Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Montage Meathead

Last night I drove past some California wildfires on my way from Chino Hills to Laguna Beach. I'm doing a private Perfect Life Workshop here today and it's been an interesting journey already.

And a fun meathead workout in a really great hotel gym.

1A) Pushup
1B) Face Pull

2A) DB Press
2B) Pullup

3A) Dip
3B) Rear Delt Raise

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
This was weird. Looks worse than it was at the time. Ties in with the quote of the day...

First, a bit of context... Last night I had to drive from inland California to Laguna Beach. The road took us past some wildfires. It looked a lot scarier than it was... The analogy is that most things in life look scarier than they are... But in order to get to your destination, you have to go through some "weird" stuff, struggles, and challenges.

"Do one thing everyday that scares you." ... I used to think this was silly advice. And then I wondered why nothing - that mattered - was changing in my life. So I opened up. Dove in. Set my ego aside. Faced my fears. And ended up stronger than ever. Time for you to do the same.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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