Sunday, May 14, 2017

Steak and Bench

Ah, just had so many great people, places, meals, workouts, and good times here in SoCal. But now I'm at the airport and off to Denver for a couple of days (and more good times).

The last two days were off (just long early morning walks to do some thinking). And then today I was back in the gym for the first workout of my new program, and I clocked in at about 177 pounds, too. You'll see what was fueling me below. :)

Today at 24 Hour Fitness in Chino Hills I did...

1A) Bench Press
1B) Mobility

2A) Military Press
2B) Mobility

3A) DB Triceps Extensions
3B) Foam Rolling

Tomorrow is a deadlift workout, so I didn't do any back today.

But I was well fueled from this last night...

The Perfect Steak Formula at in Anaheim.

CB (cowboy) rib eye at The Ranch with @bedros_keuilian ... I always order the steak named after me. BTW, why is there no steak emoji?

#perfectdayformula #perfectsteakformula

Over the weekend I met so many great trainers...

Here's one with today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Valerie Skinner with Bedros Keuilian.

And Here I am...Surrounded by GREATNESS. I'm so grateful for Bedros Keuilian & Craig Ballantyne and our killer Mastermind Tribe as they've helped me develop strengths I didn't know I had and a discipline that has helped me create a Life I Absolutely LOVE!

Thank you for helping me uncover the Greatness within so I can continue sharing my gifts with the world. Now more than ever I can clearly see that we can only RISE by Helping Others.

I have so much more room to grow but I'm looking forward to seeing my Vision become a Reality.

But the man NOT pictured here is who I'm most Grateful for: My amazing Husband Chad Skinner who Has ALWAYS believed in me since Day 1 and inspires me to keep fighting for my dreams. I Have SO MUCH LOVE for you. Never forget that.

A Big Hug goes out to all my mentors and fellow Masterminders. You guys GET ME and I will always love you all for that

Get Ready for VAL...Version 2.0 ;) Let's do this!" - Valerie Skinner


I love it.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Had another Perfect Life Workshop while I was there!

Craig Ballantyne
Published by Craig Ballantyne · 18 hrs ·
Amazing Perfect Life Workshop... lives changed, visions created, world domination plans built. So looking forward to their success stories.

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