Sunday, September 24, 2017

Santa Monica Session

Had a smooth trip in from Atlanta to LAX yesterday. Then walked around Santa Monica, stopped in at Whole Foods, stocked up, and got a good night's sleep. This morning I hit the gym and did a double workout of pullups down at the Santa Monica Rings.

Hotel Gym Workout
1A) Pullup
1B) Face Pull

2A) Neutral Grip Pullup
2B) Cable Abs

3A) Chinups
3B) Hip Mobility

4A) DB Curls
4B) Hip Mobility

Walk to Santa Monica Rings.

Rings Workout

1 set of pullups. :)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Be open. Believe in yourself. Trust the process. Follow your vision. Say no to detours. Do what is right for you and your family, right now, and always. YOU are stronger than you think. 💪

Make it a Perfect Day and an Amazing week.👏


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