Friday, March 21, 2008

12-Week Transformation Fat Loss Success Stories

Ready for some jaw-dropping, powerful, inspirational Before & After Turbulence Training Fat Loss Success Stories?

Find out...

1) How father of 2, Andy Apsay went from 15% body fat to 10% body fat in only 12 weeks using the Turbulence Training workouts.
Click HERE to read how a busy dad got his abs

2) How Mark Russo built a cover model body in just 12 weeks. He lost 18.5 lbs and and 9% body fat.  

Click HERE for Mark's TT Workout Schedule

3) How the most dramatic Turbulence Training Success Story of ALL Time lost 86 pounds in 7 months, including 25 pounds in the last 12 weeks.
Click HERE for the life-changing TT Success Story

Get started on your own life-changing transformation program with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss today:


Become a TT Success Story today,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Lose 4 inches in 2 weeks with Turbulence Training...

"I have been a personal trainer for four years and I enlisted my buddy to join me in Turbulence Training. Frank had never worked out in his life! He weighed in at 280 lbs. After two weeks, that's
right two weeks, he calls me from the mall to inform me he just purchased a new pair of jeans size 38. I replied, "So what?" Frank said "I've been a 42 since high school....I lost 4 inches in two weeks". After four weeks he lost 17 lbs. and started to notice muscle gain (even his wife noticed the muscle growth)."
Al Aiello, Personal Trainer

"Dear Craig, while I've been a member for about a month now, I can honestly say that you and your tt program and you are great. I have lost 10 lbs. so far. additionally, you are an extremely unique and wonderful person. in the past,you have always been there for me. I can't thank you enough."
Jennifer C.

"In the last 3 1/2 to 4 weeks my body has become much stronger, as well as leaner, with muscle....It's funny some of the trainers at my gym watch me work out and often ask where do I get my workouts from...and my abs are incredible. All I can say is THANK YOU....THANK YOU...THANK YOU."
Avery James

Click here to get started with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss:

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