Friday, December 22, 2017

Fast Squat Session

Weird day. 

It snowed, but I had several meetings around town. My feet were soaked at the end of the day, haha.

But they actually dried out during my squat session because we're not allowed to wear shoes in the gym.

Anyways, made some nice progress on some projects before the holidays.

Had a meeting this AM and then hit the gym for:

1A) Squats
1B) Depth Jumps

2A) Front Squats
2B) Cable Abs

Then to another meeting.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Don't throw good energy, love❤️, money, or time after bad.

Now having said that, I just realized something...

There is something you absolutely need to "gift yourself" this year.

And that is ... The #1 secret ingredient to success in every area of your life:

It's accountability... But it's not "just" accountability... There's more to it...

"You must have accountability to people that you deeply do not want to disappoint."

This might include God, your spouse/partner, a big brother, a wise sister, a close friend, etc.

I have THREE powerful people in my life that I DEEPLY do not want to disappoint.


Having them there to keep me on track has made ALL the difference in my life.

Do you have people like that in your life?

I'm worried you don't.

But I encourage, no, INSIST that you take massive action to find them.

Sometimes you have to pay money for them.

Sometimes you have to travel to them.

For me, it's both.

And it's worth every minute and every penny.


My Christmas🎄 and New Year's wish for you is that you find these people soon.

Your 2018 ... and your future... depends on it.👊

Image may contain: 1 person, text and closeup

Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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