Monday, November 06, 2017

Cardio and Fun and Inspiration

On Saturday Bedros and I went on a crazy road trip from Phoenix to SoCal. We ate a bunch of junk food, listened to an audio book, and had lots of laughs.

Slipped in an upper body workout yesterday and lower body today.

Then filmed this:

Listen to the latest podcast here where I'm interviewed on how to know YOUR value and vision and values so you live a Perfect Life!


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The New Early to Rise

5 hrs · 

Most people fail to get stuff done not because they don't have morning routines and rituals or even self-discipline. But because they don't know their values, value, or vision for their life.

Find out how to create a Champion Mindset so you can have success in your marriage, your business, and your health, so you can create the wealth you desire and live the life of your dreams.👊💪

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Be good to yourself!

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Craig Ballantyne

Published by Craig Ballantyne · Yesterday at 5:45am · 

If you stumbled, get back up and get right back on track. ðŸ’ª

And if you won big, stay humble and hungry, and remain focused on what matters. ðŸ’¯

Either way, never, ever, EVER give up on what is important to you.💥

#persistence #entrepreneurlife #love #focus



Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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