Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Tuxedo Royale and Deadlifts

Have you watched my Tuxedo video?

It might be my best video ever.

Watch it here.

You can thank Brad Pilon for filming that at a Tuxedo rental shop in San Diego last night. Then I went out for dinner with him and Chris Lopez.

This morning I did a deadlift workout at Fit Athletic, one of my favorite gyms in the world.

1A) Deadlift
1B) Box Jump

2A) Shrug
2B) Lunges

Then I did a workshop with Chris, Brad, and 3 other entrepreneurs.

Great times!

Now off to dinner with Amy and Erik Ledin.

Then tomorrow... the Perfect Life Retreat!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Image may contain: text

Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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