goes on a 10-day break. I might take a 10 hour break on Christmas, but other than that, working away at new programs, articles, and books for you in the New Year.
And it'll be a green Christmas on the farm. 55 degrees and raining today (13 celcius). Muddy paws for ol' Bally the Dog ... and Rudolph.
Today's gonna leave a mark...
1A) KB Goblet Squats - PB of 70lbs x 32 reps
1B) Maximus Pause Pushups - 31 reps
2B) Close Grip Pause Pushups
3) DB Walking Lunges
And here are a couple of Christmas holiday workouts from the TT newsletter today, written by Bally The Exercise Dog:
Trump's Daily Routine ...ooops, different Trump. Still good, though -
Today's kickbutt mindset tip:
Lead yourself out of temptation as quickly as possible. Don't get in situations where the allure of vices is too strong for your willpower.
Push on,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Home Made Yoga
Surprised to wake up with little muscle soreness after yesterday's Meathead upper body workout. Happy for that. Might be all the 'homemade yoga' I've been doing lately.
That was today's movement session. I did 45 minutes of stretching and mobility before the AM dog walk. Feeling great.
Today is CASS-Free. Started with a great post-walk breakfast bowl and a Peppermint Tea. The bowl was filled like this...
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 1 oz walnuts
- 2 oz pecans
- 1/2 banana
- 1 tablespoon almond butter
- 1 tablespoon honey
Really good start to the day.
Now to get back to work on a New Year's Day TT project.
Tomorrow is a heavy leg workout as a nice Christmas present to myself.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Success is simple once you realize how hard it is.”
Then you will accept how much effort, honesty, responsibility, long-range planning, creativity, intensity, discipline, thought and control the process is going to take.
It is not easy. It is not going to happen from any magic button. Only once you accept that will you succeed. Success requires you to set up routines and stick to them.
It is the creation of the routines that requires more discipline. Focus on quality, not quantity.
You need to integrate all aspects of the 5 Pillars of Transformation, from planning to social support to accountability to an incentive to The Big Deadline, for maximum results. Stay here for social support and accountability. You CAN - and WILL - do it. I believe in you.
I've seen it done a thousand times by every age, in any circumstance. This time is your time. Never quit.
Let's go!
The time to start is now,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Monday, December 21, 2015
High Volume Upper Body Meathead Workout
Sunday's Family Christmas was CASS-Free, full of turkey, but no junk. It was also an off day from training.
But today it was back to the gym with some pre-workout caffeine and a PB with dumbbell rows. The workout went like this...
1) DB Row - 100x8
2A) Bench Press - Pyramid up & down - 15,12,8,5,6,10
2B) Neutral Pullup - 5 sets
3A) Military Press
Should be soreness tomorrow. It's been a while since I've trained this way.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
If you want advanced results, you must take advanced measures. Do MORE than what is expected of you, not LESS than what you are capable of. You have been given great gifts. Earn the rewards that those gifts make possible. Stay strong and keep on pushing on!
Make it a great one,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Shop Deadlifting Groceries and Barbells
In a completely random LOL story, a woman in my hometown stole $4000 worth of groceries from a local store. She just wheeled her cart right out. How they estimated it was $4000, I have no idea. How could you even get $4000 worth of groceries in a cart? It wasn't a Whole Foods.
Anyways, I felt great today and decided to deadlift. Tomorrow is family Christmas and I didn't feel like rushing around to fit in a workout before everyone arrived. It will be good times and great eating. Tomorrow will also be a CASS-Free Christmas.
Today's workout was okay. No records were set.
1A) Deadlift
1B) Dips
2A) Front Squat
2B) Leg Curl
That was it.
I've been doing yoga (aka an extended old-man stretching routine) on my non lifting days. I think it's helping recovery. That's what I'll do Sunday AM.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
You can design your life and control your destiny. But first you must know exactly what you want and where you want to go. This is your one and only shot - so make the right decisions, right now, for your right life. If you really, really, really want something, do everything you can to get it.
Get it,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS - Best website ever...
Treat yourself to a copy of Brandon's book and support all the amazing things he does.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Hemingway and Robbins and Paleo Ballantynes
Pre-workout caffeine today followed with a decent Front Squat workout at the local YMCA.
This morning I was up early to do a lot of writing for a new coaching program that Missi Holt and I are doing. It went well, perhaps inspired by all the Hemingway I've been reading lately.
Last night I read Hemingway's short story, Fifty Grand. It's the only Hemingway story I know that features a surprising plot twist, and it reminded me of the mind-benders in two favorite Stephen King short stories: The Mist and The Jaunt.
I think about The Jaunt from time to time. The plot, about the repercussions of teleportation, still messes with my mind, twenty years after first reading it. The movie, Shelter Island, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, does the same thing. What a wonderful achievement it would be to write something so thought-provoking.
Maybe people will still be thinking about a TT workout they did 20 years after the face. :)
My training today:
Everything was supersetted with mobility, b/c no exercise paired well with another...I had to move pullups to today.
1) Front Squat
2) Neutral-Grip Pause Pullups
3) DB Lunge
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Questions from Tony Robbins:
Every morning I answer one question from the motivational legend, Tony Robbins. I can't remember where I picked up this list (must have been from an online article).
- Who are you?
- What are you made of?
- What are you after?
- What's stopping you?
- What are your wounds?
- What are you proud of?
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS - One more thing...
I'll be speaking at PaleoFX this year in a special session for trainers, nutritionists, and business owners. PS - No relation Dr. Sarah Ballantyne who is also on the agenda!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
CASS-Free Pressing Workout
Good discipline today thanks to a great sleep last night.
I was tired after a CASS-Free day and had a great 8 hours rest. Woke up, did my writing, walked the dog, and had a good CASS-Free workout and day. I have a couple of big meetings on the agenda and don't need the anxiety that often comes when I drink caffeine beverages.
Today's Workout:
1) Decline Pause Pushup (1-1-1-1) = New PB of 27 reps
2A) DB Incline Neutral-Grip Press 5x5
2B) Band Pull
3A) DB 1-Arm Arnold Press
Lots of lower body stretching.
Big day of writing ahead.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
A good approach to life: Act polite and courteous. Do not swear or speak poorly of others. Be virtuous and avoid vices. Avoid the temptations of junk food, excess caffeine, and alcohol. These only make things worse in the long run. Nourish your body and support your energy with healthy living – nutritious food, regular exercise, and 7-8 hours sleep per night. Meditate, breathe deeply, and relax. Live well. Live long. Leave a legacy.
Live strong and well,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Monday, December 14, 2015
Santa Saturday and Sunday Deadlift Day
Today is finally a CASS-Free day after several mornings of pre-workout and pre-writing caffeine. Treated myself a little bit while in Toronto, and then I really needed it yesterday prior to my workout. Still, I was sleepy all day Sunday.
Might have because of our 1st Annual Christmas in Canadia party. I was joined by the Delmontes, Berardis, Pilons, and Elkaims for a nutrition-guru lunch on Saturday. I love hanging around Brad and Heather Pilon, and watching Brad pig out on the best dessert on the menu.
"That's how you break a fast," he said with a big smile on his face.
Ha. And then Santa showed up to make the day complete for the little munchkins. PS - LOL at Berardi's shirt.
There was no workout Saturday, but on Sunday I hit the YMCA for a deadlift session of:
1A) Hang Clean
1B) Dips
2) Trap Bar Deadlift
3A) Good Morning
3B) Shrug
Good times. Then I had a nap. That was even better times!
Today's Kick-Butt Mindset Tip:
It's never too late to change and improve. Commit to getting better every day. You can do it. I believe in YOU. And remember - If you want advanced results, you must take advanced measures. Do MORE than what is expected of you, not LESS than what you are capable of. You have been given great gifts. Earn the rewards that those gifts make possible. Stay strong and keep on pushing on!
Time to get busy like Santa,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Friday, December 11, 2015
Paleo Row Therapy Friday
Staying at my favorite hotel in the world right now, the Shangri-La, in Toronto. It has a decent gym, so after some pre-workout caffeine (and after getting a lot of great writing done), I hit the gym
I also tried a new Paleo bar, the Paleo Krunch Espresso bar from Steve's. I found it at Whole Foods. Broke it up and mixed it with some walnuts. It was really great.
It helped me a hit a workout record on the rower.
250 meters in 51 seconds
Tomorrow will be a recovery day and then on Sunday I will deadlift. Today my upper back is sore as heck from Wednesday's pullup session. Dang!
Now it's off to see my chiropractor to get some Active Release Therapy on my right Achilles, and then some Christmas shopping.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Whatever is in your way, you’re stronger than it, you’re tougher than it, and you’re better than it. You’re going to beat it. You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the “I’ll give this a try” mindset, and switch to an, “I’m going to succeed” belief.Believe,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Squatting and Priority Training in Denver
I usually try to avoid caffeine on travel days, but I also wanted to get in a squat workout today because it was my last chance for a squat rack till Sunday back on the farm.
Today's workout was weak - even with the caffeine - and it just shouldn't have been done the day after yesterday's session. Lesson learned, but that's okay. The squat is not my #1 training priority right now. It's the deadlift.
(Side note: That's the name of January's unique TT program - TT #1 Priority Training ... you're going to love it... gets you strong and lean.)
Today's Workout:
1A) Front Squat - pyramid style, work up to 185x5 and then down to 135x10
1B) Box Jump
2B) DB Lunge
That's it.
Today's travel diet was/will be:
Normal breakfast bowl
Lunch on plane: Taking a giant salad, walnuts, and apple
Dinner at the hotel
Friday morning will be spent writing in a hotel room and the afternoon involves running errands and shopping around Toronto with J-Roc. Should be an amazing day.
Saturday is a Big Christmas Party in Burlington, Ontario, with Brad Pilon and Family, Vince Delmonte and Family, and many more. There will be 32 guests at lunch and I'll have some great this one from Saturday night.
At the Four Seasons Hotel in Denver announcing our total donation to the Denver Toys for Tots Drive - where we purchased over 7,500 toys. What an incredible group of people.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Have one more tough conversation before the holidays. Fix one last problem. If you are wrong, admit it. Fix the problem, learn your lesson, and move on. But if you are right, stay strong and fight. Ignore hate, listen to constructive criticism, and ask your mentors for advice...but always stay true to your personal philosophies forged by your values, experiences, and wisdom.
T'is the season to be wise.
Stay strong,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Upper Body Meathead and Metabolic Kickstarter Success Stories
CASS-Free boring Tuesday in the books. Today's different. I had some caffeine while writing and it helped me get a lot done. I followed that up with a great upper body hotel meathead workout. Now for my last work day in Denver before heading home to Toronto.
I have another big event planned for Saturday and can't wait to share some photos of the world's top nutritionists at a special CB Christmas gathering.
But first, today's workout:
1A) Neutral-Grip Pause Chin-up (1-1-1-1)
1B) 1-Arm DB Arnold Press
2B) Close-Grip Pause Pushup (1-1-1-1)
That was it. Five sets of each. Good times.
And here's the feedback of the week about my Metabolic Kickstarter program...what an incredible story.
“I started doing the Metabolic Kick-Starter work outs quite by accident. I hadn't checked my emails in a while and saw I'd been receiving the daily work out videos. I think by the time I discovered them it was already into week 3. So I purchased MKS and followed along religiously. I think I've done the entire program 4 or 5 times since it’s so easy to follow and you really do see results. That was almost 8 months ago. I had some measurements done at the gym back in July. I was weighing in at 109 kg, yet thanks to the videos my body shape was looking really good. My thighs were a healthy 68cm, waist 107 cm. I entered into a 12-week weight loss challenge at work that ended early November, and found that I also needed to eat properly to get good results. (I'm in New Zealand, and good food isn't the most affordable here) so we made do with what we could. I was doing the challenge with my husband and that made things so much easier. I was going to the gym, I was doing my work outs in the morning. We were even interviewed by our local newspaper and had the story go online with a video! The funny thing was though, the gym jumped on board with our newspaper story via their Facebook page saying results can be gained at the gym. I thought "yeah, but...I got my results from the workouts I did at home with Craig and Missi and Marie." :) I was still doing my morning work outs and had also purchased the 6 Minutes to Skinny – which I've just started again – by the end of the weight loss challenge. At the start of the challenge in August I weighed 110.9 kg. After 12 weeks, lots of exercise and some adjustments to my eating, I weighed in at 90.4kg. I was absolutely stoked. I'm a Pacific Island 41 year old mother of 2 teenagers, and haven't felt so good since my early 20's. Thank you for turning up in my life when you did. Because of your videos and your encouragement through your post-scripts in your emails I feel and know that there are only minor set backs and that are easily overcome. I'm now just trying to maintain but hopefully get below the 90kg mark, and will spread the word of your easy workouts. These days when you say a certain food or exercise isn't good for you I'll tell my husband and he'll ask, "who told you that?", and I'll reply "My friend Craig Ballantyne." ;) Since my measurements in July I've lost a total of 8cm around my thighs thanks to all the squats and lunges I've had to do! A total of 52cm from my body lost since then. I love to do push ups that I could never do before. I hated mountain climbers but love those too now. Thank you again all the way from New Zealand :) You're a real inspiration. PS – Today is my son’s birthday. A minor set back of pizza, chips (or fries), ice cream and pavlova occurred tonight. I know I can work it off. I think my metabolism has gone into top gear as I'm still feeling and looking awesome!” – Barbara Ah Kuoi
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
You are the type of person who takes action……Doesn't complain, finds a way to get it done, and never gives up, right? The answer is yes, you are. Remember that during the tough times today.
Remember to push on,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
The Nice List and boring diet
Can you tell I'm trying to get on Santa's Nice List?
The Ballantyne Family Elves buying presents at our ETR Toys for Tots Christmas drive in Denver on Saturday. ETR and friends bought over 5,033 toys for Santa to deliver this year!
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Take a deep breath, relax, step back, and look objectively at the battles you are fighting and wars you are waging. Most conflicts are not worth it. They are simply someone else's drama serving to help them procrastinate on what matters in life. So about the fighting words you want to say to someone…Sleep on it. Wake up tomorrow and take the high road. If you have caused harm, apologize and fix it. Otherwise, relax, re-focus and return to what really matters. Live and lead by example.
Get leading,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Monday, December 07, 2015
Weekend Toys for Tots and Deadlifts Today
Saturday was, I'm proud to say, CASS-Free.
I was tired from a late Friday night (great evening hanging out at the Four Seasons with so many of our TFT attendees) but I held off as we went toy shopping (we bought over 5,000 toys!).
Then at night we had an incredible party.
Best biceps photo from our Christmas party...with my biz partner Matt Smith and his family. PS - That's just a root beer bottle that lil' Bella is holding... I swear!
No booze for me all weekend.
Today is pre-workout caffeine.
Ha, that look on Bella's face is hilarious.
Great weekend. We filmed some new video workouts for our January Facebook Coaching Transformation Challenge with Missi Holt, and then Daniel Woodrum delivered a TT Certification. We filmed that too, so that we can have a big CTT-drive in March when it's the FIFTH (!!!!!) anniversary of the CTT program launch. Crazy.
(I launched it the day after Joel Marion almost died from hitting his head on a concrete floor...seriously...I sent the first promo emails from his hospital room in Tampa!)
Now I'm ready for another amazing week in the ETR HQ in Denver.
Today's Workout:
1A) Hang Clean
1B) Mobility
2A) Deadlift (trying out a pyramid rep scheme - 15, 10, 5, Max reps)
2B) Dips - Hit a new "old man era" personal best of 21 reps
3A) Good Mornings
3B) Front Squat
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
“Life is not a dress rehearsal.” This is your one shot. You must make the most of it. Start now.
Like right now,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS - Couple of articles for you
Saturday, December 05, 2015
Toys for Tots Diet and Dinner
Wonderful, but busy, Friday. Spent time with the lovely Lesa Gutenkunst, Vince & Flavia, the amazing Daniel Woodrum, Shaun Hadsall, Bruce Krahn, my family, and our lovely ETR and TT Team.
There was pre-workout caffeine, but only 50mg. Nutrition was great, and I had a fantastic 6oz grass-fed filet, baked potato, and spinach at The Edge bar last night with a few friends after the seminar. No booze, but a post-dinner Peppermint tea. It's a ritual with my traveling buddies, Barry and Barbara from England. We've had tea in Prague, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and London.
Today I'm trying to go CASS-Free. I will be tired, but I can nap. We start the day with Toys for Tots shopping at 8am, then we resume the seminar at 1pm, and then we have our Christmas party at 6pm.
And Santa visits at 7pm!
Have a great day,
Craig Ballantyne
Friday, December 04, 2015
Amazon Cookbook Alert
Amazon has an important announcement for you!
We have GREAT news for you because of your interest in the new best-selling cookbook, Eat More, Burn More, by Amazon-verified author, Chef Gui Alinat. Just in time for the holidays, Chef Gui has teamed up with Amazon to offer you a MASSIVE 20% discount off the normal price.
Order today and you'll get your holiday meal-saving recipe book before Christmas.
Just use this coupon code to get your 20% discount right now: BURNMORE
Click here to save 20% on the hottest cookbook of the year at Amazon
Here are just a few of the rave reviews for Chef Gui's recipes...
"The days of, "never trust a skinny chef," are gone. Chef Gui proves that stuffing our faces while being healthy is possible. Kudos!" - Jeffrey Jew, Top Chef Seattle
"It's as beneficial to your emotional health as it is to your waistline." - P. Shaun Barbour, PhD
Just use this coupon code to get your 20% discount right now: BURNMORE
Click here to save 20% on the hottest cookbook of the year at Amazon
"Just got my hands on the new Eat More, Burn More cookbook from Chef Gui Alinat. I highly recommend it if you're interested in making restaurant grade meals. Chef shows you how to make your favorites, and gives you step-by-step instructions that will have you earning Michelin stars from all of your friends and family!" – JR Sloane
"I can't wait to share this cookbook with my clients. It has simple ingredients (stuff I already have in the house) and easy instructions to make healthy meals that are some of my favorite choices. This book can be the answer to long-term change for someone who feels deprived eating the same things all the time. One of the number one requests I get is for recipes and meal ideas... now I have my new recommended resource!" - Rachel Cosgrove, Author of The Femals Body Breakthrough and Drop Two Sizes, Women's Health Columnist, 2012 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year, Owner of Results Fitness
Taking care of your health and cooking,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Here's why I teamed up with Chef Gui this year...'s the same motto that I used to team up with you and all the great people in my life. I know it will work for you, too.
Spend your time with people of the highest moral quality, with those you seek to emulate, and with those that provide only the best example for your children. Leverage their knowledge, support, commitment, and success. Be clear about who is right for your life.
Experimental Meathead Part 2
Last night was a little weird and stressful. I'll give you the full details on Monday. The story isn't over yet.
In the meantime, today included pre-workout caffeine and another interesting experimental workout. Slightly different than the Tuesday upper body workout I did, and just as educational.
My family arrived yesterday and we went for dinner at a local Denver institution called, The Kitchen. The food and service are great.
I had a bone-in pork chop with rutabega mash, sauteed greens, and a zucchini relish on the chop. Others had steak and lamb, and both were outstanding. Great place to eat, and close to our ETR HQ. I'll be stopping by more often.
Big seminar today, but tomorrow is off-training and a great day for CASS-Free shopping.
Alright, here's today Experimental Meathead Hotel Gym Upper Body 5am That's Enough Adjectives Workout:
1) Decline Maximus Pushup - 28 reps, new personal best (1-1-1-1 tempo)
2) Chinups EMOTM - 5 sets
3A) DB Incline 5-second Eccentric Press
3C) DB Tri X
3D) DB Incline Curl
3D) DB Chest-Supported Rear-Delt Raise
Good times.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Work on your #1 priority for 15 minutes first thing in the morning, six days per week. Do NOT get distracted. Do NOT procrastinate. Do NOT let anything get in the way of progress on your big goals and dreams every day.
Tomorrow's Priority: Toys for Tots shopping.
Shop on,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS - It's Christmassy Time in the TT World!
Unstoppable Christmas time at the ETR HQ in Denver...getting ready for our TT Certification with Daniel Woodrum (pictured here with me, CB) on Sunday and our 4th Annual ETR Toys for Tots shopping drive on Saturday.
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Glute Workout
Today was a very interesting experimental workout. Both of my training sessions have given me great ideas for the January program. Look out!
Got up earlier than usual, did lots of writing, put together some cool TT workouts for the weekend, prepped for our weekend Toys for Tots event, had some caffeine and went and did a workout.
My sister arrives in Denver today so I'll be out for dinner tonight at a local farm-to-table restaurant.
Here's an interesting little graphic...check out how much meat your country eats...those Argentines love beef:
Alright, now about today's workout...
- 3 rounds of each superset
1A) 1-Leg Hip Extension
1B) Plank
2A) Goblet Squat - 33 reps with 50lbs db
2B) Stability Ball Leg Curl - 20 reps
3A) DB Hip Thrust
3B) 1-Leg DB RDL
Glutes should be sore today...they kind of are right now.
That was a Kickbutt Workout to go with...
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Everyday I ask myself: What would a Great Man do? Live with integrity and follow the Golden Rule. Be a gentleman, acting polite and courteous, never swearing or engaging in outbursts. Go out of your way for others, and leave everyone better off than you found them.
Time to get going,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS - "The failure to act is much more often the product of inner emotional resistance than external resistance. To move forward you must give up your story, whether it is excuses about your childhood, lack of education, your “bad luck,” your unsupportive family, your low metabolism, where you live, etc., etc. Do not capitulate to external resistance, AND resolve your own internal resistance.” – Dan Kennedy
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
New record on the bike
A good sleep last night meant I didn't need any pre-workout caffeine. All I did were 4 hard intervals on the bike, and I set a new personal best.
32 calories burned in 1 minute on the stationary bike
Good times!
And I'm continuing my plan of:
- no plastic bottles
- no Coke Zero
- no Coke Zero out of plastic bottles, LOL
Big weekend starting soon in Denver, lots of cool kids coming out, including Daniel Woodrum, the DelMontes, Tyler Bramlett, my travel buddy, Barry Dunlop from England, and some of my family from Canadia. They'll be joining us for our Toys for Tots shopping event.
That means lots of great dinners this weekend.
And Daniel is filming the CTT cert on Sunday.
Exciting times!
BTW, make sure to drop by this thread to see new member Kevin Valluzzi and I work out his nutrition and training plan:
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Set a hard deadline for your dreams, one that comes with REAL consequences. And be clear about the consequences of all your actions - and inaction. Make these consequences matter…that's the only way that you'll change your behaviors and take action before it is too late.
Push on,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS - Check out this amazing success story!
Lindsey trained with Catherine Gordon, CTT, and lost 19 pounds and 15 inches. Her story is very moving…BTW, we often get ‘complaints’ about Before & After photos where the after looks so incredibly different (due to the transformation) of the person in the before…this is going to be one of those times.
“Saying that TT has changed my life is an understatement. I realize that my transformation started the day I walked into Gordon Studio, and learned what TT was. My overall health , both mind and body, have changed immensely.
My family has been in the restaurant business my whole life. Eating, drinking, and being merry is what I have been accustomed to. I have always struggled with my weight: tried every diet, paid thousands for personal trainers, and nothing worked until TT and the Sugar Freedom diet.
Reflecting on when I was younger, I always wanted to wear the clothes that the other girls were wearing, but never could because I was too big. Now with this transformation I know I can walk into a store, and wear the clothes that I want to wear. I am comfortable with myself and who I am becoming. I admit, I was intimidated by TT in the beginning because I did not think I was fit enough to keep up. I used to go to the gym with not a clue as to what I was doing and what would work for me. Having modifications, guidance, and support from Catherine has made this transformation possible.
Instead of dreading working out, I look forward to it. I went from working out 1 to 2 days a week to working out 4 to 5 days a week. TT and the Sugar Freedom diet have shown me that I can still love food, I can still eat, drink, and be merry. I have not lost anything, but gained so much more by having the power over the food I put in my mouth. Food no longer controls me, I control the food in my life. This 12 week challenge has proven to me the change that I feel in myself. The motivation and drive I have to keep this transformation going and to be my best self will not end at the end of this challenge, but will last a lifetime."
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Super Tuesday Upper Body Circuit
Bounced back a little since Sunday's super jetlag debachle.
No workout on Monday.
Interesting session today.
Late to bed and early to rise left me a little tired, so there was some pre-workout caffeine. I did a fun off-week upper body circuit and it gave me a great idea for the January 2016 workout.
Last night's dinner was at Ocean Prime. They have great filet mignon. Had that with a baked potato, steamed spinach, and olive oil. Thought about having some booze, but stayed CASS-Free for Monday.
The Workout
1) Maximus Pushups - 30 reps (1-1-1-1)
2) Pullups - Max reps EMOTM (every minute on the minute)
3A) DB Shrug
3B) 1-Arm Arnold Press
3C) Cable Face Pull
3D) Triceps
3E) DB Curls
3 rounds of the circuit. Good times.
Lots of weird muscle soreness, though. Lingering soreness in glutes, something that feels like a charley horse, and a continued problem with a tight right achilles (from walking too much in improper shoes).
Doing lots of mobility work and stretching to rid myself of the aches and pains so I can finish one last 3-week heavy program before year's end.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"The failure to act is much more often the product of inner emotional resistance than external resistance. To move forward you must give up your story, whether it is excuses about your childhood, lack of education, your “bad luck,” your unsupportive family, your low metabolism, where you live, etc., etc. Do not capitulate to external resistance, AND resolve your own internal resistance.” – Dan Kennedy
Stay strong,
Craig Ballantyne
PS - Take a deep breath, relax, & look objectively at the battles you are fighting & wars you are waging. Most conflicts are not worth it.