Saturday, September 23, 2017

Atlanta Squats to LA Flight

Saturday morning was the end of my time in Atlanta.

After speaking at a fitness event, it was off to the airport for a flight to LA.

But first, an odd hotel gym leg workout. The gym was decent, because the Omni Hotel at the CNN center is quite big. One of the neat pieces of equipment was 25lbs straight bar. I loaded up all the weight on it and did two exercises along with one machine movement in a circuit (5 rounds):

1A) Front Squats
1B) Hang Cleans
1C) Leg Curl

It was fun and effective.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Believe in yourself. Trust the process. Follow your vision. Say no to detours. Do what is right for you and your family, right now, and always.

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