Sunday turned out to be a really crummy day, despite getting off to a great start. I woke up early, did some mobility work, got to the airport early, stayed CASS-Free before my flight, had a high-protein breakfast in the lounge (5 hardboiled eggs, pineapple, apple, tomato juice, water) and everything was going right on time.
Boarded the plane...and then an hour delay. Due to the busy travel season, people were late with connections. We waited, which is fine, but perhaps I stopped drinking enough water.
We arrived in Denver about 90 minutes later than usual and I started to feel a headache coming on.
This has happened about 5-6 times over the dozens of flights I've taken going westward. Some type of jetlag, for lack of a better term. The worst case was in 2009 when I flew to Las Vegas from Toronto. I felt physically ill and had to sleep it off for 3-4 hours.
Most of the time I'm fine...but yesterday wasn't my day.
Things got worse after I got to my hotel, and even after I ate lunch.
Eventually I had to lie down. An hour nap and a shower put me back to 75%.
And a good night's sleep has renewed me to 100%.
But dang. An entire afternoon wasted. I had a lot planned, shopping, groceries, and studying a course.
All I could manage was watching an MLS game. And I don't even like Major League Soccer, but I was feeling too poorly to change the channel...even though I had the remote in my hand, LOL!
Anyways, back on track today.
No training, more mobility, and generally not a lot of heavy lifting this week as I'm taking most of the week off. I will have a heavy session on Thursday and start one more 3-week phase before the end of the year.
Today and tomorrow are CASS-Free. Might also be vegan-paleo both days.
Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
What are you doing today to make tomorrow better for someone else? Focus on what matters, concentrate on what counts, & do good things. In a world filled with darkness, be a bright light. Follow the Golden Rule. Help others. Teach them. Lift them up. Abundance > Scarcity. The more they succeed, the more you succeed. Don’t hold anything back.
Give it,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT