Monday, November 30, 2015

Sunday Terrible Travel Sunday

Sunday turned out to be a really crummy day, despite getting off to a great start. I woke up early, did some mobility work, got to the airport early, stayed CASS-Free before my flight, had a high-protein breakfast in the lounge (5 hardboiled eggs, pineapple, apple, tomato juice, water) and everything was going right on time.

Boarded the plane...and then an hour delay. Due to the busy travel season, people were late with connections. We waited, which is fine, but perhaps I stopped drinking enough water.

We arrived in Denver about 90 minutes later than usual and I started to feel a headache coming on.

This has happened about 5-6 times over the dozens of flights I've taken going westward. Some type of jetlag, for lack of a better term. The worst case was in 2009 when I flew to Las Vegas from Toronto. I felt physically ill and had to sleep it off for 3-4 hours.

Most of the time I'm fine...but yesterday wasn't my day.

Things got worse after I got to my hotel, and even after I ate lunch.

Eventually I had to lie down. An hour nap and a shower put me back to 75%.

And a good night's sleep has renewed me to 100%.

But dang. An entire afternoon wasted. I had a lot planned, shopping, groceries, and studying a course.

All I could manage was watching an MLS game. And I don't even like Major League Soccer, but I was feeling too poorly to change the channel...even though I had the remote in my hand, LOL!

Anyways, back on track today.

No training, more mobility, and generally not a lot of heavy lifting this week as I'm taking most of the week off. I will have a heavy session on Thursday and start one more 3-week phase before the end of the year.

Today and tomorrow are CASS-Free. Might also be vegan-paleo both days.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

What are you doing today to make tomorrow better for someone else? Focus on what matters, concentrate on what counts, & do good things. In a world filled with darkness, be a bright light. Follow the Golden Rule. Help others. Teach them. Lift them up. Abundance > Scarcity. The more they succeed, the more you succeed. Don’t hold anything back.

Give it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Caffeine and Pushups and Denver

I should have had more discipline today. There was unnecessary pre-workout caffeine because I had an excellent night's sleep. Still, I gave in.

Tomorrow will be a caffeine free day and trip to Denver. Early flight, 2 hours back in time, then a trip to Whole Foods to stock up for a busy week at ETR HQ. On Friday, we're doing a seminar with Derek Wahler, and a young Daniel Woodrum joins us for the Toys for Tots drive on Saturday and then he does a CTT Cert in Denver on Sunday (plus he's filming that one). Good times!

So was today's workout...perhaps due to the caffeine.

1A) Decline Pause Pushups - Personal best, 26 reps
1B) Band Pull

2B) Band Pushup (band wrapped around back to increase resistance)

3A) DB Shrugs
3B) DB Incline Triceps Extensions
3C) DB Hammer Curls

Then drove to the Toronto airport. Night at the hotel, then early flight.

Need a workout to get ripped, hit this:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
When you pour love and energy back into your community, it comes back to you 10-fold. That's not why you do it but that's what happens. So what are you doing today that make things better for someone tomorrow? Focus on what matters, do good things.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Go on!

Think BIG. Take a daily walk to clear your head & get creative. Phone a colleague and clear something up. Stop procrastinating and take care of business on those boring tasks that have piled up. Lead your team and mentor a junior member. Give the help that you would have appreciated 10 years ago. That’s how you grow personally & professionally.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving & Hemingway

It was a CASS-Free Thanksgiving here in Canada. It was also PTA-Free (Planes, Trains, Automobiles-Free). But it was warm enough for a bike ride and a couple of comfortable dog walks. Unfortunately all of the snow melted and now it doesn't seem very Christmassy.

Wednesday night I had a Canadian Thanksgiving feast of grass-fed hot dogs wrapped in Paleo coconut wraps. I really don't know what to think about that. Feel free to judge me!

Anyways, for Friday's deadlift workout, there was some AM caffeine and a protein supplement with stevia for lunch.

Today's Workout:

1A) Hang Clean - hit PB of 135x9
1B) Mobility/Abs

2A) Rack Pull
2B) Mobility

3A) Military Press
3B) Leg Curl

Now for a deload week and then one last 3-week heavy cycle to end 2015.

Decent list of health tips...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
If you fall “off the wagon” cut your losses, don’t worry about it, and get right back on track. Immediately. It’s minor damage that can be dealt with.


Almost everyone goes overboard this week…BUT don’t let one day become 30+ days of bad eating and no exercise until January. Let's relax and get back on track. Don’t wait till New Year’s Day to eat healthy again.

Have a great weekend,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Way off topic...

I recently finished Hemingway’s compilation of The Nick Adams Stories. It’s believed these stories represent Hemingway himself, growing up in Michigan, exorcising his World War I demons, and moving into marriage and adulthood.

“Nick Adams…emerges clearly as the first in a long line of Hemingway’s fictional selves,” writes scholar Philip Young in the preface. The compilation is not old Hem’s finest work, you are better off to start with Moveable Feast if you want a Hemingway ‘biography’.

The Adams stories are early work and rough drafts, but the book is a must-read for anyone seeking the full Hemingway experience, as I am. It gives valuable insight as to what drove Hemingway to write.

On page 238, from the short story, On Writing:

“He wanted to be a great writer. He was pretty sure he would be. He knew it in a lot of ways. He would in spite of everything. It was hard, though.

It was hard to be a great writer if you loved the world and living in it and special people. It was hard when you loved so many places. Then you were healthy and felt good and having a good time and what the hell.

He always worked best when Helen (Nick Adam’s wife) was unwell. Just that much discontent and friction. Then there were times when you had to write. Not conscience. Just peristaltic action. Then you felt sometimes like you could never write but after a while you knew sooner or later you would write another good story.…It wasn’t conscience. It was simply that it was the greatest pleasure.”

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hot Butt Workout Expert

Monday I explained that the best way to get a hot body was targeted metabolic resistance training combined with interval training.

This works. Proof is in the photos (below).

And if I had to choose just one exercise for getting a nice butt, it would have to be the simple lunge (of course, it can be done many ways, as you’ll see in Flavia’s and the TT Booty programs).

My butt proves the power of the lunge. Back in 1999, I was still in college, and working as a part-time personal trainer and Strength Coach.

Craig, you have a nice butt,” one of the female trainers said to me one day.

Nice butt? Up until that point in my life, I naively assumed that girls only looked at my pecs, abs, and biceps. I had no idea they were checking out my butt, too.

It must be all those lunges you do,” she added. I nodded. And I agree. Even better than the squat or deadlift, nothing is going to be better for your butt than lunges.

“Right Flavia?”

Flavia’s photos speak a thousand words. She does lunges, and she shows you how to do them in her Curvalicious program here.


(It might be tough to see her in the left-hand photograph because she’s wearing camoflage… but really, you just can’t hide those curves.)

So, where does that leave you?

If you want to get a hot body… a sexy, curvalicious body, one that doesn’t just ‘turn heads,’ but practically ‘snaps’ the necks of men who walk by you – at any age – then here’s what you need to do:

First, you’re going to get Flavia’s proven program. Like I said, I’ve trained side-by-side with her at Powerhouse Gym in Tampa, Florida, and she’s got curves in all the right places, plus she does awesome workouts.

Grab Flavia’s hot body program here ** Half price sale starts today **

Second, once you have her program, send me an email to:

And I’ll send you my “TT Booty” program – for free. My gift to anyone who gets Flavia’s program and starts working on getting their hot body today.

Arrow blue  Get Curvalicious on Sale and get the “TT Booty Workout” for free

Flavia’s system uses “Targeted Metabolic Training” to put curves in all the RIGHT spots.

Once you have her program, send me an email to:

And I’ll send you the TT Booty program for free.

Let’s get hot,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS – But hurry…

…Flavia’s hot body program is so hot, it’s only available this week… and so is my special offer.

Let’s get your hot body here

Then email me for your bonus.

PPS – Get her program before her husband Vince makes her take her photos down.


PPPS - One last motivational mindset tip before Thanksgiving!

You don't ‘find time’ for the important things in life, you MAKE time. If there is something you want to do, something you want to accomplish, start making time in your life for it right now.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Meathead and Dairyhead

Today was not CASS-Free. There was pre-workout caffeine plus whey protein that contained stevia. But it was all for a dairy experiment. Going to see if a new whey protein causes me to get stuffed up. So far, an hour later, no problems.

It was an upper body meathead day at the gym.

1A) Rack Lockout Bench Press - 5x4
1B) Pause Chin-up - 5xMax

2A) Chest-Supported Row
2B) Mobility

3A) Seated Row
3B) Mobility

Lots of glute stretching. They are tight. An old injury seems to be flaring up from too much squatting the other week.

After workout blender drink:
- 8oz water + 4 ice cubes
- creatine
- 2 scoops BioTrust mocha whey protein
- spinach
- 1 banana

Good times.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
We fail to take action not because of people stopping us, but because we stop ourselves! To move forward and make BIG progress in your life, you must change your attitude and start believing in yourself. It’s time to overcome all those mental obstacles that stopped you in the past. It was NOT your fault then. You just didn’t have the support and wisdom that you now have in place here today from us to you. This is your time. You can – and WILL – do it. We believe in you. Join us and start believing in yourself. Identify WHY you want to change and make that WHY into a burning desire for success. Let nothing get in your way. Make the changes you need to make – right now – for your right life.

Right on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS -Never miss a workout (workout included)


Monday, November 23, 2015

24th Contest is Over

Today is the FINAL day of my 24th TT Transformation.

For the last 12 weeks, I've...

- Avoid all plastic water bottles (even on 4 hour flights!)
- Drank ZERO coke zero's (hurray!)

And I finished off my mini-challenge transformation with a CASS-Free Day, although it was very tempting to have caffeine today, but I knew the right choice was to avoid it. And I did.

Started the day with decaf Green Tea because I was stressed with a busy Monday full of deadlines. Caffeine would not have made anything better.

Always livin' by one of my mottos:

Make the right decisions for your right life - right now.

Unfortunately, I'm tired now. :)

Fortunately, I got all my major projects done.

Time to start planning for tomorrow.

And one more dog walk in the snow. We got a nice dose of winter on Saturday afternoon.

I even did a Caffeine-Free lower body garage workout on Sunday (no workout today).

Sunday's session went like this:

1A) Goblet Squat
1B) KB Swing

2A) DB Split Squat
2B) 1-Leg Hip Extension

3) Med Ball Slams

Good times.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
You don't ‘find time’ for the important things in life, you MAKE time. If there is something you want to do, something you want to accomplish, start making time in your life for it right now.

So make those right decisions,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - No one, and I mean NO ONE...

...on their deathbed has ever said "I wish I had spent more time binge watching television shows". ... So use your time wisely.

Cardio and Abs?

Cardio and Abs. That sounds so 1990's. Like saying this, "I'm Craig, and this is my dog Bally, and we're here to PUMP - *clap* - YOU up!" in an Eastern European accent (with apologies to Hanz & Franz from SNL).
(Hope that brought a smile to your Monday morning.)
8-Minute Cardio & Abs (NO-equipment version)
1) Punisher Squat - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds hold
2) TBX - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
3) Crushing Plank - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
4) Burpee - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
5) Rocking Plank - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
6) Burpee - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
7) Spiderman Pushup - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
8) Punisher Squat - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
- Go through the circuit two times.
Now if you're like me (and Hanz & Franz... and Turbulence Training 2.0 users), you probably prefer a little bit of equipment to build more muscle and work your abs even harder, so here's what I would do:
8-Minute Cardio & Abs (Version 2.0)
1) DB or KB Goblet Squat - 30 seconds
2) DB or KB Swing - 30 seconds
3) Crushing Plank - 30 seconds
4) Burpee - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
5) Ab Wheel Rollout - 30 seconds
6) DB or KB Swing - 30 seconds
7) Spiderman Pushup - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
8) Punisher Squat - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
- Go through the circuit two times.
Enjoy! And use it to kick-start an amazing week.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Surround yourself with the right people, always. Cut the negativity. Get rid of the energy drainers. Stick to your schedule. Have clarity of purpose. Do what is right for you, your team, and your family. Never ever give up on what is important to you. You can - and WILL - do it. I believe in you.
I know you can do it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - If you want workouts that...
...use dumbbells too, check this out...We are receiving so much great feedback on during our 250,000 Fan contest. For example, here's a great success story:

"Craig - I cannot thank you enough for Turbulence Training. My new year's resolution last year was to lose 10-15 lbs and eat healthier. After several years of being out of shape and not eating very well, I was skeptical that I'd do it. I found TT on a whim by searching the internet for "workout at home."
"I needed an alternative to running, which kills my knees, and swimming, which was tough to fit into working and taking care of two preschoolers. What I found is that TT is an amazingly efficient and fun program that has given me a passion for life, healthy eating and physical fitness.

"I lost 25 lbs in 3 months with TT - back to the weight I was at 25. I have a leaner and more muscular body than I did as an athlete in college. I've kept the weight off and continue to be fueled by the amazing energy your program has given me. I am more positive about everything in life. I feel confident, healthy, fit and younger.

"I am so excited about your program that I'll tell just about anyone about what an incredible impact it's had on me physically, emotionally, and mentally. So far, I've recruited some co-workers and possibly the biggest skeptic, my husband, to do the TT Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks workout C.

"My 2015 New Year's resolution is to share your program with as many people as I can so that more people can share in the benefits I've so appreciated. Last year for Christmas, I dreaded getting more clothes that would feel tight and uncomfortable. This year, my list included things like a TRX, a bench, and a pullup bar. Santa delivered and I'm ready to go for another year of fantastic workouts with you and your team." - Denise Zorn
PPS - Here's more great feedback...
"I'm down 24lbs, lean and buff. Thanks for your help." - Rocco Taraborrelli
...and another...
"I've lost nine pounds with changing my eating habits and I've lost 6 3/4 INCHES overall. Getting dressed is the best feeling every day. How I look and feel now is all the motivation I need! Love Turbulence Training!" - Paula Rigione Fletcher
...and one more...
"December 29th I began my TT in 3rd week, consistently dropping body fat. I was a certified personal trainer, worked very hard and then life happened. After discovering the TT programs, and due to our challenging budget (no gym membership for me), it was the catalyst I needed to get my health back! Thank you!!" - Tami Meras

Get Turbulence Training

Friday, November 20, 2015

7-Day Diet

As a fitness professional, I’d say that well over 90% of the questions I always get from most people is, “How to get rid of this stubborn lower abdomen fat”... or the lower “pooch belly” syndrome. 

But unfortunately, most mainstream diets that claim to help you quickly lose belly fat don’t have ANY knowledge of whether they’re losing water and muscle, or burning fat.

And THAT my friend makes all the difference in the world if you’re looking to shrink your waistline.

Here’s a powerful example: for EVERY gram of active carbohydrates you consume on a daily basis, your body will hold nearly 3 grams of water.

Read that last sentence once again quickly so it “sinks” in.

So if you just cut carbs, the scale might trick you into thinking that you’re losing a bunch of weight -- and you are.

BUT – it’s water weight, NOT fat.

Sorry. You’re just dropping a bunch of water.

But what if you could make most of that water loss mean fat loss instead?

Well, you CAN.

You just have to make sure that you deplete carbs with the RIGHT foods, at the RIGHT times, for the RIGHT durations.

And when you combine this with strategic exercise, it becomes a LETHAL combination for you to take your fat burning to a whole new level.

That’s exactly why Carb Cyling Expert and Best Selling Nutrition Author, Shaun Hadsall, created the 7 Day Carb Depletion Diet and Exercise guides.

They’re specifically designed to INSTANTLY make fat your “go to” energy source, while undoing the damage of a weekend food binge or falling off track, which makes it the PERFECT diet to start on Monday (or after a holiday).

In other words, you’ll immediately STOP burning sugars, and START burning fat.

Want to lose up to 7 pounds of PURE fat, and SEE your lower belly get significantly flatter in the next seven days?

Here’s exactly how you can make it happen:

Arrow blue Experience a FULL month’s worth of fat-loss in ONLY 7 days

Best of all, you’ll “prime” your body to accelerate fat-loss even FURTHER when you start adding your favorite carbs and holiday treats back into your nutrition plan on week two.

Taking care of you,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS - Stay strong and keep on pushing on...

….Control what you can... but don't waste energy on things you can't change (like the past).

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Deadlifting without irony

Today was a slightly different breakfast, but still had pre-workout caffeine before a deadlift session. Yesterday I was just thinking, I've only had 3 drinks since late August, and those were all at dinner in Vegas with Bedros.

No artificial sweeteners today, either, and still no plastic bottles or Coke Zeros, of course.

Breakfast was coconut oil, then walnuts, half a banana, and Almond-Hazelnut-butter and more walnuts all layered in a bowl.

It's amazing how long that "Paleo cereal" can keep you satisfied. Somedays I don't feel like eating for 6 hours. I can see where the Bulletproof coffee guy is on to something.

But since I don't drink coffee, I guess it's Bulletproof Cereal for me. Or as I prefer to call it, Yummy Cereal.

Because it's so satisfying, I've moved my workout time back. Each morning, when I'm in Toronto, I have a work meeting (video call) at 10:30am, so I either have to train before or after. Training before was uncomfortable because I was too full. So I recently switched to after and it's been working out great.

Details on today's training session...

1A) Hang Clean
1B) Mobility

2A) Trap Bar Deadlift - PB of 315x10
2B) Mobility

3B) Leg Curl

I'll save Military Press for a garage workout tomorrow (where I'll sub in KB 1-Arm Presses and finish with some arms and abs).

Saturday will be off (big walk in the cold weather that is coming) and then Sunday will be back under the bar for a Squat workout.

While I was training I saw something ironic. A girl was working out in Vibrams (not ironic), but doing Smith Machine Squats and Machine Leg presses. Seems ironic to be wearing a shoe built for 'natural movement' and then doing exercises that lock your body into a fixed plane.

Methinks she's drinking the kool aid without thinking.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with course and rough dress, saying to yourself the while: Is this the condition that I feared?" — Seneca

Go on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Every action either moves you closer to or further away from your goals.

Choose wisely.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Transformation and Travel Plans

Diet was the same as yesterday. Some caffeine because I thought I was going to lift weights, but changed my mind at the last minute. Ooops.

Instead of a workout I did a bike ride around the river in unseasonably warm temperatures. I got out of Denver just in time before the snow.

I'm loving this time of year with it's early sunsets. Of course, as soon as January 1st hits, I'm happy to get out of here! I'll be heading to Denver and Miami in early January, and plan to spend at 100 workdays in at ETR HQ in Denver in 2016. I'll be there more than ever, and away from the farm more than ever, too.

Time to enjoy the final weeks of 2015 - with just one last 10 day trip to Denver for our Toys for Tots shopping extravaganza on December 5th. No American Thanksgiving for me though, this year. I'll be working and enjoying a regular Thursday up here in Canadia.

But I'm looking forward to thinking up some BIG prizes and a big personal transformation for the 25th TT Contest starting right after Christmas. Our top prize will probably (don't quote me) airfare and hotel to the 2016 TT Summit that will be held in Denver in early June.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

The life we lead is because of the choices we make. These are the friends we've chosen. This is how we have decided to spend out time. This is how we've decided to take care of ourselves. Our choice, no one else. If we want our lives to change, we have to take responsibility for the world we create for ourselves.

You must implement the 5 Pillars of Transformation to make BIG changes. Plan and prepare better. Get professional accountability. Recruit positive social support. Give yourself an incentive. Set a Big Deadline.

And act!

focus, Focus, FOCUS on what REALLY matters. => Action

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Garage Gym Upper Body Mania

Today was pre-workout caffeine and a big breakfast bowl of coconut oil, walnuts, almond butter, and Paleo Protein powder sprinkled on top. Also had a few Brazil nuts on the side. This is not a Paleo Vegan week, but it's really easy to avoid plastic water bottles when you stay home.

The workout was done in the Garage Gym. This was good and bad. I just ran out of time this morning and couldn't go to the Y for a regular bench press workout. I basically wussed out, because I have enough equipment to do upper body at home, but still, the workout is not the same. I need to have a serious chat with myself and get myself serious about getting stronger again.

Today's Training:

1) Decline Maximus Pause Pushup (1 second pause at top and bottom) = 24 (new personal best)

2A) Pullup

2B) DB Inc Neutral Grip Press

3A) Renegade Row with Hand on Bench

3B) Plank to Triceps Extension

4) 1-Arm DB Row

This was okay. Glad to have hit the PB on pushups.

Now here's something interesting...check out this man's journey...he clearly has eating issues that need professional help, but it shows the power of tracking:


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

You don't need to wait for the new year to create a resolution. Self improvement can start TODAY. Realize your goal and make the steps to achieve it. Procrastinating positive change is only limiting you from reaching your full potential!

Don't let minor matters slow you down.

“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” – Winston Churchill ..... Do what matters!

Focus on the major things in life,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Remember not to worry about that which you cannot control.

“I wish I hadn’t spent so much of my life worrying.” => #1 regret of people, according to The Legacy Project at Cornell University

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday Squats

Saturday was a CASS-Free travel day, but dang, I was tired. Maybe the nap I had in the car from the hotel to the airport made me more tired. Not sure. But I held off from caffeine before and during the flight, even though I had a 90-minute drive home from the airport after a 3 hour flight. Fortunately I snuck in a nap before landing. That helped me stay alert for the drive home that ended just as the sunset Saturday night. Very pretty little drive.

Today, Monday, will be CASS-Free. No workout. Just a lot of work and phone calls with the ETR HQ back in Denver. Love that team!

Sunday morning was a different story. I slept late (due to the 2-hour time change going east) and then had some pre-workout caffeine with breakfast. A couple of hours later, after doing some writing, I went to the YMCA to hit the rack.

The workout went like this:

1A) Speed Squat

1B) Mobility

2A) Squat - 5x6 at 235

2B) Mobility

3A) BB Lunge

3B) Leg Curl

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Surround yourself with people who are better, smarter, happier, stronger, fitter, wealthier, friendlier, funnier, and wiser than you. Hang around people who are more successful, more disciplined, more family-oriented, more connected, more experienced, more energized, more loving, more relaxed, and more generous. Learn from everyone.

Act to attract,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

7 Minute Ab Cruncher

There’s something in today’s email that is totally different from anything that any other fitness expert will ever send you. I apologize if you don’t like it, but it’s a matter that is near and dear to my heart. It’s about helping a really close friend of mine, and I hope that it will help you, too, because I care about more than just your weight loss.

But first, we will keep with tradition and give you an awesome short, burst Monday morning workout so that you start the week right. I call it the Ab Cruncher workout, even though you won’t do any crunches (we never do those because they are bad for your neck and low back).

These exercises work your abs harder than crunches and help you burn a LOT more belly fat at the same time. You’ll change your body faster in 7 minutes than you could with 7,000 crunches.

Use this circuit to boost your metabolism and lose inches when combined with Shaun’s eating plan that you started yesterday. Here’s how you’ll do it:

7-Minute Ab Cruncher Workout

1) Dumbbell (DB) Split Squat or 1-Leg Hip Extension – 40 seconds per side, 20 seconds rest per side
2) Elevated Pushups or Kneeling Elevated Pushups – 20 sec/side, 20 sec rest
3) Goblet Squat or Bodyweight Squat – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
4) Burpees or Mountain Climbers – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
5) DB 1-Arm Row – 40 sec/side, 20 sec rest/side

That’s it. Enjoy your results and all the time you'll save compared to traditional cardio and abs.

Get more scientifically proven, Dr. created ab workouts like this in this video

Now for something completely different…

I want you to do me - and the world - a favor this week. I want you to build others UP because it will only make you more successful.

Even if you don't have social support, take charge as the leader. Live by example. Be confident in your choices. People will respect your decisions, even if it seems that they don't at first. But trust me, eventually, a lot of people will come to you for advice and support. You are the one making the right decision. Never forget that.

With that in mind, here’s a plan that will help build YOU up. I originally sent this to a friend of mine that is going through some tough times. It will help every TT reader.

The 7-Step Mood and Motivation Kick-Start Guide

1) Start your day with a One Minute Meditation (take 6 breaths with a 4-second inhale and 6-second exhale)
2) Read one page from my favorite book The Art of Living, by Sharon LeBelle
3) Walk outside in the sunshine for 20 minutes
4) Hug and kiss your spouse/significant other and tell them you love them
5) Write in your ETR gratitude journal – it takes just 5 minutes a day and will put a BIG smile on your face
6) Hug and kiss your kids (or pet!) and take a photo of them or with them every day
7) Reach out to a different friend every day. There are many folks that love you and care about you. Stay connected. Find a way to help them, too, and you will find yourself getting stronger. If you want, send me a message on the TT Facebook page. I love connecting with all of my readers. Let me be the support you need.

Sound good?

Great, the checklist is already working!

Stay Strong and Keep Pushing On,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS - Have an awesome week!

Positive social support is a key to success, and removing the negative influences in your life is just as important. This may be painful. You might not want to give up hanging out with lazy friends that eat junk and drink booze all the time, but if it is killing you and making you broke, unhealthy, and unhappy, then it MUST stop. Same with work friends. If all they do is sit round and complain, then you must remove yourself from that environment whenever possible. Cut the cord quickly. Stay strong and seek out positive people if you want to make big changes in your life.

Friday, November 13, 2015

My best and not best ever

Ewww. Sugar Free Red Bull. That was all I could scavenge for pre-workout caffeine today, and I needed it before a monster deadlift session. Managed to drink half a can, which was just enough to power me through a great workout at 5am here in Denver.

Not a great diet decision, but at least I know I won't be making that mistake again in the future.

Everything else is dialed in though, with a Paleo-Vegan day and no booze. The only drinks I've had in this entire Transformation Contest were the 3 I had with Bedros in Vegas. Just not interested anymore.

Tomorrow will be a CASS-Free travel day back to the farm.

Today's workout went like this:

1A) Hang Clean
1B) Mobility

2A) Deadlift - 275x5x10
2B) Mobility

3A) Military Press
3B) Leg Curl

While I was deadlifting, a young man used the rack beside me to do hang cleans with terrible form. They were violent reverse curls. He won't be able do any 12oz curls this weekend. It was uuuuuuuuuugly.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Identify temptations and obstacles that must be eliminated, and match your energy levels with the toughest tasks in your day. The more you know about yourself and apply this info, the better your results. ........... Surround yourself with the right people, always. Cut the negativity. Get rid of the energy drainers. Stick to your schedule. Have clarity of purpose. Do what is right for you, your team, and your family. Never ever give up on what is important to you. You can - and WILL - do it.

I believe in you,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - People are calling this my best ever...

...essay for ETR. It's a little sad, so be forewarned.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

secrets of my 41-year old friend

Have you ever wondered how some of your friends can eat as much as they want and still stay slim and sexy?

Recent research from Harvard University reveals the secret. But before I share that study with you, I want to introduce you to one of my good friends, a slim & sexy 41-year old that is living PROOF that this weight-loss secret works.

Funny story… I almost ‘un-friended’ him because of his secret.

You see, he’s married, and I’m single, and every time we hang out in public, all the ladies want to talk to him first. It doesn’t hurt that he’s almost 6 feet tall and has a sexy foreign accent (unlike my weird Canadian accent that makes me say ‘aboot’).

But I stayed friends with him because YOU need his fat burning secret.

Here’s what the science has to say about it…

According to Harvard University, eating 11 homemade lunches or dinners each week makes you a fat burning machine.

But wait, you might be thinking, how can pasta, pancakes, steak, ribs, fries and pizza (all the foods you eat at home), help you lose weight?

Well, here’s the good news.

My friend, the slim and sexy 41-year old, wants to give you his secret weight loss meals… for FREE!

Get free access to fat burning meals you can make at home

"Bon appetite!" as my friend says.


Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS – One more free secret for you…

If you really, truly want to change your life, you cannot let others make you feel guilty for your decisions. Stay out of the wrong environments. Go only to good places. Identify your bad habits and identify two solutions for each. Build good habits that support your changes. Avoid the toxic people in your life. Surround yourself with good people. Make the right decisions, right now, for your right life.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Core Values and Upper Body Workout

Today was a little bit of pre-workout caffeine before hitting a Personal Best in Dips (20). There are only 2 weeks left (actually less) in this contest, and I'm pushing on strong to the end. It's been almost 3 months since I've drank a Coke Zero or water from a plastic water bottle.

In addition, I've stepped up my personal development. Just the other day an Info Workshop attendee sent me a very kind email calling me for being better and living the ETR Core Values:

Craig, I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to attend the Info Workshop. It was so well done, so much great info and such a great format. In particular, I just wanted to say how impressed I was with your presentations and how personable you were with all the guests. You were on fire, the best version of CB I think I've ever seen. I know it's none of my concern, but since you've mentioned that you've struggled with anxiety in the past, it looks to me like you're winning - your audiences and followers get even better content and value from you. Thank you again, you're a great example for me.”

What the heck are the ETR Core Values? I'll explain below...

But first, today's workout:

1A) Dips - Max reps (hit 20 on first set)
1B) Pause Chin-ups (1 second pause at top and bottom)

2A) DB Press with 5s ECC
2B) Barbell Row

Lots of foam rolling. Legs are sore, and getting worse by the minute, after Tuesday's squat session.

So about the ETR Core Values...

Here they are:

#1 – Dedicated to Improving Others


We teach valuable skills and foster the application of these skills so that our readers and employees can improve their lives.


#2 – Self-Reliance and Personal Responsibility


While ETR teaches and preaches the need for and benefits of finding positive social support, networking with like-minded people, and attending educational seminars, at the end of the day it’s still your decision to follow through on all of this. It is up to YOU and you only.


#3 – Live by Example


An ETR member exudes the principles of at all times, especially when representing ETR. We rise early, manage our time and energy, and are dedicated to a life well lived. We are, of course, not "all work and no play". Time is made for the finer things in life, enjoyed responsibly.


#4 – Concentrate on What Counts


We focus on what matters. Ignore the noise and concentrate on the big items that move the needle in your life towards your goals.


#5 – We Deliver The Truth


We tell the truth and we expect others to tell the truth to us. The only way to build strong relationships among team members, with joint venture partners, and with our readers, is to always be truthful.


#6 – Customer Service, Customer Service, Customer Service


This is our team's mission. Every communication focuses on improving the customer experience. We have always had great customer service and always will because it helps people implement our proven products and they get more results. And that is why it’s so important, is because it ends up impacting so many more people and moving us towards the TT 10 Million Transformation Mission.


#7 – Always be Learning and Improving


You’re not just satisfied with what you know now. You’re always improving.


#8 – Never, ever, ever, EVER give up on what is important to you.


Never give up on getting better, and never give up on helping our readers and clients. Everybody’s going to have some struggles, but we’re going to be there helping.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Build a network of Go-Givers & positive people. There are good folks out there that want to help. Lead by example & harness the power of positive people in your life!

Get giving,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

5 exercise substitutions

"Hey Craig, I can't do __insert exercise here___!" That's the most common complaint about my Monday free workout emails. I understand. Sometimes it's a missing piece of equipment, other times one of my weird exercises causes confusion. Today you're getting an EPIC exercise substitution list to eliminate all the obstacles to your fat burning success.

You're going to LOVE this Master List of Bodyweight Substitutions. Now you can get in shape fast anywhere at any time without excuses OR bulking up.

1) Leg Exercises

Instead of using heavy dumbbell or barbell squats, you can do:

- Bodyweight Squats (wide stance and narrow stance) and Total Body Extensions
- Split Squats and Bulgarian Split Squats (stand near a wall to use for balance)
- Reverse Lunges, Diagonal Lunges, or Forward Lunges (make sure to hold your arms up in the "Prisoner" position to work your upper back, too).

Here's another trick – if you want to make sure you don't bulk up, you can cut back on how many sets you do. For example, if a program calls for 3 sets, only do 1-2. That way you'll still get lean, sexy legs, but without the bulk.

Do these exercises WITH me on video here

But wait, what if my knees hurt from squats and lunges?

2) Pain-Free Leg Exercises

Never fear, Bally the Exercise Dog is here to help you out. Here are a few of his favorite exercises for giving you stronger legs without pain. Try these substitutions for Squats and Lunges:

- Low and High-box Step-ups (leave the working leg on the step at all times)
- Lying Hip Extensions and 1-Leg Hip Extensions and even 1-Leg Hip Extensions with your feet at an elevated position (like on a stool or stability ball)
- Stability Ball Leg Curls (essential for hamstring strength and reducing knee pain)

But hey Craig & Bally the Dog, how can I work my upper body without bench press or dumbbells? That's a great question, and I recently answered this for Men's Health magazine.

3) Bodyweight Chest Exercises

You can replace dumbbell and barbell chest presses with:

- Kneeling Pushups or Regular Pushups (but keep your hands just outside of shoulder-width and keep your elbows close to your sides at all times... this reduces stress on your rotator cuff)

- Harder Pushups: Elevated Pushups (one hand elevated 4-6 inches), T-Pushups, Close-Grip Pushups, Decline Pushups, and Spiderman Pushups...or Decline Spiderman Pushups!

Get these pushups in my 4-minute miracle workouts here

Now for something tricky...

4) Bodyweight Back Exercises

I have two admissions here.

First, I love a sexy back on a woman. When I see a woman at the gym doing pullups, chin-ups, or bodyweight rows, it puts a smile on my face. I'm grateful for Cross-Fit and Tough Mudder for making pullups "normal" for women everywhere.

Second, here's the bad news. It's almost impossible to work your upper back without equipment, such as a pullup bar, band or TRX-like piece of equipment. My favorite 'bodyweight' back exercises that rely on equipment are:

- Pullups and Chinups to replace all seated pulldowns
- Bodyweight rows to replace dumbbell and seated rows
- Band pulls to replace rows

The only other moves you can do for your back with absolutely NO equipment are Stick-ups (good for mobility), Prisoner-style leg exercises (putting your hands in the Prisoner position for squats, for example), or IRON CROSSES.

In the Iron Cross, stand with arms out to side and thumbs up. Brace your abs, squeeze your glutes (your butt), and then squeeze the muscles between your shoulder blades while tightening the back of your shoulders. Squeeze like heck for 20-30 seconds. If you do 2-3 sets of that, it will be a really great challenge to off-set all the pushups you do. Let me know what you think!

Get more UNIQUE bodyweight exercises here

Oh, and finally...

5) Ab Exercises

Forget weighted ab exercises like side bends and sit-ups and dangerous ab machines. Those are MURDER on your spine. Instead, use a variety of...

Spiderman Climbs...
Bodyweight Renegade Rows...
X-Body Mountain Climbers
Variety of Side Planks

Get more of my unique ab exercises here


Because bodyweight exercises give you the lean look with definition and curves in all the right places. You won't get that from doing cardio or the sit-up machine.

Enjoy those exercise substitutions.

Taking care of you and giving you what you need,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS - Success begins and ends with...

Your success depends on clear communication. This means communicating with others, laying down the law, and setting the explicit rules that you will be following to achieve your big goals and dreams.

This also means seeking out and communicating with other positive, like-minded individuals. Get social support by clearly communicating your goals and by asking for specific help.

And then comes the hard part – clearly communicating what needs to be done… with yourself. You must be clear about your own goals in your head. You must be clear about what it will take to succeed, and you must also be clear about what you will and will NOT do for success. Those are your rules. Know them, communicate them, and stick to them.

Finally, you must have a clear understanding of the consequences of all your actions and communication. Know what to do, know to do it, and know what will happen when you do. Clear communication = a smooth path to success. Get real and get loud about the great goals you have in life.

You can do it. I believe in you. Now is your time.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Squats n Dogs in Denver

We are in the homestretch for the 24th TT Contest.

Stay strong and push on!

I've been doing that here in Denver with boxed water, no Coke Zero, and even a stricter diet...oh, and a new personal best in the gym.

Monday was a CASS-Free diet day. I was exhausted by the end of it, still catching up on sleep from the big Info Workshop weekend. There was no training though, but there was today and I had some pre-workout caffeine that helped me fly through a great session. DOMS is already coming on strong after only 5 hours. Could be some slow walks to work this week.

Tomorrow might be CASS-Free, we shall see.

And since I'm back in Denver and working pretty much 12 hours a day and eating in my hotel room, I've switched over to the Vegan-Paleo diet again.

That should continue right through to Saturday night when I get back to the farm and ol' Bally the Dog. Hopefully he'll have rustled up some steaks.

BTW, here's the latest hilarious report on the ol' guy...he almost ran away again for the 100th time.

From Grandma B, his dogsitter:

Well we went for a walk down by the river and he is usually ahead of me and down in the river, when I looked up he was running on the other side chasing some grey four legged animal and would not come back.  He chased all the way to the other bush but I guess he couldn't find it then so eventually came back.  Thought he might have been gone forever.

I'll give him an extra belly rub on Saturday night...steak or no steak!

Now about today's workout. It went down at 5am MST in Denver.

1A) Speed Squat

1B) Mobility

2A) Deep Squat - 5x8 at 225

2B) Mobility


3B) BB Lunge

Rower - New PB... 250m in 52 seconds.

Finished with a couple of intervals.

That was enough.

Good times were had by all...including the woman I saw who was walking sideways up a stairmill while reading a magazine.

Now I've seen it all in the gym.


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Stay STRONG and true to yourself today, no matter what happens, no matter what anyone else says, no matter how they act. Everything ends at some point. Good times AND bad. So persevere through the hard times knowing they will be over and you will get through them, and be present and enjoy the good times with as much gratitude as possible.

Do the right things right now,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

Meet this Chef

You need to meet this 'crazy' Chef. His name is Gui Alinat, and he lives in South Florida with his family of 7 (five kids!). That's where he cooks for the rich & famous and shows them how to OVEREAT their favorite foods and still lose weight.

Now while you and I can't afford to have him come to our house each night, I have GREAT NEWS for you today. You see, Chef Gui just released his cookbook and it reveals his secret recipes that you can use at home to OVEREAT your favorite foods and still lose weight. Even better, I convinced Chef Gui to give you a FREE copy!
You'll get over 100 delicious, fat burning, breakfasts, and dinners to help you LOSE weight over the holidays. You could even lose 20 pounds before Christmas just by making Chef Gui's recipes and using his filling and fat burning secrets at home.

So don't wait until Christmas to ask for the book as a gift when you can get it for free today at the link below. 
Get Your Free Copy of the Bestselling Eat More Burn More Cookbook

Chef Gui has completely cracked the code on how to take your favorite recipes of all time and turn them into supercharged, fat burning versions that taste even BETTER than the original!


The best part is that Chef Gui’s tasty recipes will help you drop fat, feel great, and give you more energy.


You will AMAZE your family and friends with these delicious fat-burning recipes over the holidays. You don't even have to tell them these foods are healthy for them... they won't care because the meals, snacks, and desserts are so incredibly delicious.


You'll be shocked at how delicious these recipes turn out... and how easy they are to make. You don’t need expensive, fancy ingredients. And they are all guilt-free, too, because Chef Gui is sharing professional Chef secrets that transform these classics into fat-burning versions that help you lose weight.

Oh, and one thing… the book doesn't officially hit Amazon until next month, but you're getting a chance to get an ADVANCED copy for free today. So take advantage of this awesome opportunity right now.

Get a FREE copy the Eat More Burn More cookbook here


(Plus you'll get instant online access, too.)

If you and your family enjoy traditional comfort foods, and who doesn't, then you're going to love these recipes that are made with fat burning ingredients - and they're so good no one will notice the difference.

Eat more and lose weight over the holidays,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Do What is RIGHT for YOU!
Stay STRONG and true to yourself today, no matter what happens, no matter what anyone else says, no matter how they act. Everything ends at some point. Good times AND bad. So persevere through the hard times knowing they will be over and you will get through them, and be present and enjoy the good times with as much gratitude as possible.

Friday, November 06, 2015

California Training and Teaching

Did not sleep a lot last night. Still on East Coast time but on the West Coast. I'll catch up on Saturday night.

Today I needed some pre-training caffeine, even though this is a deload week. Did a tough lower body workout in the decent hotel gym. Had a little mini-challenge Personal Best of 1:46 in the Wall Squat Hold. Danced the Turbie after that one. Ha.

Rest of workout went like this:

1A) Double KB Front Squat - 3x15
1B) KB Swing - 3x20
1C) TRX Abs

2A) DB Walking Lunge
2B) Cable Abs

Good times. Well fueled, as you'll see.

Last night was a big dinner out at Maestro's steakhouse in Costa Mesa, CA, one of my favorites. Started with jumbo shrimp and crab claws, then some steak, baked potato, and spinach. Too much food, but all good, REAL food.

Dinner last night with the Keuilian family. Now off to work with the Keuilian family at our big seminar in California. Great times!

On the beverage side, I've stuck to boxed water, Zevia, and Peppermint tea.

Everything's on track.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
To the average person Friday means "coasting". To you it means getting tons done, helping a lot people, & adding value to the world. Lets go. And if did something silly last night, forget about it. I did and I’m OVER it. Past is past. Can't be changed. Apologize if needed. Learn your lesson. Move on. Do better today!

Time to get going,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Be happy & content at this very moment. Have gratitude for the small things in life. No complaining. Just appreciate how lucky you are.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

LA to Meathead Movember

CASS-Free Day to LA. Started with a great hotel gym workout. Details below.

Then it was off to the airport and my 5-hour flight to LA.

I love the early morning flight from the East coast to LA. It's like a time machine. Get on board, enjoy a meal, do 2 hours work, have a nap, eat a snack, and land only "2.5 hours" later. It's the flight back to the East Coast that I dislike because you lose a day to travel and it's not long enough for a proper overnight. Now about that flight and my diet challenges...

The good news: Terminal 1 at Toronto's Airport now has boxed water...different brand name, this one is called Just Water. Light blue box. Good enough. Bought a couple of those for the flight.

The good news 2: Skipped the airplane breakfast, you never know what's in that stuff. Had two glasses of tomato juice along with walnuts, an Exo bar (tastes like crickets), an almond protein bar (from Dr. Peter Osborne's company), and an apple.

The bad news: I had mixed nuts on the never know what ingredients go into those...but dang, warm mixed salted cashews are a weakness. Oh well. I feel fine. No digestive issues from it.

More importantly to my challenge, no plastic bottles or Coke Zero.

Back to this morning's was done at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Toronto, and I'll be honest, I went full Meathead for old times sake. I did high reps 15-30 for every set of every exercise. In and out in 25 minutes.

1A) Triceps Pressdown
1B) Leg Extensions
1C) Shrugs
1D) Leg Extensions
1E) DB Curls

3 rounds of the circuit. Good times. Should be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow. I'm pretty sure the triceps will be sore. Not sure about quads.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Ask the big question...What do you really want to achieve in life? Then think, are the people I'm spending time with helping me achieve this? "The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best," said Epictetus

... So become the person you need to be to achieve what you want to achieve. Most people want you to remain in your comfort zone. They resist and hate change. They believe they are stuck and want you to remain stuck with them. You must not harbor any bitterness or resentment against those that try to hold you back. They know not what they do.

Stay strong and never give up on what is important to you...even if that means taking a big step out of your comfort zone. Stay strong and keep on pushing on.

Time for a big work weekend,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Happy Movember.

Support the cause.

Make it a Turbulent Movember with a young Magnum, TT, Craig Selleck.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Anti Cardio Rant

In a second you'll hear my NYC Marathon Anti-Cardio rant. BTW, I hate the word rant, but there's no other word to describe my article today.

But before that, a diet update.

Monday was a perfect CASS-Free day. I didn't have a nap, but I noticed the lack of caffeine. To me, that means consuming even LESS caffeine, rather than more. I don't like building dependencies. I don't want to be one of those folks that relies on caffeine to get going. But I did have caffeine today before today's workout. It helped me focus.

Today I traveled to Toronto for some admin stuff (Global Entry interview). Wednesday morning I fly to LA. It'll be a challenge to get enough water without plastic bottles. But I'll take my S'well bottle, fill it where I can, take some coconut water (so I have another cold beverage tomorrow in the hotel room tomorrow morning), and then I'll buy some coconut water (in a can) at the airport. I've also started drinking the classic airplane beverage, tomato juice, while traveling. It's viscous! And tasty! And full of salt! And even some tomato!

Alright, now for my Anti-Cardio Rant.

This morning I read a cute article ( about three people that finished the NYC marathon after the official cut-off time. It took them nearly nine hours. That's fine. It was on their 'bucket list'. They were very happy, despite losing toenails and having so many blisters that they ended up with soaking wet, bloody socks. But here's the problem. They have fallen for the biggest myth when it comes to cardio. And that myth is that it burns so many calories that you eat whatever you want. From the article...

Wicki Ball, who had traveled from her home in England to cross the marathon off her bucket list, said she planned to enjoy a nice dinner.“I don’t know how many calories I’ve burned,” she said, “but I’m going to do my damnedest to put them back in.”

Listen, the average person burns 100 calories for every mile traveled (it's generally the same whether you walk or jog), so a marathon burns about 2600 calories (slightly more calories than the average person needs to maintain their weight). Too many joggers, marathoners, and cardio addicts use exercise as an excuse to feast and gorge. Later the article quoted another, Shari Diaz, about her post-race binge-eating plans.

They all dreamed of their guilt-free postrace meals. Diaz told her new friends that marathoners burned the caloric equivalent of 24 cupcakes, which led one of them to suggest that race officials put cupcakes at every mile marker. Maybe next year.

That's false! A cupcake, according to Google, contains 300 calories (if not much more). With this silly cardio mindset, it's no wonder so many people who jog and run marathons remain overweight. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Alright, enough cardio, let's talk lifting.

My workout:

1A) Hang Clean

1B) Mobility

2A) Deadlift

2B) Mobility

3A) Military Press

3B) Snatch-Grip DL

Good times. Certainly better than a 9-hour marathon.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Don't run 9-hour marathons.

But seriously...

Make a list of what you should stop doing and what you should start doing to achieve what you want in life. What should you do if you want to be more productive? What should you stop doing if you want to be a better parent and partner? What should you start doing for your health…and stop doing for your wealth? Practice accurate, objective thinking about your behavior. What can you change that will make a big difference in your life?

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - On a side note...I saw a shooting star while walking the dog at 5:30am...

"An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." - Henry David Thoreau

PPS - Another great quote...

"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it." - Henry David Thoreau

Monday, November 02, 2015

Oooppsie about Missi

Ugh, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.

Yesterday I sent you an email about Missi's 21-Day Coaching program and the bonus that was only available if you joined on Sunday.

But then, boy oh boy, did I hear it from you this morning.

"Gimme a break, Craig!" you said, "NO ONE checks their email on Sunday night... so it's not fair to miss out on this bonus."

And you're right. I'm sorry.

Missi agreed too. She's been shaking her head at me all morning.

So to make it up to you, we've extended the deadline to get the fast action bonus until tonight at midnight.

When you join Missi's coaching today, you'll get to jump on the Rapid Results Kick-Start call with her, too.

Here's the email I sent last night that explains everything...


There are only 7 hours left for you to get started in our 21-Day Holiday Weight Loss Challenge AND receive the Fast Action Bonus coaching call with Missi Holt.

Don't miss out on the EXACT plan you need to survive the holidays and even LOSE weight before Christmas. You'll get the meal plan and exercise videos you need to lose weight and look and feel great over the busy holiday season.

In just 21 days from now, you'll be a brand NEW you, ready to fit in your favorite holiday party outfits.

And don't worry if you've struggled to keep the weight off during past holiday seasons. That wasn't your fault. You just didn't have this Done-For-You Holiday Weight Loss Guide and that's why you weren't able to lose weight while still enjoying the parties.

But this year, it's going to be different. Your personal coach, Missi, is here for you, to give you the EXACT diet and FOLLOW-ALONG exercise videos that you need to lose weight - and fit back into your party outfits - in just 3 weeks.

Get Access to the 21-Day Holiday Weight Loss Challenge

But hurry, the doors close soon on this special event and we’re only giving the Fast Action Bonus coaching call to eager readers that join today.

If you wait until tomorrow to get started, then you'll miss out. Don't make that mistake. Get started today, accelerate your results, and transform your body, your mind, and your life.

You’ve come this far… don’t stop… your time is NOW!

Here’s to your amazing Holiday Weight Loss results in the next 21 days with Missi on your side.

Get started now and enjoy the Fast Action Bonus with Missi

To your best holiday season ever,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS - Do this…

Learn from your mistakes. Mistakes are actually great things that happen to all of us… because with the knowledge you gain from them, you are able to achieve the big goals in your life.

Start now, start today, and get Missi’s help to achieve your big goals and dreams.

Click here to join the 21-day Holiday Weight Loss Challenge with Missi


Chest Day Falls Back

Friday night was a late night and I didn't sleep well. I was tired on Saturday, but it was an off day. Fortunately the clocks feel in my favor the next night and I grabbed 8.5 hours of sleep - followed by another 8 hours last night.

Neither Saturday or Sunday were perfect diet days, but today is CASS-Free. It's also an off day, with a big deadlift workout tomorrow.

In addition to the clocks falling back, International Chest Day fell back from Monday to Sunday in my world.

I'm just doing my part to free up the bench press for people today. :)

My workout on Sunday morning was:

1A) Board Press - 5x5
1B) Pause Chin-up - 4xMax

2A) DB Chest Press with 5s eccentric
2B) Barbell Row

3A) Dips
3B) BB Curl

Meathead Sunday Funday.

And here's another Men's Health contributor that did a similar upper body meathead session...

From Robert MacDonald (Bobby Maximus) of Gym Jones:

When it comes to gaining mass machines can be incredibly beneficial. They can help you build acidity and chase a pump like nothing else. One of my favorite workouts to do when using machines is to pick two opposing muscle groups (I.e Chest & Back) and do super sets. Complete reps to failure on the first machine then immediately complete reps to failure on the second. Do this for ten sets with 30-45sec rest in between each set. Don't worry to much about weight as all machines are different just pick a weight that makes your muscles feel like they are going to explode.

Seated Chest Press to failure +
Seated Lat Pulldown to failure
Ten sets, Rest 30sec between
Don't worry about weight, just chase the pump

And now moar from maximus...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

"Forget going around obstacles in order to avoid them. Put your head down, brace yourself, and run right over them. The quickest way out is always directly through. Always face your challenges and fight them face to face. You have the strength within you, don't take the path of weakness. Believe in yourself and your ability to be successful and persevere." - Bobby Maximus

Get going through them,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Happy November 1st

Happy November 1st!

Today is a big day. It’s just as exciting as New Year’s Day. Here’s why…

Last night you probably ate and drank too much, just like New Year’s Eve. Here in North America, you might be waking up with a chocolate hangover, thanks to your little ones and their Halloween haul. It’s a classic case of delicious Treats… followed by Belly Fat Trickery!

You probably don’t feel so great. But that all changes today.

You see, I love it when a new month starts on a Sunday or Monday. It’s a double dose of that “Starting All Over Again” feeling.

So why not start again with a positive “I’m going to change” outlook today? 

“You could just as easily change your life today as any other day. You don’t need to wait for January 1st,” says my mentor, Dan Kennedy.

You don’t need to gain weight for the rest of 2015.

Let’s see what you can change in the next 21 days. You CAN – and WILL – get rapid results, lose weight, and get rid of your belly BEFORE Thanksgiving.

Not sure how to change?

One of my super trainers, Missi Holt, CTT, has ALL the answers you need. She’s spent the last month working day and night to deliver a brand new 21-Day Rapid Results & Holiday Survival Coaching program.

With Missi’s personal coaching on your side, and access to her diet & exercise program, and a private Facebook group, you’ll finally overcome your bad habits.

So YES, there is still time to achieve your big goals in 2015. And it all starts with Missi’s 21-Day ‘take-you-by-the-hand-and-coach-you’ Rapid Results program.

Click here to see if Missi will let you join her program

PLUS, if you join Missi's private 21-Day coaching program BEFORE midnight tonight, you'll also get exclusive access to a FAST-Start, Rapid Results coaching call this week. But again, that's ONLY if you get started today.

Get Instant Access to the NEW 21-Day Coaching program today

Happy 1st!

Taking care of you all year long,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS – Forget about last night if things went wrong…

…It’s over. There’s nothing you can do about it. Focus on the future.

It’s OK if you get off track once in a while. It’s minor damage that can be dealt with.

Here’s the #TRUTH…

If one pound of fat is 3500 calories, you’d have to eat an extra 7 Big Mac’s to gain a pound. That’s an excessive amount of calories… so don’t worry, you didn’t overeat by 7 Big Macs over the weekend. You didn’t really gain a pound of fat.

Maybe you ate a little more, but it’s the salt and fluid retention that are showing up on the scale. Just get back on track today, drink extra water, avoid sugar, salt and trans-fats today, use my short, burst workouts, and that weight will WHOOOOOSH right off of you. You’ll be back on track in no time.

Click here to get your Fat Loss WHOOOOSH with Missi’s Help

Take a deep breath, forgive yourself the mistakes of the past, and let’s move on to a better day today. Stay strong and push on, I know YOU can do it!