Saturday, March 22, 2008

Turbulence Training Tornado Workouts to Look & Feel Younger

Here's an out of the ordinary Turbulence Training testimonial from another trainer using the Turbulence Training fat loss workouts with their clients...

"I met you at a seminar in Chicago w/ Grasso, Latif and Osar. Have loved incorporating your TT workouts personally and w/ my clients as well. Great results in less time!

My name is Christi Smith. I am a trainer that coached a team through a contest to "Turn Back the Clock". Turn back the clock meaning lowering your age through our Polar Body Age Assessment Test.

The purpose of the test was not to just lose weight on the scale but to also lose body fat, increase VO2Max, increase flexibility, and increase bicep strength. Those things were included in the test to help each member "Turn Back their Clock".

Time was limited with the 5 members on my team. We had 6 weeks to turn back the clock as much as possible. So I immediately put into place the Turbulence Training system bcse I know it is the "best bang for your buck".

Each of my team members got 2 TT wkouts to do, 3 x's per week w/ a TT Interval wkout for cardio. On early Sunday mornings we got together to do core work and another cardio of intervals.

We took it a bit further in labeling our TT intervals. Craig, you have mentioned that Turbulence Training is like an airplane experiencing turbulence and that it takes the plane alot of energy (calories) to get that plane back to normal. Just like
the body needs after a TT workout, plus increasing metabolism.

So we labeled our TT wkouts after tornadoes (I was flying once and we flew over a tornado and had horrible turbulence) we labeled our TT workouts F1-F2-F3-F4 (after tornado strengths) or HURRICANES! We had a blast labeling our intervals! I would always ask them, "what are you felling now? F3, F4 or Hurricane?" If they could respond
they would yell out their number!

Our team lost 20 years in 6 weeks (one girl lost 8 years total) and we got 2nd in the contest. All of my team members are now younger biologically than their chronological age.

It was a blast to use your TT workouts and especially to see results in only 6 weeks. Our team was in and out of the gym quickly and had more time to play. Other teams spent hours in the gym, watching them do long, slow cardio wkouts!

My team keeps asking for more now even though the contest is over; they of course want to do more!

Thanks for the Turbulence Training system. It really simplifies things and the results are amazing."
Christi Smith
Pro-Motion Sports

Thanks Christi, keep having fun with those fat loss workouts,

Fat burning Turbulence workouts
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