Thursday, February 08, 2018

Meathead Back Workout

Ha, last night was so fun.

Bedros and I arrived in Phoenix around 7pm and instead of eating dinner, we went right to the gym and I followed his old school Meathead training plan.

What a blast.

And I also trained conservatively enough to avoid hurting myself!

1A) Pulldown
1B) Seated Row

2A) DB Row
2B) Pullup (Admittedly, I skipped this and did TRX fallouts instead... to protect my elbows... my back was pretty beat by this time anyways)

3A) Funky Hammer Strength Row
3B) Shrugs (while he did BB Rows)

I know, crazy, right?

But good times!

Also here's a new fitness/productivity podcast

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
The #1 secret to amazing all-day energy is to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

Do this for the next 21 days. If you stay up late, stick to your wake-up time and have a 20-minute mid-day nap to make up for it and go to bed earlier the next night. This habit is a key to your success.

Rock on,


PS -

Everything that happens to us – good and bad – is our personal responsibility.

We can blame no one but ourselves for our circumstances in life. We can rely on no one else to save us.

The choices we've made have brought us here, and only the choices we make and actions we take can change our place in life. Accept the consequences of each and everything you do, and commit to doing the right things, right now, for your right life.💫

"Be an ACTION TAKER, not just an info gatherer. Don't talk. Do. Get out of your comfort zone. Fail forward. Take personal responsibility. Those that don't take action will be in the same place a year from now, only older. You are different. You take action. You want a better life, and you deserve it, now go out and get it." – Bedros Keuilian💪

#business #passion #entrepreneur #action

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, indoor
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Image may contain: 1 person, text

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