Friday, November 03, 2017

Pushups Near Phoenix

Good morning from Phoenix. Bedros Keuilian and I hopped over here after a great day at Fit Body Boot Camp HQ.

We're speaking at event on Saturday morning right after Tony Robbins, so it's going to be interesting.

Todays' workout was done in my hotel room with a nice view of Camelback Mountain in Scottsdale:

1A) Pushups
1B) Iron Cross

2A) Abs
2B) Wall Sit

200 total pushups... decent endurance.

Today's Kickbuttt Mindset Tip:

LOVE this from one of my top coaching clients.

Please keep sharing YOUR stories on your page, INSPIRING others, and feel free to tag me.

Make it a Perfect Day!

Jason Phillips
2 hrs · Ashburn, VA · 


I just received an email from Craig Ballantyne, a man that I am proud to call a mentor

He sent me a note to tell me how proud he was of me for taking action, and crushing my marching orders from our meetings.

But here's some TRUTH...

It wasn't always that way

In fact, when I told Craig that I wanted to come see him and Bedros in California earlier this year, they were a bit hesitant.

Thats because they remembered JP 1.0.

JP 1.0 had ideas....

JP 1.0 had vision....

JP 1.0 had excitement...


instead, JP 1.0 blamed the world for his failures...

But as I sit typing this, Craig and B would tell you that I am JP 2.0 - the man that takes action, executes, and doesn't accept limits.

I share this with you today because perhaps you have a former 1.0 version of yourself...

Or maybe you are still living the 1.0 version...

Either way, I can definitively tell you that your past or present short comings DO NOT DEFINE YOU.

Your previous failures are learning opportunities

Your current shortcomings are simply an awareness piece of where you need to strategize your personal growth.

But neither are final....unless you allow them to be.

So today the message is simple - YOU ARE LIMITLESS.

You can have and do anything that your mind desires - JUST TAKE ACTION.

Be the 2.0 - and plan the 3.0

I'm with you!

Have a great friday 

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