Monday, October 09, 2017

Bally at the Lake and Craiggy at the Gym

Sunday was an off day and a nap day. I did a lot of work in preparation for my Perfect Life Retreat that is coming up next month.

Also was very fortunate that the gym was open today - Canadian Thanksgiving - (yes, it exists!). I went in and did some deadlifts, and even posted my deadlift on Instagram.

My workout:

1A) Hang Clean
1B) Mobility

2A) Deadlift
2B) Box Jump

3A) Glute-Ham Raise
3B) Pullup

Tomorrow we bench!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." - Robert F. Kennedy

Also, here's my latest podcast:

PS - My sister posted some Thanksgiving photos on FB...

...note: I'm not there with them. I stayed in the city. They are up at the lake.

First Thanksgiving at the cottage. Boating, swimming (for Bally), stair climbing and looking at the fall colours.

— with Marc Doucet and Marlene Ballantyne at Lake of Bays.

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