Wednesday, September 27, 2017

More Meathead Workouts and Seabass Dinners

Yesterday was a great day.

After a fun meathead workout I had a Perfect Life Workshop private client session at the Montage Hotel in Laguna Beach. It was an amazing location.

Then we capped off the day with dinner at Mastro's near Newport Beach. It's one of my favorite restaurant chains. Dinner was sea bass, baked potato, spinach, and brussel sprouts (which I actually had as an appetizer).

After a good sleep I did a lot of writing today, then a quick workout in Bedros Keuilian's garage gym:

1A) Chinup
1B) DB Lateral Raise

2A) Ab Wheel
2B) Triceps
2C) Biceps

And a short walk.

Now it's off to Vegas in a couple of hours for another great dinner and a big conference tomorrow.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Here's some great advice from one of my Perfect Life Workshop clients. It'll help you become more consistent with your morning routine...

Each night before you go to bed, visualize the next morning...

From the second you get up to the minute you do your morning workout or journaling.

Visualize success.

Visual getting things done on time and sticking to your play.

Visualize the energy and satisfaction you get from the completion of each habit.

Visualize feeling in control of your day.

When you do this visualization at night, your mornings will go 10X better and by 9 a.m. you'll have already won the day.

It's simple yet powerful advice.

Give it a try if you're struggling to dominate your morning routine.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text

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