Friday, September 22, 2017

Day 2 and Meathead Session 2 in Atlanta

Day one in Atlanta was Perfect. I had a workout, a workshop, and an early bedtime and decent sleep.

Today kicked off with another good Meathead workout.

1A) Pushups
1B) Face Pull

2A) DB Press
2B) Mobility

3A) Dips
3B) Triceps Extensions

Tri's should be sore tomorrow.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
How you feel is your decision, your choice.

You choose to feel anger, embarrassment, self-pity... Or joy, happiness, wonder, and gratitude. Yes, others ca, influence our feelings, and yes, we instinctually might feel a certain way when things happen. But you have more control over your feelings and reactions than most people think.

Train yourself to become better, to think better, and to act better. It all starts with a decision in your mind.

PS - And yesterdays' Kickbutt Workshop group!

Thanks to CTT's Brent Neevel and Katie O'Dwyer for being there!

Craig Ballantyne

Another amazing Perfect Life Workshop. I'm sold out for the rest of the year but YOU can be at my BIG event, the Perfect Life Retreat in San Diego on November 9-10. Link in IG bio. #success #businesscoach

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