Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Benching and Ballantyne's Day

Great day yesterday with the team at ETR in our Denver office. Filmed lots of videos and doing more today.

We have a really proactive team and it's so wonderful to have them find the solutions for our problems.

Always hire people smarter than you so that you can stand on the shoulders of giants!

Today's workout was very old-school TT meatheadish...
1A) Bench Press
1B) Band Pull

2A) DB Press
2B) Seated Row

3A) Curls
3B) Triceps

Tomorrow is BALLANTYNE'S DAY. Hurray!

I'll be flying out to Tampa for a couple of seminars and a weekend with Joel Marion and family.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

What's your favorite Tony Robbins quote?

Here are some great ones from my IG friends...

joe_arko - "Raise your standards"

ryanholderman - "People are rewarded in public for what they've practiced for years in private!"

@dofflp - divorce your past and marry your future!

coachjoshmiller - If you can you must, if you must you can.

amberlilyestrom - "Life is not happening to us, it's happening for us."

tabare_sotomayor - "Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more."

PS - And one from Ol' CB:

"Everything you do takes you closer to or further away from your goals"

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