Tuesday, December 26, 2017

New Workout and Books and Gratitude

Over the weekend and Christmas Day I spent a lot of time reflecting on 2017, productivity, and training.

The past year was relatively injury-free, but recently my left elbow is slightly sore (seems like medial epicondylitis - golfer's eblow). It won't get better and it's annoying me. Also, my left groin is slightly irritated. Nothing major, but it got me thinking that perhaps I need to adjust my training.

But before I get into that I need to mention one random thing:

"Rogue One" seemed like a pointless movie.

Ok, back to training...

In addition, traveling so much and having busy days filled with early appointments, filming, and flights has disrupted my ability to get to the gym as often as I'd like ... or a gym with the right equipment.

So after yesterday's introspection, and thanks to the power & mobility inspiration from Luka Hocaver's IG account, I've decided on the following for the first quarter of 2018, aiming to enjoy my training, still continue to focus on strength, and get the weight back up to 180, while eliminating nagging injuries and being 'flexible' enough to train anywhere.

CB's 2018 Training Plan

1) 3 days per week of total body training (details below)

2) More yoga (even if most of it is just self-taught)

3) More play, more hiking, more swimming, and more multi-directional running/agility work

Training Day Outline (can be done in supersets or circuit):

1A) Jump
1B) Press

2A) Lower Body Strength
2B) Pull (1B & 2B can be switched out for one another... i.e. on deadlift day)

3A) Hypertrophy move (anything goes!)
3B) Core move (ditto!)

So today's Garage Gym Workout looked like this...

Old-Man Warm-up with a little extra yoga

1A) Prisoner Squat
1B) Decline Pushup

2A) Bulgarian Split Squat
2B) DB Rear Delt Raise

3A) DB Power Shrug (shrug with calf raise)
3B) Power Wheel Ab Pike

That was fun and involved more conditioning than most of my recent sessions. Tomorrow will be yoga and long dog walks. I imagine my calves will be sore tomorrow.

Next... I wanted to share my 2018 Book Wish List...

Here are 10 books I'll read in 2018, including this one about "Captains"...

"The most crucial ingredient in a team that achieves and sustains historic greatness is the character of the player who leads it." – Sam Walker, "The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World's Greatest Teams."

1. The Captain Class - Sam Walker

2. Principles - Ray Dalio

3. Make Today Count - John C. Maxwell

4. Die Empty - Todd Henry

5. The Art of Living - Sharon Lebell ... (reading for the 7th time)

6. Ready, Fire, Aim - Michael Masterson ... (for the 4th time)

7. Breakthrough Advertising - Eugene Schwartz ... (for 2nd time)

8. The Untethered Soul - Michael Singer

9. Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days - Chris Guillebeau

10. Man-Up - Bedros Keuilian (Sept 2018 => ManUp.com)

Here are 10 of my favorites from last year... => https://lnkd.in/dEA5qZZ

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Folks were loving this post on social media today...

"Gratitude is the single most energy producing emotion on the planet." - Dan Sullivan

"Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Piglet noted that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude." - Winnie-the-Pooh

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