Monday, February 12, 2018

Denver Intervals are Tough

Yesterday morning I flew from Phoenix to Denver. Had a great nap and it was like a time machine.

Ran some intervals at altitude and learned the hard way that the Mile High City is well named.

This morning I was up early and hit the gym for:

1A) Deadlift
1B) Box Jump

2B) 1-Leg Hip Extension
2C) Abs

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Face up to your struggles, tackle them head on, and overcome adversity every day. Whatever is in your way, you're stronger than it, you're tougher than it, and you're going to beat it.

And this

And this:

No matter what obstacles you are facing, no matter what resistance you are fighting, follow this simple plan to get you back on track and to keep you focused.

Control what you can 
=> Be the best YOU that you can be.
=> Follow the habits of a high-performer (diet, exercise, sleep, breathing, gratitude)
=> Plan, prepare, execute, reflect, improve ... Plan, prepare, execute, reflect, improve... and continue this virtuous cycle every day
=> Action Beats Anxiety & Motion Beats Meditation... Don't get stuck "inside" your head
=> Do the work, for "work is holy"

Cope With What You Can't Control
=> Identify a trigger that gets you back on track... when you start to think about a problem you can't control, go talk to someone (at work) or call a friend on the phone for counsel
=> Go for more walks... you think better when you are moving and away from your work station
=> Diet, exercise, sleep, breathing, and gratitude... => Breathe deeply and slowly to lower your blood pressure and reduce stress
=> Plan and prepare 2 solutions for every obstacle you can expect to come your way
=> Prepare tonight for a perfect morning tomorrow

Concentrate on What Counts
=> Family first
=> Serve your customers, lead your team
=> Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
=> Spend time with good people that do not lead you into temptation
=> Give time, energy, love, and money to others... Get out of your head and give to others

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Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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