Friday, October 06, 2017

Mexican and Squats and Bally

Oh man, life is good back in the big city. Old Bally the Dog and I have been doing a few walks around Toronto, and I moved into a new apartment, and I found a killer new gym. Life is really, really good. Fortunately because Life is also really, really simple.

Last night my sister and I, and a few of our friends, took my mom out for hipster Mexican food in downtown Toronto. My old friend, and CTT, J-Roc, was there to join us.

This morning I filmed a lot of videos for the Perfect Day Formula, and then I hit the new gym, Bang Fitness, for a session.

1A) Squat
1B) Box Jump

2A) Front Squat
2B) Glute-Ham Raise

Tonight we're celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving (a little early) at my sisters because they are heading out of town for the weekend... and ol' Bally the Dog is going with them.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Ugh. TRUTH => I wanted to hit the snooze button today... Tired from a late night out with family and friends... BUT...

I have made a few promises to you... 1) I never, EVER hit the snooze button. ... 2) I get up at 4am every day.

And so, thanks to YOUR ACCOUNTABILITY, I stuck to my plan.

Now... If you want to get up earlier, and you need accountability, then you should check out this little Facebook group I'm a part of called the 5am success club.

It's INVITE-ONLY, and here's your invite from me... Go here to apply (don't worry, it's FREE)


The 5am club is led by my good friend and Perfect Life coaching client, Sharran Srivatsaa (he's a big guru in the Real Estate world, and there are a lot of RE agents in the club).

We do a little call every morning at 5am PST to get you fired up for the day. And the call - and the group - hold you accountable to getting up early.

That's it.

Free Club. Free accountability. Free motivation.

Well, it's free ... but just requires your COMMITMENT.

If you're committed to getting up early, and if you need accountability - like the accountability YOU have given me - then it's perfect for you.

See you on the calls and in the 5am FB group!

Go here to apply (don't worry, it's FREE)


PS - Every day a 5am club member makes NOTES on the motivation call, and yesterday, I gave the 5am presentation and she put together this awesome Note Page. Enjoy!

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