Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sample Turbulence Training Fat Loss Workout for You

Turbulence Training Fat Loss Workout

Let me clear up a little confusion regarding the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts, and then I'll run you through a sample workout from a recent monthly workout for women.

(Note: October's monthly workout will be out soon...and November's workout will be another workout for women - but you can get all of these manuals by getting your TT Membership - a 1-year pass to all my workouts).

A TT client had the following question...

"Are the intervals simply the cardio at the end of the workout or do the intervals include bodyweight exercises?"

Intervals just means the cardio intervals at the end of the workout.

Next question...

"If I'm using the bike for intervals, when and how do I warm-up for those? At the start of the entire workout? When are the intervals done?"

To warm-up for your intervals, use the exact same method of exercise as you plan to use for your intervals. So if you do your intervals on the treadmill, use the treadmill for warmup. Likewise for biking or rowing, etc.

The interval warm-up is done right before your interval workout, but after the strength training. It is best to always do the intervals after the strength workout.

And final question...

"Could you please send me a sample workout outline from start to finish? Sorry to be a bother."

Hey no worries...this is no bother at all.

Here's a sample workout from August's TT for Women 4-Week Home Workout...(don't worry if you missed out on that one, another one is coming in November).

Sample Workout Structure

Here's how a sample workout looks:

Bodyweight Warm-up (this should take you no more than 5 minutes)
Prisoner Squats - 10 reps (then move immediately to pushups)
Kneeling Pushups - 6 reps (then go immediately to lunges)
Prisoner Forward Lunge - 6 reps per side (then go repeat the circuit once more)

Turbulence Training Strength Workout
1A) Step-up (8 reps) 2-1-1
no rest - go directly to:
1B) Kneeling Pushup or Full Pushup (8 reps) 3-0-1
Rest 1 minute.
Repeat this cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

2A) DB Row (8 reps) 2-0-1
no rest - go directly to:
2B) 1-Leg Hip Extension (10 reps)
Rest 1 minute.
Repeat this cycle once more for a total of 2 supersets.

3A) Plank with Arms on Ball (30 seconds)
no rest - go directly to:
3B) Hip Extension on Ball (12 reps) 2-0-1
Rest 1 minute.
Repeat this cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

Torso Training
Can be done before intervals or performed the next day ("rest" day).
Same set, reps, and rest structure as above.

Can be done after Torso Training or saved for the next day ("rest" day).

See your TT manual for specific interval instructions.

Let me know if any questions remain,


P.S. Check out these big new updates...
To my blog. Including the amazing triple TT Transformation in the November 2006 issue of Men's Fitness magazine on page 32. See what happens when a set of triplets goes on Turbulence Training for Fat Loss for 12 weeks...

Visit www.TurbulenceTraining.com for your own copy of TT For Fat Loss.

And click on the topics below to read more about each from my blog.

Bootcamp Workout Blog
Squat Workout: Whats going wrong
Another Fitness Workout Blog to Checkout
How to Maximize Your Metabolism for Fat Loss Workouts
Mens fitness workout success story
7-Day Workout Guideline
Turbulence Training Workouts at Ryan Lee's Seminar
When You Don't Want to Workout
Alwyn Cosgrove's Fat Loss Workout Seminar
Workouts on the Road

fat loss, turbulence training, fat loss workout, workout, mens fitness

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