Saturday, December 23, 2017

Pressing and Christmas Dog Greeting

Drove home from Toronto on some messy roads this morning, but it was all worth it to get greeted with ol' Bally The Dog's wagging tail. He's still a little stinker. Missed the old guy.

After sorting through week's worth of mail I hit the garage gym for this:

1A) DB Press

2A) Handstand Pushup
2B) Iron Cross

3A) KB 1-Arm Overhead Press
3B) Mobility

Today's Kickbutt Merry Christmas Mindset Tip:

You've had success before and you'll have success again.

So it doesn't matter what happened in 2017, next year is gonna be even better.

I️f you stumbled... get back up.

If you won BIG, stay humble and play it again better than before.

Tag someone in the comments below that needs this message today.

Believe in them and believe in yourself.

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