Saturday, October 07, 2017

Rings and ThanksGivings

So today a guy asked me, "Do you sleep in on weekends?"

I was pretty blunt in my answer:

Beware the slippery slope of sleeping in

You can do it if you want, but understand the consequences 

1) harder to fall asleep Sunday night

2) "sleep-ins" breed like rabbits ... 1 leads to 2, 2 to 4, and the next thing you know you're sleeping an extra 30 minutes later every day and you're behind and feeling anxious.

I did not sleep in last night even though I was up later than normal thanks to an early Ballantyne Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner. We had a huge leg of lamb and good times over at my sister's house, and Bally the Dog was well fed.

So I only got 6 hours sleep, but I also had a tremendously productive morning on a very important project, and so the sacrifice was worth it, and necessary.

And I still had a good workout:

1A) Military Press
1B) Pullup

2A) Snatch-Grip BB Row
2B) Ab Wheel

3A) Ring Row
3B) Ring Triceps Extension
3C) Ring Biceps Curls

Good times at Bang Fitness in Toronto.

I even had one of their Personal Trainers correct my form!

4-Minute Saturday Morning Special!

Enjoy & having a rocking weekend. :)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Stop wasting time and get back to what matters.🔑

☝️Above quote is from #warrenbuffet

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